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I don't understand what you mean by when do they start?

can you rephrase the question, please?

Kind regards,

Has anyone ever used the sonic resonator for astral travel?
Originally posted by OllyB@Jan 6 2005, 11:15 AM

I don't understand what you mean by when do they start?

can you rephrase the question, please?

Kind regards,

What I meant was, can you tell by the way the surroundings look.

If there's green leaves on the trees, then it must be Summer.
If there's small leaves/colorful flowers everywhere, it could be Spring.
If there's colored leaves, then it must be Fall.
If there's no leaves, then it must be Winter.

If there's Christmas decorations around everywhere, then it must be the Christmas season.

If there's Halloween decorations, then it must be October.

If there's flags and patriotic themes everwhere, then it must be the 4th of July (or another patriotic holiday in another season).

That kind of thing.

Time scolar,

In relation to grid lines and 'vortexs'?

the best grids are going to be in the areas where the earth itself is in good condition. I like a few others, believe the grid is an aura like the EM field around the human body. If the landscape it good and the sky even on cloudy days has a nice blue glow above the cloud line (indicated strong orgone), The grid systems in that area are going to be best.

You can't see them. There are only indications of them on a visual level. Apparently Bees and flys etc like them, and often swarm around vortexs and grids.

Cell sensors can read them as can certain radionic techniques.


The sonic resonator is supposed to be quite dangerous. I don't know how/If it fairs well for astral travel.

I guess probably not to good. I don't think it was built for astral. May be wrong on that one though.

kind regards,

Hi TimeScholar:

I think you are talking about how I know when I landed.
Yes, Flowering Trees means spring and snow means winter,
Jack-o-lanterns means October, Turkeys on sale means November,
Christmas lights means December, but there are still a lot of
lights up and it is now Jan 7, 2005 so this is an inaccurate
way to figure out the month.

The best way is to look at the news program on TV and listen for a date.
BTW I just astral travelled today and I saw a holographic projector up close.
It is a metal cylinder about three feet long. The image is 3D and projected into thin air. That image was real sharp too, not like the fuzzy holograms we have now.

Hi Olly:

If the landscape it good and the sky even on cloudy days has a nice blue glow above the cloud line (indicated strong orgone), The grid systems in that area are going to be best.

This is true. I have found that the HDR works best near the full moon.

Hi Fluxwarp:

Has anyone ever used the sonic resonator for astral travel?

I don't see why not, the sonic resonator is an early prototype for the hyper dimensional resonator.

Steven Gibbs tried to make the sonic resonator better and now we have the HDR.

I will try to post schematics that I have of the old sonic resonator.


Hi Pin-it:

How do you know what grid point's yield the best results?.
I try to look for a bald spot in a lawn, an area where nothing grows.
If there is an anthill there that is a good sign as insects are drawn to the energy of a vortex.

Read up on the Hartmann Grid and Curry Net.

Major Ley lines, will be best.

These run around the whole planet with no let up. They are usually about 8 ft in width. Generally they can be larger. This is the standard size.

I'm not sure how to distinguish which are positive and which are negative though.

kind regards,

Hi all,

I don't want to come across anti-HDR or anything because I know that HDRKID is considered as 'God' on this forum and I will be banned.

I am a highly experienced (15yrs) Astral Projector and have been into many other areas of Metaphysics etc and I am keen on discovering the key to Time Travel. However I now know that I have been chasing rainbows on Time Travel (Physical) as basically Physical Time Travel is totally impossible. Saying this I am a Time Traveller (Astrally) and Astral Time Travel is quite easy and yes, I do believe the Gibbs HDR unit can genuinely do this (I know its a tricky one but time doesn't actually exist in the Astral).

I believe HDRKID about 'Some' of his experiences but the physical phenomenon like broken mirrors repairing themselves and changing timelines (physically) is outrageous.

HDRKID= 40% truth 60% egofeeding and following J Titor.

He stated that there was somekind of Astral Block to go to the years around 2012 just like Al Beilek.
I know there is no block for ANY timelines of the Astral because Time does not exsist in the Astral it is purely a Physical illusion.

To understand why I am correct you have to look into Reality Creation...

(Physical)Reality Creation= Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Unconsciousness and the Five Senses
(Astral)Reality Creation=Subconsciousness, Unconsciousness merged and downloaded into the physical body to be remembered as consciousness of the Astral event (compressed data)

Then you have to break everything down into single frames. Look at a videogame for a minute, the racing car is given the illusion of movement by single frames which contain different movements, so say 36 frames per second....

I will elaborate more later I have to go out

basically Physical Time Travel is totally impossible

Wrong. People have been experiencing Physical TT effects throughout history.

TT does not always mean you need to be inside a Time machine. Technically the Body itself can facilitate Physicaly travel by itself. Only it generally happens outside of peoples control.

The Body has an outer shell. An EM field and an electrical system running throughout. Radionically the brain is the most powerful device there is.

The human body (physical human) body is set up for Physical travel. As it should be.

We need technology to trigger it at this point in time. Astral does not.

I did agree with your opinion on how creation is set up. Only you seem to forget that we all live above materiality. Therefore we can imagine Physical time travel, Yet its impossible in the material world?

Seeing as material is born from conscious intent, surely being able to imagine physical travel and it not being possible, is an impossible paradox.

Traveling through linear Time (this timeline we are in now) may not be possible. You could well be right on that one.

Kind regards,


Wrong. People have been experiencing Physical TT effects throughout history.

If a person knows nothing of our multidimensional existence and found themselves out of body in another realm that looks like the 1920s, the first thing to come into your head would be "I've just gone back in time".

(Physical)Reality Creation= Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Unconsciousness and the Five Senses
(Astral)Reality Creation=Subconsciousness, Unconsciousness merged and downloaded into the physical body to be remembered as consciousness of the Astral event (compressed data)

Then you have to break everything down into single frames. Look at a videogame for a minute, the racing car is given the illusion of movement by single frames which contain different movements, so say 36 frames per second....

so yes, 36 fps give a normal and fluid observation which would satisfy the visual cortex into a normal state of movement. However, every single frame of this is operating infinitely on different frequencies simultaneously which obviously the 'Conscious' human mind cannot decipher. But if we were looking purely with the 'unconscious' and Subconscious' mind the single frame would be multifaceted, and then times this by 36....yes I know it is mind boggling but the points i am trying to make is this....

1. We are restricted by our Physical Brain.
2. When we are in the Astral State we are not restricted
3. Our DNA is stopping us from TT

Seeing as material is born from conscious intent, surely being able to imagine physical travel and it not being possible, is an impossible paradox.

If your Subconscious could override your DNA/RNA codings in this dimension then yes something strange would happen ;)
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