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No offence but he has all the right to refues to give out that info. If someone asks him for his personal address he has the right not to tell. What if you are some psychomaniac and want to kill him because he threw out the reality about the HDR? You never know man...the internet is full of criminals.

None taken yeyeman. However, that info, in and of itself would have made or broken this sharade. We just have to crack the nut a different way, no biggie.

Ah, yeyeduder, I don't think that thought about killing should have ever been typed. You most obviously do not know me. It's not only insulting, it's far beyond the ken of this one big happy family that we have here. I suggest you quit reading the genere of comicbooks your into, they are warping your attention. Speaking of reality checks, in regards to this placebo, the kid not only has his own blog but this is not the only place he talks about the gizmo.

Sue already went over details regarding 'personal' information long ago.

I repeat myself. I will not provide personal information.

Starlord, you have made many cynical comments about me and the HDR,
and that is the role of a debunker, but the mods have already warned you
in the past about asking people for personal information.

If you don't believe in time travel that's fine, but harassing people on this board is not fine.

Hi Ralan:

It is now possible with current technology to send pictures over the air, this would have seemed like magic 100 years ago. Hint, don't use the first teleportation units they have a lot of "bugs" in them.

Hi TwOmey:

What if you traveled to an earth with no air and you could possibly die instantly? Would you die? Or would your astral travel automatically bring you back to this timeline?

No damage to my astral body, but not sure why there was no air.
I looked around to find clues.

Hey why don't you bring your HDR to the news and get the word out on it?
I will answer this question.

There was a friend of mine who made the mistake of saying he was taking dance class, soon people were asking him if he wanted to become a "ballerina" and if he had bought his toe shoes.

Soon the whole school was laughing at him.

If you don't believe in time travel that's fine, but harassing people on this board is not fine.

Hey fellas, how about we keep this civil? Pretty please. Can I bat my eyes for you? No, you probably wouldn't like that. How about I kiss the next guy that gets ornery? Yeah, that might keep some of the tension down. Play nice fellas. We're just talking here.


P.S. Don't use my post to get all bent. Just play nice. Thanks.

Sure thing Cary, Not a problem. (save your kisses)

Ok kid, I was unaware that the fact wether you attend school is personal information.
Let's look at your situation in a very honest fashion. What you have claimed and what proof you can offer. It is eaxctly like this:

A Scientist claims that he has discovered cold fusion. That, in and of it self would set the scientific world on its ear. Naturally, great interest and the need for empirical proof abounds. All the other scientists are waiting for proof that this claim is factual. Each and every time that scientist is asked for proof to substantiate his claim, pictures of 'equipment' and grand 'stories' about what happens when the equipment is running, accompanied with social commentary in regards to upcoming disasters and obscure platitudes that lead no where and always fail to support the claim . But, no proof, no hard evidence.

How long do you think it would take for the expectant scientists to realize that the claim is false if each time all they have is a story?
What proof have you brought to the table that allows others to honestly judge wether your claim is a valid one?
I am interested to know wether you consider these honest questions brought on by your lack of proof, harassment?

Okay, I'm going to jump in with my 2 cents worth. I hope it helps both sides.

You have always been a model member here. That will never change. We've enjoyed your journal, your willingness to answer questions regarding your travels, your humor and of course your infinite patience. I have a lot of respect for a member like this and I hold you in high regard.

The beauty of the internet and forums is that we can remain anonymous if we wish to. It gives us a security blanket of sorts that we can share information we have without someone knocking at our door or calling us on the phone.

The hazards of the internet and forum is that by being anonymous, a hoax can be played. People can be unknowingly be duped into believing something that is false. Take a look at past TT hoaxers and you can see what I mean. As a side joke, we sometimes kid around that CaryP is actually a 450 lb japanease, onlegged woman! Anonymity is a wonderful thing as long as people are not hoaxed or hurt by it.

When StarLord asked for your location, he was asking for your county. He wasn't asking for your street address, phone number, social security number, or last name. The reason he asked for your location was actually to help YOU prove your story. As I saw it, he was going to research your story regarding the police coming to your house, and simply report that it was infact true. This would give you a huge boost of respect and have others believing you even more.

When StarLord asked if you were in school. He didn't ask which school, or whether that school was jr. high, High School, University, Law School, Med School, Tech college or Beauty school ;) . This isn't personal information, harrassment, or a way to get at you. I don't know why he asked, but my guess is to once again help you get others to believe you.

Now, let's all kiss and make up, be friends and proceed with the thread.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
I repeat myself. I will not provide personal information.

Starlord, you have made many cynical comments about me and the HDR,
and that is the role of a debunker, but the mods have already warned you
in the past about asking people for personal information.

If you don't believe in time travel that's fine, but harassing people on this board is not fine.

Hi Ralan:

It is now possible with current technology to send pictures over the air, this would have seemed like magic 100 years ago. Hint, don't use the first teleportation units they have a lot of \"bugs\" in them.

Hi TwOmey:

What if you traveled to an earth with no air and you could possibly die instantly? Would you die? Or would your astral travel automatically bring you back to this timeline?

No damage to my astral body, but not sure why there was no air.
I looked around to find clues.

Hey why don't you bring your HDR to the news and get the word out on it?
I will answer this question.

There was a friend of mine who made the mistake of saying he was taking dance class, soon people were asking him if he wanted to become a \"ballerina\" and if he had bought his toe shoes.

Soon the whole school was laughing at him.[/b]

There would be no air or anything because that timelines earth would be without atmosphere and air... since there are infinite possibilities surely this would be one. Do you know what would happen?

Also, you are afraid people would make fun of you because you time travel? That is quite different than being a ballerina, since time traveling isn't a gender dominated hobby.



I am reading no comics at all. I am being serious. I am not saying you are a killer nor that anyone in here is, I am just saying that it could happen and it HAS happened. Where people get fooled online, they give their personal info, and end up dead. I certainly don't know you and I have heard you are spiritualist, I am too. So maybe someday we should have a chat regarding those sort of things :).

Hi TwOmey:

There would be no air or anything because that timelines earth would be without atmosphere and air... since there are infinite possibilities surely this would be one. Do you know what would happen?

Perhaps, but even Jupiter and Saturn have an atmosphere. When there is a vacuum far away objects are razor sharp and clear. I do not suggest physical time travel to a world without air. however Astral Time Travel is safe.

Also, you are afraid people would make fun of you because you time travel?

Being make fun of is something I can live with. I can already imagine some of the jokes. In the movies like Donnie Darko people are more open minded. In reality people are put off by anything that is strange or unusual.

I don't want to end up being locked-up. Most authority figures take a very dim view of time travel.

Hi yeyeman9:

Thanks for your advice. I am wondering if there are any bad side effects of being exposed to a strong magnetic field? For example, from an MRI.

Hi Timmy G:

Thanks for your post. I am still trying to figure out how the HDR works.
My hope was that more and more people who own Steven Gibbs HDR would begin to post their experiences and we would start to figure out what causes the effect.

hi hdrkid it's frog I sent you another private message could you please answer that? thanks for listening and your time and patience as well let me know if you got my message or not! I will talk with you later on!
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