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lol i to have had some pretty nasty visions but understand em and know alittle about whats coming and know how everyone having these visions are seeing little glimpses of reality and if u where to put em all together u would see big picture.

what i do try to avoid doing is letting my ego take control i dont care if people beleave me or not and therefor not likely to exsagirate or lie about my visions, i tend to throw em at back of mind yes brings the issues at front of mind when see news and everything fit in place but i dont live my life by them, some of people on forums seem to let these visions get to them and change the way they see things changes the way they even think about little things as see it in so much detail they become paranoid of it or over enthusatic to lie to gain peoples beleif and to try and make what they see fit into place.

the way to handle visions is keep em into consideration and dont let them change your life.

why would people here be bragging about em when they know they could always be wrong, why would people here even bring up their visions unless they wanted to get noticed, with timetraveling comes responsibility you should always be aware of what damage u are doing by telling people.

unless ur an eresponcible timetraveler you wouldnt be giving so much detail on the cases(not tht hdrkid goes into detail), if u have the power of timetravel why would you want fame and why would u want people to use it if ur fully aware or atleast alittle aware of the dangers.

Hi Hellrazor:

You said "lol all stuff u predict can be found in a newspaper many hints in the news aswell, the other predictions u came up with are copyed off other people. "

If one hundred people report a car accident the reports should be very similar, that does not mean that they all copied off each other.

Hi Twomey:

Is there any possibility of video taping your time traveling experiences?
Pictures and videos of the HDR in use are on HDRusers.com

Hi Chenoweth:

HDRkid, have you seen a future where Jeb Bush is president in 2008?
Jeb Bush has a lot of skeletons jangling in his closet.

No, most time travellers have seen Hellary Clinton as president. I saw her, and she was if possible, even more incompetent than the bush.

I believe that Hellary carried Clarke as VP.

On the line that Kerry was elected president in 2004, he was re-elected in 2008.

On no line did I see Edwards or Dean as president, something major happens between now and 2008.

Big events will happen in both 2005 and 2006. I have seen buildings destroyed and widespead panic.

I believe that martial law will be imposed shortly after bush signs the draft.

Originally posted by hdrkid@Dec 28 2004, 01:14 PM

I believe that martial law will be imposed shortly after bush signs the draft.

Is there an age cut-off on this draft, or is it just any physically-abled man or woman?

I'm just curious since I'll be turning 31 in a couple of months and wondering if I'll be subject to the draft. I don't mind serving, just wanting to plan ahead of time.


The last summary of the National Service Bill in Congress now (that I've read) can draft both men and women between the ages of 18 and 34. When a person registers for "service" they have to list all skills and training. Medically trained people can be drafted up to age 44. People can be drafted for both civillian (Dept. of Defense, Justice Dept., Homeland Security) and traditional military positions. I have no idea as to the minimum time to be served once drafted. Get ready.


Hdrkid if 100 people reported a car accident then they would also be influnced by what people tell them to do or unconsciously suggest them to do, for example if someone came up to u on street and said there was car accident u would go on and tell authoritys or someone else but your story would be what u was influnced to beleave.

influnces can work in many ways.

Hi! I am new to the forums. I don't know if this has been aswered before or not, but I will like to know (noob question coming) what is HDR? Is it some sort of thing used to time travel or what? Can I time travel?? Thanks for your time on answering my questions. I definitely have some questions regarding the future, who does not right?, hehe. Anyways thanks a lot once again :).


Yes i understand your point about being 'time-locked', Its a danger but still doesn't effect the balance between astral and physical.

I have heard of people failing to return.

It makes you wonder however, why some people don't return, where as people like Carl can make 100s of physical trips via the HDR and not get triped up.

Not only this but Carl used artificial grids to jump. This increases the risk factor even further.

this means either

a.) Carls lying.
b.) Hes more adept to saftey procedures.
c.) He's one insanely lucky guy.

As far as i know, hes the only person so far that has breached the 3000AD date. he does this with 2 hdrs. Not only is he stretching the time cords to the max, but he's doing this via artificial grid points. Even steven gibbs seems to be surprised by his unscaved safety record. I have spoken to him about this.

It could be that radionically you have to be specific. If the unit isn't programmed just right. It won't perfrom right.

Also if you go back and study 'Wars' and 'civil wars' etc, your going to dangerous times. Its just as likely your friend was intercepted or events of the time were to blame as aposed to HDR failure.

Also I've been warned that touching or being in the presence of anything emitting a strong electrical current can cause time locking, disrrupting the fields around the body.

Me personally, i cant understand why anyone would (knowing of the risks) want to go back to a time of War. Where there is a strong possibility you may end up staying there.

kind regards,

P.S. Hdrkid, check your email. If you have the email address of the person concerned can you gove it to me.

Also there is a new thread i set up on Opmmurs forum.

Hi Olly:

Thanks for the info.
Perhaps people who can go physical can bring a few items from the future.
That should clear things up in a hurry.

Hi yeyeman9:

The HDR is known as the Hyper Dimensional Resonator invented by Steven Gibbs.
It is a radionics machine that I use for astral time travel.

Hi CaryP:

I believe the first wave of draftees will be to age 26, but I could be wrong.

Hi Tw0mey:

The man who sells HDR machines on Ebay posted a link of the HDR in use. He made a clock go backwards. I will try to find the link.
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