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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Tw0mey:

Um this is not physical proof. You are just saying that in a few months gas price will rise, thats a given. Why can't you give us any physical proof. Are you here to entertain us, or to tell us about the real future?
I have learned that simply because something can happen does not mean that it will. We could find a lot of oil next week and the price of oil would drop.
What does this have to do with answering Twoomey's question regarding proof????

Tough times for teens ahead, no jobs except dodging bullets and running over sand dunes. :angry:
Make sure your Draft card is in order kid, the military loves science minded.
Hi CaryP:

Hey HDRkid. How about a stock market prediction say 3 to 9 months out? Give us specifics on stock indexes and their values on specific dates. Some indexes I'd be interested in are the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow 30), S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, S&P 400 (midcap index), and S&P 600 (small cap index). For good measure maybe you could throw in what the 30 yr. Treasury bond price will be. Remember, specific prices of specific indexes on specific dates. Surely the TV's of the future are showing stock market news. Easily verifiable by anyone here on future dates. Thanks if you're game here
Please remember that my TV is not always set to CNN or CNBC. Hearing that Britney Spears is having a baby is more likely than the price of gold.
This is utter nonsense and has nothing to do with Cary's request. The price of gold is ALYAYS LISTED EACH AND EVERY DAY whereas we hardly hear about brittney spears

OH, BTW the pope will die soon, don't believe those stories about how he is getting better. In 2006 I saw kids singing a song called "Now we have a black pope"

It seems that he is from Nigeria.

I know that oil will soon go over $60 a barrel due to "disturbances" in the middle east.
We all know this also because of what has been repoted in the news casts
This sharp increase in the price of oil affects more than just the price of petrol at the pump. Plastics/ go up also. Transportation becomes more expensive, etc.
This is an obvious observation. Oil goes up EVERYTHING goes up

I believe that the price of gold also goes up. This is tied to people panic over events after the war in Iran.
This is also known by everybody.

However, on the line where Kerry was elected, we are now getting ready to leave Iraq, and there is no war with Iran. The date of final pullout was delayed to 2007 on the Kerry line due to problems within the elected Iraqi gov.
YO!!!! BUCKO!!!! PAY ATTENTION!!! What can you predict about HERE IN THIS LINE, not the line downtown, not the line around the corner where a frog is God, This Line
But the price of oil on that line is less than here. Also, less unemployement and people feel more safe, no more Orange alerts or body searches in airports. :)[/b]

THIS LINE, this life, these people , this world, not your stories, not your fantasies kid. Here in this real world. Can't you see how this makes you look so very foolish? People have been asking you about here and you start talking about some other world.......

Hi Starlord:

I said that gasoline would become very expensive this year.

Look at this -


Yes, things are bad, but I wanted people to know that if we had voted for Kerry there would be plenty of jobs and no war in Iran.

Now people are saying that the war in Iran is inevitable.

Funny, last year they were saying that there would be no draft and no war in Iran.

These other timelines are not fantasies,
they are places were the people made
other choices, like spending money
on new roads instead of bombs.

My suggestion to you Starlord is that you invest in one of these.

Geez fellas, lighten up! I find the demand for stock market, oil and gold prices distastful. Also, the possibility exists that divulging that information could in itself affect the future prices. Why not politely ask for some more definite verifiable prediction? He already gave us one..the possibility of a black pope within a year. If HDRKid was here to tell you your future he would be in the predictions thread. I believe the initial posts were to discuss the HDR and its applications. I enjoy reading HDR's posts. If I were a time traveler under such a barrage, I don't think I would be very cooperative.

Hi hdrkid it's frog once again sorry to have disturbed or bothered you once again but I sent you another private message please answer it if you can thanks for listening and time and patience and so much more!


I'm curious. You mention things getting rough for young people and a war with Iran by 2006. How does the war turn out? Is there a victory against Iran? What happens after Iran? Thanks ahead of time for your answers.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Hi Starlord:

My suggestion to you Starlord is that you invest in one of these.

Kid, If you're close enough for a nukealert to register do you think it matters knowing about it? Did you think that knowing about how manny RADs one has would change the chances of surviving?


You may have answered this question already and I just missed it as this is quiet a long thread, but is there anyway you can limit your information to events that pertain to this timeline? For example, any information about the future of a timeline in which Britney Spears is Empress of North America while entertaining is actually very moot. Your other examples about gas prices and a black pope are things that are already well known as possibilities. Is there anything that cannot be reasonably guessed at, that will come to pass?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"magicfriend\")</div>
Geez fellas, lighten up! I find the demand for stock market, oil and gold prices distastful. Also, the possibility exists that divulging that information could in itself affect the future prices. Why not politely ask for some more definite verifiable prediction? He already gave us one..the possibility of a black pope within a year. If HDRKid was here to tell you your future he would be in the predictions thread. I believe the initial posts were to discuss the HDR and its applications. I enjoy reading HDR's posts. If I were a time traveler under such a barrage, I don't think I would be very cooperative.[/b]

Magicfriend, I could be mistaken here but it is my understanding that the kid when Astral Traveling, has never been to our time line. The stories are always about other timelines. This would be an excelent question for the kid to clarify if he has ever seen our exact time line?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"magicfriend\")</div>
Geez fellas, lighten up! I find the demand for stock market, oil and gold prices distastful. Also, the possibility exists that divulging that information could in itself affect the future prices. Why not politely ask for some more definite verifiable prediction? He already gave us one..the possibility of a black pope within a year. If HDRKid was here to tell you your future he would be in the predictions thread. I believe the initial posts were to discuss the HDR and its applications. I enjoy reading HDR's posts. If I were a time traveler under such a barrage, I don't think I would be very cooperative.[/b]

Hey magicfriend,

I wasn't "demanding" anything. Just trying to give HDRkid an opportunity to tell us about something from the future in an easily verifiable way. Also, future prices of financial markets are quite the same thing as predicting catastrophic events, terror attacks or wars. Putting future prices of stock indexes or other assets here wouldn't do jack to affect future prices. The markets are way too big, and I doubt any of the serious players in those markets would trade based on predictions of someone claiming to have astral traveled to the future. Hell, I'd be amazed if any of the traders even come to this board. I wasn't attacking, but merely trying to help the "kid" and not demanding anything.


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
THIS LINE, this life, these people , this world, not your stories, not your fantasies kid. Here in this real world. Can't you see how this makes you look so very foolish? People have been asking you about here and you start talking about some other world.......[/b]

Exactly... these "other timelines" are not our timeline, lol, same events don't happen, therefore they can not be considered the future for us.
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