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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Here is a picture of my HDR built by Steven Gibbs..[/b]

Howdie. Although I prefer to remain off this forum from now on - since I am terribly 'burnt out' from this forum - I could not resist expressing some comments on this device. I fully acknowledge that I have only viewed information regarding this "HDR" device just now for under a time length of 15 of your minutes. Therefore, my insight could be very inaccurate. My expressions below are only 'tips' and I have little desire to persue this more. However - from my perspective of someone living in your future - my comments might assist you.

As it appears, this device is 'radionic' in nature. Correct? Thus, a technology of 'symbolism'. We have similar technologies in the Gregorian.2164. However, much more complex. Much more, if you could only experience.

Symbolistic technologies are essentially physical equipment, physical rituals/movements, or physical verbal or written formations which 'bridge the gap' between the seen and the unseen worlds - in alignment with in resonance with the mind of the user. The unseen, you may title as the 'ether', 'chi force', and so forth. The mind - or belief - of the user is the predominate key. The symbolism makes a 'link' with that belief pattern as well as with the final goal by adding-too or the building-up of the 'chi force' around the 'steps to manifestation'. Yuuuh! This is difficult for me to explain using your English dialect. Bear with me, as you say. Consider a webing of the spider species. Visually, the web can be difficult to see clearly with the human sight. Very thin, as you know. Very annoying when you walk into it, as you know. Over time, if the webing remains, it will attract and collect dust providing the spider animal is not doing maintence to keep it clean. Over time, the dust will thicken on that web, and visually the web will be easier to see simply because - it is thicker, that webing. It has acquired more mass. Thought patterns, or thought intentions, are essentially an invisible web. Of course, completely invisible. Symbolistic technologies essentially add "dust" to that web. To thicken it, to give it more mass. Therefore, to eventually manifest it into the physical.

There are certain elements or factors which must be present in the symbolistic manifestation process. Belief, clear intent (a plan), the symbolic links providing a 'foundation' to that intent, 'ether force' attracted towards that foundation (to thicken it), and other factors. I could probably express twenty pages on this entire concept of symbolistic technologies.

At first glance, I see no possible way how this "HDR" device can accomplish this movement of time travel. It just seems too weak. Or poor. If people have gained great success from this machine, then I am in error. However, I personally do not see it as being effective. However, it applies some basic elements of symbolistic technology, but not enough in my perspective.

Symbolistic technology is very 'user orientated' or 'user friendly' as you say. It should remain always in more harmony with you as an individual, versus a default device that someone else makes in their vehicle housing. Therefore, it may be an important step to completely re-construct this unit on your own. So your own "essence" essentially goes into it. Also, it seems to me that it would require much more specific symbolistic protocols. A dial or two which establishes a date of time movement, is very poor. Included, must be more details: date, time, location, elevation, etc. If this "HDR" is a radionic system, easily these additions can be integrated into the device through numerous ways that I will not approach in this short message.

The ancient chamber, which myself and my Rostin, accomplished our time movement through, is able to record electromagnetic impulses from planetoid, solar, and stellar orbital patterns in relation to the exact 'pin point' location of that chamber in Metropolitan Abydos, or the village of Abydos-Egypt in your time period now. To carry out our time movement, those impulses are paused - set back to the date of our time movement goal - reapplied - then we move back. A more complex procedure occurs, but that is the 'jist'.

How could you possibly duplicate this process on a tiny 'device scale' size? I am not sure it is possible, for this chamber is recording actual impulses. However, since your device is symbolic in nature, you might be able to create a symbolic effect: Within your current computer software technology you have 'astronomical' software which can reveal the stellar and planetoid orbital patterns of any time period from any location on the planet. Therefore, upon your computer glass screen, if you want, you can instantly observe or see the stellar movements "above" your current location (long/lat) at any time period in the past. 'Set' or time the software to an example date of Gregorian October.12.1974.7:30 p m, as well as establish your current location (peferably with exact elevation of your home), and instantly you will see the stellar patterns 'above yourself' (on your computer glass) of how the heavens appear if you were standing or sitting at that spot on October.12.1974 at 7:30 p m. You have just created a symbolic visual link to a very specific time period in a very specific manner. Much more than two silly dials. However, these orbital patterns require to be integrated into the device. You could essentially duplicate the 'constellation lines' into a physical wiring pattern which connects to the device. Well, it must be more advanced that this, such as using suitable capacitors and such being in resonance with the various planets, stars, and so forth. (Refresh and research yourself on symbolic resonance/harmony. 144 MHz is harmonic with 144 of your centimers, or 144 mm, or 1.44 cps, or .144 gauss, and so forth. Each planetary element has some sort of 'numerical' data or registration which could be chosen and converted symbolically into a harmonic relation on a smaller scale.) Likewise, using a refraction scope - yuuuh, a telescope - a photograph of the major planets could be taken and those photo negatives could be added into the wiring pattern. Basic radionic protocol of your time period, in the same way a photo negative of a crop field provides you with a 'link' to that field. If you do not know what I am referring to, you need to upgrade yourself more with the basic history and development of radionics, since this seems to be the kind of technology in application with the "HDR". Radionic development was something we studied in detail when I was probably 10 or 11 of solar age. And these expressions reflect this basic level only, and probably are current knowns in your time period. However, never underestimate the power of being 'refreshed' or looking at common concepts from a different perspective. As stated prior, I could probably develop temendously detailed ways of introducing this stellar positioning into a radionic device. But I do not desire so now.

Likewise, you need to introduce other aspects into your 'time machine' such as to establish the 'dimensions' - height, depth, so forth - of the time field you wish to 'warp' in order to concentrate that 'ether dust' more specifically to that radius. Simply putting something around your head - in the case of the "HDR" it looks like one of your insulated 'coily' telephone cords - seems to be a poor idea. Why are your electrical cords even insulated in the first place? Think about it. You are putting a silly buffer between yourself and the eminations from the inner wiring. Wait.... asking Claire for a word...... 'scrap' that cord around your head and replace it with a full integrated radius field with detailed depth, height, bredth, and so forth.

Never forget the keys to symbolic technology: Enhancing or amplifying 'etheric' energies. Observe around you, contemplate, become insightful. What do you observe in nature? Geometry. Sacred geometry. A 'box' of any random proportions is just 'a box'. A box, or unit, that is reflective of sacred geometry instantly 'brings' that box into more harmonic resonance with nature - thus, the forces of nature. Dimensions and shape of the box should be harmonic with natural forces, as well as the wiring pattern, for enhancing the 'dust attraction' factor. I found a web location for you using one of your search queries. http://www.intent.com/elysian/sgds_p101.html Observe this pattern. Ignore the spider web looking one. That is purely coincidental since I mentioned a spider web. However, observe the large pattern. This is reflective of naturally occuring geometry in nature. Those lineages, could essentially be your 'wiring'. (I would 'opt' for another pattern but I am not good at internet finding.) If your device was reflective of the natural geometry in nature, you have instantly added "umf" to the 'ether force' of that device. It becomes more harmonic or more in resonance with the unseen forces. Understand? Ideally, it would be best to carry out resonance protocols in a more more detailed way, but if I told you of our methods I would have to kill you! Yeeeee! I have been waiting a long time to use that phrase!

Observe the components of your "HDR" device. What are the components made from? Chemicalized plastics? Processed metals? I am not sure. Replace - with wood (natural), replace with pure gold wiring, make your dials out of wood, and so forth. Bring it into more harmony with your living essence - your living body, and the living world around you. Do not underestimate the magic of your "Hopis". I studied this, as well as others in our resonance classes. Pebble patterns on the ground, combined with thought patterns and physical movement rituals. Essentially, a radionic process in harmony with nature.

Absolutely never forget the power of your mind, your thoughts. You must master control over your powers of 'visualization' as you title it or call it. This is your intent, this is your belief, to which you want to attract this 'ether dust' in order to thicken your thought patterns to manifest your pre-determined physical reality. When your device is "on", you must be feeling, seeing, experiencing, and so forth being in the location and time period of your desire. Ros and myself had to do the same, although the Abydos Energetic Lab chamber amplifies those thoughts to a remarkable instant degree. But in our inner eye we knew and were trained what to do see and feel. Such as, opening our eyes after time movement and knowing that no Templars were going to be there in that chamber to help. Expecting the fear of us climbing out of the machine and being in pure darkness and having to find our way out and into the golden bullet tunnel (knowing that in your current time period the chamber is essential dormant from regular use and development). Feeling the excitment knowing it worked. And so forth. We maintained these feelings in our mindset during the instant move. If we were essentially laying in the chamber and feeling or knowing that when we opened our eyes the assistants would still be there as well as the current culture was still thriving outside of the chamber, these thought patterns would have been amplified and manifested and we would not have made the movement even though the chamber holds great force to re-create the stellar orbital patterns of the time period of choice. Or training was routine, and advanced. Typical of any training in our Gregorian.2164. Your time travel experience has to become a very personal one. Myself and Rostin underwent many of your months of daily training before our movement. Not just mental training, but injestion and bodily assimilation of certain rare elements, controlling in detail electromagnetic fields around our body, intense studying of the Templar chambers and tunnels, and how to power up or down this or that. And so forth.

For you, spend many hours outside of this internet (!) and instead spend many hours within your own mind seeing, feeling, experiencing the excitement of appearing in your goaled time period. At least, if you are going to attempt time movement using this symbolic technology process of this "HDR" device, or your own device.

There is much more I could say about this. From how to power up more natural 'voltage' - without using your wall electrical plugging (which, by way, you most likely will not have if you want to go past 50 or so of your solar years). And even much more advanced insight into tapping into the body's own electromagnetic forces. I am trying to keep things simply with your current knowns. However, these are only meant as tips, and not details or a vast detailing 'essay' of possible time movement processes you could develop based on this "HDR".

Radionic technology does work. But like any technology, it requires serious research, and doing. Thus, experimenting. Not theorizing. Theorizing too much is a trap, and literally keeps your time and efforts off of application.


- Corrected a few grammar mistakes, left the rest. Who cares. 'Sue me' if I write poorly. Yeeeee!

That is the exact same argument stated by both Kira and myself ages ago. It is also quite possible that the 'ladies' have been lurking long enough and have read from the beginning, sans what ever was lost during the boards crash.

The HDR is a placebo. Nothing more, nothing less. All praise to Pepito & Paco. As the 'ladies' long winded post elaborates ad infinitum, it's the users Intent and Time Spent With That Intent, that causes 'something' to happen.

You could acheive the very same thing with a Rock if you believed that rock to be 'magical' The process of 'blessing' and 'protecting' one's self prior to each use is EXACTLY like witchcraft be it Wicca or the dark side path of witchcraft. All the symbolism and constant repetition of each protecting angel/spirit or whatever is simply a way to focus the minds intent and to also occupy the brain so it DOES NOT GET IN THE WAY.

Bottom line, no one needs to spend $350.00 dollars to have the ability that all of us were born with naturally.

Tess' long article above about Radionics just strengthen my theory that Tess and Ros is the same person, and this person is Reichen Minogue. Reichen Minogue claims to be an inventor of such radionic devices, as on his site http://www.imxlabs.com/
He is also into acoustics and harmonics etc. http://www.reichen.us/ , http://www.soundchamber.org/ , http://www.musicfromthesky.com/
Just a creative hoaxer. Check my post in Rostin and Tess own thread "Hello" about this for more info why I believe "them" to be Reichen Minogue

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
That is the exact same argument stated by both Kira and myself ages ago. It is also quite possible that the 'ladies' have been lurking long enough and have read from the beginning, sans what ever was lost during the boards crash.[/b]

I mentioned far more than just an argument about belief. Perhaps you need to read my wordings again. There are clues there regarding creating a symbolic time/location protocol using stellar orbital angles, as well as improvements as to the 'layout' of this silly "HDR" device, and so forth. Much more than just my final expression regarding belief. In facts, 'seeing' the final goal in the mind - a physiological training process - is a much broader concept than just believing or knowing it will occur. If you read my expressions again, very little mention was put forth regarding belief alone.

I also openly acknowledged that this was 'basic resonance knowledge' and even stated most likely commonly known in your time. Through your conspiracy that I may have been observing prior messages here inside this forum for a long time, and them some sort of conspiracy that I am trying to present them as my own unique theory, is a distorted error. When I fully stated this knowledge was known, basic, and is common in your time period.

It is pathetic. A time traveller must only provide unique brand new knowledge? Else that time traveller is deemed as being invalid? Unfortunately, keys to universal resonance are similar and same in nature from 10,000 of your solar years ago to 10,000 solar years ahead. Do not be suprised if a time traveller from another planatoid forward 77 dros - 10,000 solar years - expresses the same concepts.

If you can achieve the exact same thing with a rock, then should I presume you thus require no greater knowledge about the mechanics of time movement, and are thus currently able to accomplish it using rocks along your rivers. If it can be accomplished with a rock - as you state it can be - then what is delaying right now from acquiring a rock, and moving through time, and reporting back here tomorrow or next of your solar month and resolve all the mysteries about time movement once and for all?

You were also born with the natural ability to create global Earth peace, heal diseases, and ascend to the heavens and back without technology. However, are you doing this in your current time period with this natural ability?

My message to Hdrkid is "long winded"? Or trying to be helpful and descriptive towards another human with the intention of being in service.

Absolutely I am not going to bother myself inside this internet forum if the majority of these responses towards myself and my brother are childlike assumptive generalizations. I do not know who developed this forum system, but a serious upgrade in user co-human deliquency and verbal mordancy would be a much more progressive vehicle towards the goals you seek. For only when you upgrade the quality of interaction towards your fellow human - including the introduction of patience, empathy, kindness, and politeness - will your soul mechanics be condusive to receiving higher knowledge. I have basically only observed predominately children and children like resonses here, masked under the illusion of theory seeking and truth seeking. Except for a few who realize the vast spiritual potentials of non pugnacity towards others despite an apprehensive initial observation reluntance to believe a time traveller or not.

I will not even approach closely with my vehicle headlamps the concept that perhaps YOU all are being tested here, to determine if you are worthy of gaining the next level of information that you have long desired for.


You know what really sad Reichen Minogue? It's that even after found out, you still persist in typing crap. With 5 to 6 web spots, don't you get your EGO Stroked enough already? Why bother coming here and bandying about known metaphysical information??

Once a person becomes proficent at OBE and Astral Travel, the logical next step is finding a inner guide whereby knowledege is passed.

You know, you need not do all this lieing just to converse about metaphysical concepts.

I would love to be Kind, Patient, Polite,Empathetic and all that if Hoaxers did not come here and try to sow our fields with a few tons of Bull s*it. Fale pretenses while passing "helpfull' *cough *cough information is the same as lieing to people. Your Ego and it's mode for self aggrandizement is one for the books. There is nothing wrong with the board here, we just don't like Hoaxers, Frauds and Bulls*it artists, That's All.

Are you preparing a excerpt from War & Peace, Reichen Minogue?

You are awefuly long winded for a hoaxer you know?

As if by some magic a mover through time is supposed to know immediately upon entering into a very unfamiliar internet forum of all the demands and needs of the peoples on the forum. No orientation or familiarity time permitted as I have observed. Demanding proof literally under 30 minutes of my brother's commencement posting. Even the nonsense that we must offer responses quickly and with inclusion of all current questions thus far as if we have no other goals, outings, meetings, and such outside of your internet.

As if by magic a mover through time is supposed to have memorized a vast amount of technological time travel data - as well as dates and facts of near future events in the Americas - although those travellers comes from almost 160 solar years ahead from a different region of the Earth, and on vacation, and with another field of work speciality other than time movement science. Even stating quite quickly we used no portable machine that can be instantly photothermed, but rather used an underground ancient energy vault on the other side of the curve of the globe over 10 of your kilometers below the surface, as if we are to immediately 'dash' back there to take a photograph within 2 days of arrival into the forum and for this forum. If we observed kindness, I most willingly would of enjoyed to arrange with George a return to Metropolitan Abydos to document the chamber - but it will not have happened immediately either way. Great arrangements and logistic permissions are required to be put forth prior.

Variables. Allow for more variables. Do not learn this now? The longer your road of truth seeking will be.

Are there even any females in this forum? My only hopes for some sort of insightfulness herein.

One day you will realize just how advantageous even our slight appearance on this forum has been. Or how it may have been if you applied more maturity and widsom versus 'bring forth evidence only immediately'. I told Kenny this day no wonderment these people have yet to discover secrets that are at their own fingertips in their current time period! He understood. However he is only 15 years old. Although a Templar's grandson. Still, only 15 excursions around our Sun.

I will not make messages here any further. Justify as such 'they are running back forth because they cannot provide evidence' if that is your psychological method of avoidance of submission of error. This approach to truth seeking is only hurting yourselves, not myself or Rostin.

If Ros wants to message after his weekend trip, that is his inclination. I myself am going to seek out another location in this internet with people who can be patient with us beyond 3 solar days in order to help myself and Rostin over our next 4 of your months with the careful, careful, careful process of disclosing the time movement chamber, a process in observation and awareness of political sensitivity - not a conspiracy fear of possible retribution, just a strategic carefulness - which obviously is yet another lack of variable concept omitted from your 'give us the evidence now!' mindset.

To the real truth seekers within this forum who understand my logic, look around you. Possible preventative measures are present which will actually curb you away from truth, rather than steer you towards it.

You 'folks' even have the instructional opportunity of your 'remote viewing physiological' process to reveal all secrets - yet for almost a decade have barely or rarely put it to use in your so-called search for truth, and most likely 3 solar years from now still have not.

It is similar to observing you all walk down a dark tunnel triping on your footings, wounding the shoulders against the shard walls, and releasing your bodily wasteages in your leg clothing out of lack of tolietry because you cannot simply understand the variable that all along the upper walls of the dark tunnels are put forth a long line of electrotorches waiting for you to turn them on to thus instantly illuminate the dark tunnel. Technologies to gain advanced enlightenment and to learn secrets beyond your imaginations have been within your reach for decades, and you all know this fully. However you still, even after decades, cannot stop theorizing and get down into fierce action and submission process to bring yourself and your culture out of darkness.

Sorry men - you are lazy, delinquent, irresponsible, highly unresourceful, noncreative, and personally... not deserving yet of the grander secrets of life and the cosmos.


I hope you finally give up and leave as you said, so far you came with NOTHING of interest, just a bunch of crap and NO proofs whatsover of your claims. And to me it's obvious you are this Reichen Minogue person as I can clearly see you write about alot of the things he is advertising about on his sites, and your blog is not better. You can try sound smart, intelligent, spiritual etc all you want, it doesnt impress me, several of others here are also intelligent and spiritual, probably more than yourself ;) We know of the things you speak about, and we find your behavior pathetic. At least I do, I hope someone else too have seen beyond your hoax by now. Good bye, you may fool yourself but not me
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