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Posted by HDRkid:
Hi CaryP:

I believe the first wave of draftees will be to age 26, but I could be wrong.

Actually I heard that the strategy will be to draft older people first. The younger ones will remain eligible longer. We'll see what happens. Ain't gonna be good however they pull this thing off.


And how can I use it? More likely...how can I time travel my self? Also...can you time travel to any year you want? Thanks for your time. And sorry I have so many questions, but time traveling has been my dream since I first saw Back To the Future :).

PS. Do you have any instant messengers?


Hi yeyeman9:

I read somewhere that there is a 500 year limit backwards and forwards with the HDR.

Also, before I started using the HDR with the Tesla coil, it was hard for me to time travel more than a few years forward or backward.

There appears to be something blocking the years 2010-2015 and some dates are easier to travel to than others. For example, it is easier to go to the 1950's than the 1980's.

Perhaps this has to do with the Montauk Project.

Also, in my travels beyond 2020 I have seen many scenes of global devastation. :(

Personally, I like to use the HDR to go to the 1920's and see the old cars. :)

Thats awesome. Lets just make it a little bit interesting, you think you can go to like...I dont know 2005, and let me know how the Playstation 3 and Xbox 2 look like? Or 2006 even? That would be awesome :P. Also, can you bring stuff from the future/past? Again, do you have instant messenger? See you around and thanks man!

PS. How can I time travel myself?


Hi it's frog once again I just wanted to say I have two questions for you so here they are and thanks for being cool and such with answering questions and so much more:

1. Other than the nuclear war that might happen will there be anymore then that?

2. In the near and further future will people of the public be able to time travel themselves or will it become private?

thanks hdrkid for listening and so much more and thanks for putting up with all of the questions I ask you I am still waiting for a reply message on the forum I gave you a couple of days ago thanks once again let me know when you can reply back to me!


You are right about the HDR having a limit for physical travel. Its 600 years though (forward or back).

I think in terms of physical travel, a tesla would help. Many people have achieved very good results without though.

You can't visit 2012-15 but you can go around it.

Steven gibbs now says that the 80's (physically) is a no goer. There is something about this time that has meant people are blocked from it.

You are probably correct, this is something to do with montauk. From what i remember the whole timeline shifted to a certain degree after montauk linked with 43' then got shut off.

In our timeline now, the philadelphia experiment technically never happened.

Though i may have got this wrong.

can i ask you a question about the HDR? and astral travel?

when you astral project your self you do not have a physical body if this is so how are you able to carry the HDR with you to time travel if you have no physical body?

i am new to these forums and have a very open mind about these things i have read these post so far and find them quite fascinating on the thing you can do with time travel, it's still hard to belive that time travel is possible.

also another question about time travel, if you die in this line what will happen to your other selfs? when you die you leave your physical body, so what will happen to the other yous in those time lines aswell? will they die also? how can the other you co exsist in the spiritual world at the same time? unless there are many spiritual world realities where your selfs exsist. just like there are many physical realities too.

another point i would like to make i knew that one day we would invent flying cars, but it's a shame that they are not in our time line, unless they could be invented in our time line.

another question, if the world was going to end in our time line would it be possible for people who can time travel to escape these events by traveling to another time line and staying there?

do you belive that our future is preditirmined for us? or are we able to change what happens to us in the future if we knew about it?

have you ever tried to use the HDR to see your future? or see your own death?, or if you are going to get married things like that?

i thinks thats all the questions.

Originally posted by yeyeman9@Dec 29 2004, 06:20 PM
Thats awesome. Lets just make it a little bit interesting, you think you can go to like...I dont know 2005, and let me know how the Playstation 3 and Xbox 2 look like? Or 2006 even? That would be awesome :P. Also, can you bring stuff from the future/past? Again, do you have instant messenger? See you around and thanks man!

PS. How can I time travel myself?

thats a good one, even better if he could tell us how we play computer games in the future. or what the games look like or tell us some some games that are going to be released.

When you travel astral, You're not really using your 'physical body', More so a metaphysical exstension of it. Personally i would still class this as a physical component of the body. Only it works on a different plane of existance.

The HDR helps to induce astral travel. You don't need to have it on you, because technically you leave. you dont need an HDR unit to time travel astrally.

another question, if the world was going to end in our time line would it be possible for people who can time travel to escape these events by traveling to another time line and staying there?


also another question about time travel, if you die in this line what will happen to your other selfs? when you die you leave your physical body, so what will happen to the other yous in those time lines aswell? will they die also? how can the other you co exsist in the spiritual world at the same time? unless there are many spiritual world realities where your selfs exsist. just like there are many physical realities too.

Theres some good threads like this on the Time travel Institute Forum, dealing with peoples opinion on the implications of time travel, worldlines and souls etc.

You might want to check out that forum too.

kind regards,

thanks for that i whish i could get one now maybe i would be able to get away if the world ended.... and about the HDR so you don't take it with you it stays behind, i see. it's there to induce time travel with astral projection, would you also be able to use it just for astral travel? becasue i have a hard time trying to do astral travel at will.

Hi yeyeman9:

I read somewhere that there is a 500 year limit backwards and forwards with the HDR.

Also, before I started using the HDR with the Tesla coil, it was hard for me to time travel more than a few years forward or backward.

There appears to be something blocking the years 2010-2015 and some dates are easier to travel to than others. For example, it is easier to go to the 1950's than the 1980's.

Perhaps this has to do with the Montauk Project.

Also, in my travels beyond 2020 I have seen many scenes of global devastation.

Personally, I like to use the HDR to go to the 1920's and see the old cars.

There is no limitation on ther soul open your mind to see the earths calling tune your self into ever aspect through clear mind and control of the state of mind then you begin to see history unfold its self for real, future is harder as is more what you would call random the freqeuncy of future events seem hard to fit into our freqeuncys do to the speed of witch the waves accure as time progresses the speed of events in our view speed up so need some way of breaking em down clearing mind to actualy listen to each aspect of these electromagntic waves.

Try practising with magnet if u got a freind tht know u into time travel and supernatural ask them to put magnet under pillow when the sleep under 2 pillows for protection then after few day visit them then clear mind train ur mind to be clear then put hand over magnet or put near head then just say what comes into mind dont use perception or it will make you say stuff tht your not sure of.

There are many ways time can be bended around your mind dont matter what tools you use training your mind is always the best and most natural way will grow at your own speed and know your own limits, your mind has the power to store each throught and memory deep inside your brain waves of energy at serton freqeuncys wavelenghs and varyions that slightly scare the tisue marking memory on it in very small amounts undetected by current technology, these tisues heal them selfs so fast it allows them to be rewrote to, the speed of witch the data can be processed depends on how it was impregnated into your mind what experiences came with learning, everything is in our dna impregnating practise in brain will activate hiden parts of dna, even allow you to understand your dna and the universe that created it.

Breaking the barrier of dedicated throught has unlimited protentials and cant be unproved by science and many way show i can say how dedicated throught has unlimited protential, first way would be to say all subatomical particals in universe have a counter part, when each of these subatomical particals become charged they attrack equal oppisite mass/energy, this means that the power of the mind if dedicated and think of soming long enough no matter what polarity would attract its counter part to add to the energys strengh, if you attract a counter partical they will bond and dispear from existance so science says, i beleave the particals dont dispear they just excape into the field of infinite with unlimited density, i beleave that speed of waves the freqeuncys of the waves adds to protential energy so carrys on growing untill reachs infinite or meets it counter partical then infinite rate grows.

i dont know if any of u can understand this im just writing what my mind is telling me to write :)
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