
Junior Member
Re: HDRkid

hdrkid said:
BTW I live far away from any city in an area where you cannot get cell phone reception. The city is a dangerous place to be; as you will soon find out. That explains why I ask "are you a girl?"

You're guilding the lilly here. You live "far from any city" only if you consider 6 miles outside of a city with a population of 130,000 as being far from any city.

BTW: I'm somewhat familiar with the area...my family is from Seelyville and Terra Haute.


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

To Gonzogirl:
A store owner told me that he saw the slow sales coming, but there is one item that is selling like hot cakes - bullets.

To Darby:
Even back in 2005, I did not see how bad things are going to get. I predicted that house prices might fall 50%. Well, you said doom and gloom, actually reality is far worse. A friend who is a big trader on wall street sold his condo for 1.5 million in 2005. This year in 2008 that same condo was actioned off for $90,000. Even in my worst nightmare I did not see such a thing.

To Numenorean7:
Hold on to your seat it is going to be a bumpy ride.

8 scary predictions
8 really, really scary predictions - Nouriel Roubini (1) - FORTUNE

I Still remember Darby back in 2005 when I predicted that the real estate market would fall like a house of cards. He said that I was crazy and that I should take medication.

Well listen to this.

TAKEN FROM washingtonpost.com
"Housing starts fell in November to a seasonally adjusted annualized rate of 625,000 -- the lowest since the federal government began keeping records in 1960. That represents a nearly 19 percent drop from the month before, and a close to 50 percent drop from a year ago."

I also predicted that GM would go under and the stock market would crash.

The fall of Detroit
The Remains of Detroit - Photo Essays - TIME

TAKEN FROM American economy is in freefall | Business | guardian.co.uk
"American economy is in freefall
The US does not have the generous welfare nets enjoyed by those laid off in Europe, so unless those made jobless can quickly find work the result will be hardship, poverty and the threat of disorder"

Two months ago this man saw what was coming.
We'd Better Brace for Massive Layoffs - Seeking Alpha

Former Comptroller General of US says 56 Trillion debt

WWIII is coming

Record number of foreclosures
Record 10% of U.S. homeowners in arrears or foreclosure - Los Angeles Times

Basically many college-educated pros are getting fired, so they can't pay their home loan. Therefore our current recession is feeding on itself. I predict that soaring unemployment numbers will fuel a new fresh wave of loan delinquencies in 2009, this will further depress property prices causing even more bank failures. Many small business owners tell me that things have never been this bad before. Well, they are going to get worse!

Lets look at what main stream media is saying.

TAKEN FROM Job picture could get even worse - Dec. 5, 2008
"The economy is now deteriorating with frightening speed and ferocity - it's truly horrific," said Bernard Baumohl, chief economist at the Economic Outlook Group. "We'll see significant declines going forward."
"This recession will last through 2009 and into early 2010, and it will probably be the worst period for jobs since the Great Depression," said Baumohl.

Well, what can I say! :)



Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

Interesting that you give all the above info based on current periodicals. And not a single stroke on your HDR's rubbing plate! :D



Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

To nu:
By apartment, do you mean "mom's basement"

My family decide to leave the US in 2005 due to growing concerns about stability of its fragile economy. I did not follow them. Where I live now I know everybody for miles around. When things get bad that will be a good thing. I expect that things in europe will be not be good in the future.

Expect complete collapse to occur soon. What do you think will happen when the government cannot pay police?

To Hartke:
Mainstream media is now reporting what I predicted in 2005. I used Hurricane Katrina as an example of what to expect. The inaction of the government back then surprised many. Well, hopefully this time around people will be more prepared. Nothing like an economic crisis to bring out the worst in people.

Back in 2005 I said that we were heading into a "period of peril" and "time of troubles". Well, we are in that period now and going deeper. I made the comparison with Hurricane Katrina which I called the KAT-astrophe; telling people to learn from kat some valuable lessons on how to survive the coming crisis. The reply back then was to ridicule me, and to deny that anything bad was coming, even now few realize how bad things are going to get. This very year, 2008, debunkers told me that there was no recession; actually, the government now admits that the recession started back in 2007 and that we are going deeper even as we speak. It was as last as in 2007 that the skeptics said that real estate would recover in 2008. I said back then that real estate would become worse in 2008 and even worse in 2009 as banks would fail. Well, here we are and despite a 750 billion bank bailout bill, it is difficult for people to get loans.

My predictions were of a mortgage meltdown, but that was not all. I said that the stock market would crash and told people to get out back in 2005 and buy gold. If you look at the price of gold and the price of stocks you see that those who followed my advice did well since gold went up and properties went down, on the other hand a person that sold their gold in 2005 and purchased property would be wiped out. Many people thought that real estate would continue going up. They laughed at me and called the drop in prices in 2006 a temporary dip. If they had hit the exit button in 2006 they would have lost a small amount of money, but instead many held on, hoping for a recovery that never came and their losses mounted and will become far worse. As we head into 2009 I predict that more and more foreclosed properties will come on the market as people lose their jobs - this cannot be good.

Debunker Darby said that I was a doomsday prophet preaching doom and gloom. I tell you that financial armageddon and apocalypse dow are here.

Ariz. police say they are prepared as War College warns military must prep for unrest; IMF warns of economic riots - Phoenix Business Journal:

The fed cut interest rates to a quarter of one percent - the lowest ever in american history. Yes, this is epic as in EPIC FAIL.
Saddled up and ready, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, are! :(


Re: HDRkid

Come on kid, this thread is supposed to be about time travel, not predictable "predictions".

I mean, we still don't know if the HDR works for real, why don't you talk about this, instead of asking us to believe your predictions.

I'm pretty sure anyway that this HDR stuff can't be real, but I still leave you some chances to talk about it. I would be interested to see you talk about the HDR in a more technical way. Is that possible ?

Also kid, do you know anything about the DrZ of the old days ? This guy was from Quebec, perhaps you could invite him here if you still know how to contact him ?




Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

I use an HDR to see what the road ahead looks like.

I use HDR assisted astral time travel and remote viewing to see future events. What good is knowing about a future event if I do not prepare for it?

The weather forecast tells me what to expect in the future. I will not plan a picnic if there is a 95% chance of rain. Still 5% of the time I would be fine. Do not expect 100% of my predictions to come true...


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

Bush, this man want to give you - THE BOOT!



Active Member
Re: HDRkid


Please tell me about the cool stuff of the future. The financial shit bores me. The doom and gloom shit is boring too.

THings that I like and would like to know more of: Videogames. Computers. Science. Guns. Porn.

THank you for your time.


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid

Hi baudmiksen:

OK, some positive predictions. In the future there will be more nondestructive video games similar to pinball where the object is to move a ball through a maze, but most games in the far future are simulations like simcity where you build things.

Bad guys put more emphasis on cyberwar since many of our things, wealth and objects are virtual, as in a virtual community. Scans of people use biometrics. AI is used to drive cars. Intelligent Agents do you online purchases and taxes.

Many malls disappear as people migrate away from cities and do their interactions online. Work online, shop online, etc.

Less focus on money, power and individual success, more focus on team spirit and health of the community. The groups that help rebuild want to create a society for all, not a few rich.

Religion changes with more emphasis on helping others, making peace, and being one with nature like a mix of Christianity and Gaia. Read the Bible where is says "Woe to the rich", "Pharisees are lovers of money", etc.

John Titor said that people would get TV over the internet. The Youtube revolution was spawned by cheap bandwidth (I pay $10/mo for 16meg/sec) cheap computers (I bought a quad core with 750 gig hard drive for $339) and cheap video cameras. HD movies are standard in the future.

The most dramatic advances are in science, with - flying cars, teleporters, androids, clones before the end of the century on timelines where we avoid WWIII. :cool:

Hi Darby:
TAKEN FROM An ugly, unrecognizable recession - MSN Money
"The repeal of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 -- which brought down the wall separating commercial banking and investment banking -- combined with low interest rates and heightened risk appetites to feed a credit binge that caused U.S. debt-to-income ratios to go parabolic. All of this was unsustainable because it was powered by rising asset values, not income growth."

I believe Jon Markman is right on the mark. We look forward to a frugal future. One based on building rather than destroying. One based on being a producer, rather than being a consumer.

Taken From Financial forecast: 11 bets for '09 - MSN Money
"If 2008 often felt like a nauseating but endurable ride, as government and banking authorities grappled with unseen forces that rocked the investment world, then 2009 will be the year that distress becomes so great that investors actually lose their stomachs. The past year may have been about the loss of confidence, but the coming year will be about the loss of hope."



Re: HDRkid

Hi kid,

To continue this way, what kind of new home video devices are we going to use for movies after blueray ? Are holographic movies with total surround sound the next step in a couple of 10 years ? That would be neat. :)

Also, are we heading to WWIII, or did we avoid it without knowing ?

