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I was in the library actually.

Success at last, I was able to time travel to June 30, 2005 and I saw myself at my new job. Things seemed similar, but I was worried about the economy. A lot of stores were laying people off and gas was super expensive.

It seems that we had not just invaded you know who, YET!.

I think that big event happens next year.

Speaking of time travel, AL BIELEK will be on coast to coast AM with George Noory on Thursday.

AL will be talking about being on the Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment. :unsure:

Hi hdrkid it's frog I was just reminding you could you please answer my private message I gave to you earlier thanks for listening and time and patience and so much more I will be waiting for it patiently! well I will talk with you later on!


First you wanted my address, so you could verify my story; now you want to know what school I attend.
Sorry, buddy, but I don't give out personal information.


I did not get it. Please re-send. Thanks.

Hi hdrkid it's frog I just wanted to say I sent the private message to you once again I hope you you reply back to me thanks for listening and time and patience and so much more I will talk with you later on!


First you wanted my address, so you could verify my story; now you want to know what school I attend.
Sorry, buddy, but I don't give out personal information.

For the record, I simply asked which county you lived in. I could care less WHERE you live. The reason I wanted that info was to ask a relation of mine to simply confirm your story as police keep logs, and 25 units going to one location on a bogus call would be pretty hard to forget.

We both know why you would refuse to give out that info.

Even if you had PM me with that info I would have never told any one else here your location. BUT what I would have done was to either confirm or debunk your story.

I ask if you are attending school. I do not care which school you go to.
Do you consider the fact wether you attend school or not personal information?


Hey why don't you bring your HDR to the news and get the word out on it? You are posting here and unless you are keeping your time traveling on the "down-low" with your friends, why haven't we heard about this in the news or anything? Just seems strange to me, not drawing any conclusions.

More traveling questions:

What if you traveled to an earth with no air and you could possibly die instantly? Would you die? Or would your astral travel automatically bring you back to this timeline?



First you wanted my address, so you could verify my story; now you want to know what school I attend.
Sorry, buddy, but I don't give out personal information.

For the record, I simply asked which county you lived in. I could care less WHERE you live. The reason I wanted that info was to ask a relation of mine to simply confirm your story as police keep logs, and 25 units going to one location on a bogus call would be pretty hard to forget.

We both know why you would refuse to give out that info.

Even if you had PM me with that info I would have never told any one else here your location. BUT what I would have done was to either confirm or debunk your story.

I ask if you are attending school. I do not care which school you go to.
Do you consider the fact wether you attend school or not personal information?

No offence but he has all the right to refues to give out that info. If someone asks him for his personal address he has the right not to tell. What if you are some psychomaniac and want to kill him because he threw out the reality about the HDR? You never know man...the internet is full of criminals.

"After that comes a period where people use teleporters a lot."

Your hoax is still running strong I see HDR!

- Ralan.
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