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Hi HDRKid and all post-ers on this board. I haven't been on much to write because I've been Christmas shopping for my little cousins and my family members. I'm doing it a little early this year but it's all good. Trying to avoid traffic, shopping lines and angry people this holiday season. hehe Anyway, on to time travel and other good stuff. I have some questions and comments to a few post-ers and HDRKid.

I have three pendants now one is for interdimentional travel and telepathy and the other two are just plain or normal ones I haven't used the first one but I plan too later.
Hi frog186, what are these pendants? And how are they used? Were they expensive? Did you buy them online like on eBay etc.? They sound really cool. Maybe you could post some pictures of them on here. If they help with time travel I would like to get some too. I'm particularly interested in the "Interdimentional Travel" one. It sounds really cool.

I read an article in a magazine about small discs about the size of postage stamps on which holograms of data are etched. supposedly now they can store up to 10 gb and they are working on getting them up to 40 gb (so they can store DVDs) before they are released to the public. are these kinds of discs popular in the near future? should I stop buying CDs and just download all of my music in preparation for this transition (lol)?
HI Draak, wow, these small discs sounds really cool. The size of a postage stamp huh? 40 GB's for a DVD? A DVD holds more like 8.5GB unless you?re talking about the new High definition movies soon to come out on blue-ray discs?!?! Yep, I think that is your best bet. Have a back up copy of all your music so you burn them on these new discs. By the way, did the article tell you when they will come out and how much they'll cost?


Hi HDRKid, good to talk to you again. I love reading your replies because they are so informative. So keep up the good work, because I know you inspire many of us on this forum.

I'm not sure if I might buy the HDR for Christmas or if I should wait for the STM and TT to come out. Any news on the release date on Gibbs' "Space Time Modulator" and "Time Transposer"?

CDs are still available in the near future, just like VHS is available now,
but less and less so. CDs scratch and skip. Crystal memory does not have
these problems. Also the blueray DVD has problems.
My car Cd-player reads MP3 and my boombox at home reads MP3 and I also have a portable CD-MP3 player so as you can see I can burn 13 albums on 1 CD and listen to it where ever I go. But recently I've stopped burning mp3 cd's since I download so much on the net and it?s hard to organize and burn them all, so for now I'm just storing them on my hard drive. So what are the crystal memory discs you talk about? And when will they be released?

I think the best hard drive to have is an external USB 500GB or even a 1TB hard drive because if your internal hard drive malfunctions and you have to get a new one you lose all your info., music, movies etc. that you've been storing over the years. Also if you re-install Windows from scratch you lose all your data. And with an external USB drive you can connect it to any computer and your have your data available unlike switching an internal drive to a new computer and having to reformat because the motherboard won't read it.

I think you need to learn or ask IT to learn you to communicate using telepathy.
Telepathy is used in the far future, like a cell phone is now. Also used to communicate with machines.
I think telepathy is pretty cool but it can also get out of hand if not used constructively. For about a year now, sometimes I can communicate telepathically with strangers on the street. But nothing big, just short phrases that come thru when I look at someone. Also there are these two entities from another time line that send short phrases to me, but I know they are in another dimension because I have given them my cell number and have asked them to call but they haven't been able too so I guess they are in another time line. It's all good fun and all but I've noticed they have taken alot of time away from me and therefore I'm slowly diminishing communication with them. As well as with people in the streets. It just feels weird doing it and I've noticed that the communications get shorter and shorter so you can say my ability is becoming less and soon won't be anymore. I guess a year in all is the length for this ability. It may vary with different people but just thought I'd share my experience with you since it came up on topic. But I'm glad it's ending since I don't want to do it anymore.

On to the good stuff. I have some comments and questions for HDRKid:

We currently have hybrid cars, that is a step toward all electric cars, the problem is that batteries are tooooo heavy and take tooo long to recharge. In the future the store electrical energy in these devices that are small and compact, also the conversion loss is lower than with a battery.

1- Yes we do have hybrid cars but I wouldn't spend money on them because they run on more gas than solar. By the way when do you see true hydrogen fuel cell cars coming out into out time line?

2- How fast will they go? And will we have a hydrogen fuel service station instead of gas? How much will it be to fill up a tank of hydrogen?

Room temp superconductors make it possible to transport cheap electrical energy from hydro projects in Canada to the US.

3- What kind of superconductors are these? Is that what future businesses will use, cheap electrical hydro energy?

And yes that was a good question about what toy and gadgets are used in the near future?
Some are already out like a color map with GPS, 3D HDTV, videophone, but they become more common, others like portable holo movie players are still in the lab.

4- I need color map GPS for my car but I'm waiting for the prices to come down. ;-) Videophones are out but not for cell phones yet. I haven't seen 3D HDTV out yet?!? What is a portable "holo" movie player?

Most gadgets involve computer power, like voice recognition for video games,
and small robotic lawnmowers that cut grass, but not your lawn ornaments.

5- Yeah, there?s alot of things that are centered around a PC but that are not truly portable yet. I haven't seen robotic lawnmowers. But I have seen small vacuum robots that vacuum carpet, wood and tiles for about $250.

Clothes has microchips in it so it can change color, glow, even display ads!

6- Where have you seen these? As far as I know the only microchip in clothing I've seen are a few snowboarding jackets that sell for about $400 that have some buttons (like play, stop, forward and reverse) for the IPOD music player. I have seen nano-pants that are stain proof. And www.haggar.com has some new clothing that is stain, shrink, and odor proof. Where do they sell the ones that change colors and display ads? Or was that something you saw with your HDR?

Smart tires allow a car to drive over ice, snow, puddles without problems.

7- Yep I've seen these. Any info. on some that auto-repair a flat?

The near future looks a lot like now, but in 50 years, on lines without WWIII,
there is a shift in architecture, things look more smooth and sleek, not as ornate.

8- What kind of things? Everything smaller I hope?!

Houses look like office buildings, lots of glass and square shapes, furniture is skeletonized and angular with a harsh metallic finish.

9- What is skelentonized? Anything like the hovering homes from "The Jetsons"???

MP3 will be replaced by more efficient methods of compression and DVD by crystal storage, no moving parts.

10- No moving parts is good because then you can drop the player and it won't break right? What will MP3 be replaced by? And when will this compression format be out? Hey, thanks for reading all of this and hope you can answer most of my questions.


By the way for those of you who would like to build a large collection of music albums for about $1 per album, here is a site I use to download full albums from: ************************** The reason they don't get sued for selling new and pre-released stuff is that this company is located in ******. They have really really good stuff that you can't find in warez sites. Everytime I do a search I find that they have the album. Let me know if any of you like it? Thanks!

Bluefreeze :)

<span style=\'color:red\'>Mod Edit - while I believe you wanted to help others, this company maybe considered \"shady\" at best and we do not want to promote something like this. I hope you understand.</span>

Note: They are a bit shady in the sense that they aren't located in the US however I get my music from them and never had a problem paying or receiving their music. If anyone is still interested just pm me. Thanks and sorry about the link!

Originally posted by hdrkid@Nov 13 2004, 04:08 AM
Hi Ruffneck:

Here it is \"Empire Strikes Back\", not \"EMPIRE\"
EBS was OK, but EMPIRE is about how Palpatine, the emperor,
rises to power with Darth Vader at his side.

That movie does not get made, instead we have
revenge of the Sith.

i realise that , but every star wars fan calls empire strikes back 'empire' now , it would cause too much confusion if a new star wars movie came out just called 'empire' , do you understand? - no way this would happen dude

Hi Ruffneck:

On our line Shark Tales was formerly Shark Slayer,
so changes are made to movie titles.

ESB was a great movie with ice planet of hoth.

Hi Bluefreeze:

1- Yes we do have hybrid cars but I wouldn't spend money on them because they run on more gas than solar. By the way when do you see true hydrogen fuel cell cars coming out into out time line?

No H2 cars, in fact, on a jump to 2052 they were still using gasoline!

2- How fast will they go? And will we have a hydrogen fuel service station instead of gas? How much will it be to fill up a tank of hydrogen?

On some lines cars have been converted to use methane, instead of gasoline.
It seems that there are large deposits of natural gas that will be discovered in the future. On one timeline the two large deposits are the WATARAN gas field off the coast of Newfoundland near the grand banks, and KAFRAN gas field off the coast of Texas. The WATARAN contains 10X the oil of Saudi, and the KAFRAN 3X the oil of Saudi, but much of product is in gas form, so the US switches to natural gas.

Room temp superconductors make it possible to transport cheap electrical energy from hydro projects in Canada to the US.

3- What kind of superconductors are these?

They work at high temperatures with ZERO energy loss. Remember direct current DC was replaced by alternating current AC, because of transmission loss, now with high temp supercond we can send energy literally around the world in DC form.

Is that what future businesses will use, cheap electrical hydro energy?

Since hydro is dirt cheap it replaces most coal fired plants. The prob now is transmission loss so power plants are built close to cities.

And yes that was a good question about what toy and gadgets are used in the near future?
Some are already out like a color map with GPS, 3D HDTV, videophone, but they become more common, others like portable holo movie players are still in the lab.

4- I need color map GPS for my car but I'm waiting for the prices to come down. ;-) Videophones are out but not for cell phones yet. I haven't seen 3D HDTV out yet?!? What is a portable "holo" movie player?

Holographic devices will exist in the future with 3D photos. We are now working on 3DTV.

Most gadgets involve computer power, like voice recognition for video games,
and small robotic lawnmowers that cut grass, but not your lawn ornaments.

5- Yeah, there’s alot of things that are centered around a PC but that are not truly portable yet. I haven't seen robotic lawnmowers. But I have seen small vacuum robots that vacuum carpet, wood and tiles for about $250.

Expect more and more devices like that.

Clothes has microchips in it so it can change color, glow, even display ads!

6- Where have you seen these?

Clothes that changes colors will become maxpop in clubs.

As far as I know the only microchip in clothing I've seen are a few snowboarding jackets that sell for about $400 that have some buttons (like play, stop, forward and reverse) for the IPOD music player. I have seen nano-pants that are stain proof. And www.haggar.com has some new clothing that is stain, shrink, and odor proof. Where do they sell the ones that change colors and display ads? Or was that something you saw with your HDR?

We have the technology right now to do it. Surprised it is not out yet.

Smart tires allow a car to drive over ice, snow, puddles without problems.

7- Yep I've seen these. Any info. on some that auto-repair a flat?

We have that right now. Self healing tires are the pipe.

The near future looks a lot like now, but in 50 years, on lines without WWIII,
there is a shift in architecture, things look more smooth and sleek, not as ornate.

8- What kind of things? Everything smaller I hope?!

A toaster be like real smooth and buko blang.

Houses look like office buildings, lots of glass and square shapes, furniture is skeletonized and angular with a harsh metallic finish.

9- What is skelentonized?

Metallic skeleton, pipes, wires and stuff.

Anything like the hovering homes from "The Jetsons"???

In the far future there be "floating cities" according to Al Beilek.

MP3 will be replaced by more efficient methods of compression and DVD by crystal storage, no moving parts.

10- No moving parts is good because then you can drop the player and it won't break right?

More compact, smaller, CD makes the player chunky. Crystal players are like real small.

What will MP3 be replaced by?

Maybe ATI Audio Technology Interface. On some lines might be AIT. Same difference.

And when will this compression format be out?
There are royalty-free audio codecs out now. Like Ogg Vorbis, more will follow.

Hey, thanks for reading all of this and hope you can answer most of my questions.

Hi Sammy:

Was that the line of people who played in empire and hat did the timeline with empire look like.

I have trouble with the question, but will try to answer it.

1) Each timeline is slightly different from all other timelines.
Names of movies different, actors different, even plot is different.

2) There are many timelines where George Lucas has Star Wars movies.
On most we have R2D2, Princess Leah, Han Solo, etc.

3) On some timelines we have other actors playing Anakin Skywalker,
and the lines are a bit different, but the movie is almost the same.

Originally Geroge Lucas wanted Anakin Skywalker to be very good and become very bad. Since there is very little chemistry between Natalie Portman & Hayden Christensen he could not develop a romantic relationship, so Lucas decided to make Chris a badass early.

This skews the orig storyline and create a nasty Vaderesq manboy.

We do not see a twisted monster Darth Vader remembering when he was a small blond little boy playing in the sand with his friends. Vader never realizes the monster that he has become.

On another timeline, James Van Der Beek was Anakin Skywalker, and James had great chemistry with Natalie Portman, so the story was developed where Ben Kenobi steals Anankin's wife. All the love that Anakin had in his heart now turns to hate. He hates the Jedi and sets out to destroy them.


what was the one called with james van beerk and christan slayter and you don't remembered who played owen lars in that line.

Hi HDRKid.

Thanks for answering all ten questions. Lots of them were quite interesting. I gotta say using Steven Gibbs' HDR for astral travel sounds quite interesting. But besides astral travel I just heard Art Bell last night from Coast2CoastAm and he had a theoretical physicist named Dr. Fred Alan Wolf who talked about time travel, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers for the last 3 hours of last night's show. The conversation was quite stimulating and the guest said that scientists right now are working on time travel devices that will be invented in the 21st century. As well as quantum computers in the next 10-20yrs. And true artificial intelligence 5 years after that.

He said that the first kind of time devices would allow one person to jump in and be turned on for a few minutes and then the person would step out 10 years younger which isn't true time travel yet, however some time after these types of rejuvenation devices we would go on to invent real time travel where a person in a device would disappear from our time and be physically tranported to the past or to the future. He also talked about paradoxes being solved since there are a great number of parallel worlds within our own.

There is more about this on the C2CAm website along with Dr. Wolf's website at: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/11/13.html If any of you are really interesting in a downloadable version of this show and are not C2C streamlink members just pm me and I'll send all 4 hours (4 files) of the show to you. Each file is 14.5mb so it's not that large.


Hi Sammy:

I do not know who played Owen Lars or Emperor Palaptine.
Even with a lot of makeup the voice stays the same.

Here is an interesting link:
It says that George Washington was not the first president.
Perhaps I have jumpped to another timeline.
In school they said GW was 1st pres. :)


Hi BlueFreeze:

Thanks for the coast2coast link.
Yes, AI, Quantum computers, and nanobots
are near future developments.

We need a machine that is more accurate than Steven Gibbs HDR.
One where we can jump to an exact date and timeline.

Perhaps people on this bard can come up with ideas to make the HDR more accurate. I have found that I can boost the range of the HDR by using it with a Tesla coil, but at the price of greater inaccuracy.

Steven Gibbs says that using a large bar magnet connected to the HDR Electromagnet helps.


Any news on the release date on Gibbs' "Space Time Modulator" and "Time Transposer"? I noticed the "Time Transposer" on your HDR website, so you probably know when Gibbs' will release it right? And price? By the way, are these two devices portable (using a battery instead of the AC outlet?!)?


P.S.- Yes, these time devices being worked on by scientists are more acurate and are gonna be tested for physical time travel. However, I don't think the general public will get a hold of one for quite some time.

I think I can explain the confusion around 2012 and why it's blocked off.
According to the mayan calendar the world ends on december 2012.
Well,in a way that's true....3rd density level earth will end for some people(minority).They will move to a 4th density earth on dec. 2012.
3rd density earth will continue for the ones who still need to live
on a 3rd density planet and learn the lessons available on 3rd.
This has happenned many times before...that's why the mayans disapeared...
they moved to 4th.
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