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Hi Pauli:

I don't think its fair now that the movie is out, but I do remember that there were a few differences between what I saw and what came out.

All the main characters are the same, but the main difference between the reported astral ROTS - Revenge of the Sith and the real ROTS is that in the reported astral ROTS there is a love triangle between Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan. In his desperation to get Padme back Anakin goes over to the dark side. In the real ROTS we see Anakin go bad, but Lucas never makes clear why.

BTW, I wish the real ROTS had young Han Solo and his grandpa "Harrison Ford".

I think the real ROTS is better, but the astral ROTS is also good.

When I reported what I saw in the astral ROTS I was accused of getting the information off the internet. Steven Gibbs told me about the fantastic four which is coming out this summer. I guess seeing movies astrally has become my latest hobby.

No stale popcorn, no problem getting a seat, and you dont have to pay to get in. :)

Hi Starlord:

You instantly believe a scientist because he has a PhD from a university, but I prefer the testimony of simple ordinary people. For example, Mahmoud Abbas wrote his doctoral thesis denying the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany. I do not believe him, instead I believe a neighbor of mine in his 80's who was captured by the NAZI secret police and put in a concentration camp. Much of what he told me you will not find in the history books.

Debunkers like to ridicule the testimony of others and claim they are "hallucinating" and making up stories.

Simply because it is in a book does not mean it is true. Simply because a man has a PhD and is intelligent does not mean his words are reliable. Perhaps he is a demagogue and a liar. You rely too much on "authority figures".

Consider the source of your information. Does it come from a Fortune 500 company like Enron? Were the figures verified by a trusted large "big five" accounting firm like Arthur Anderson?

Hi hdr it's frog again sorry for becoming a pest to you I will try harder not bothering too much I have two more questions to ask you so here they are and by the way in june I am going to the coast for one or two days I love that place the weather is good the water is cold and so much more in my city where I live it is hot here so I am going to take alittle vacation over there well now for my questions:

1. What if you could go physically to that other universe and see the movies and other people and so much more would that be cool and great only if you don't get stuck of course or if your hdr broke or went down?

2. When you do see a movie or people or whatever on another universe do you see it through your eyes or mind or both eyes and mind?

thanks for listening and thanks for your time and patience and so forth and thanks for answering all of my questions before I will talk with you later on and thanks for being a cool person see you around sooner or later!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"hdrkid\")</div>
Not sure how the crystal skulls are made but they are made of quartz. As we know quartz has some interesting properties in relation to time. For example, the quartz watch. I use a double terminated quartz crystal inside the Witness Well of the HDR.

Alright Kid, that's enough of this crap.
If you want to believe your own delusions (and I don't for a minute think you do believe yourself), then have at it. But for God's sake I would think that someone that can actually build and operate a real time machine would know at least a few basic things about quartz.

The only "interesting properties in relation to time" that quartz possesses is that it ages one second for every second that goes by.

Using your logic, sand, water and spring steel all have "interesting properties in relation to time," since they have all, like quartz, been used to regulate the operation of one type of clock or another.

Quartz and other crystalline structures possess a property known as piezoelectricity. When you apply pressure to a thing that has this property, an electric charge is squeezed out. Release of the pressure results in the re-absorbtion of the charge. The process works in reverse, applying current results in the crystal expanding, when the current stops, the crystal shrinks back.

Quartz is particulary good for this as it's expansion and contraction are extremely regular. When intermittent current is applied at fairly high frequencies, the crystal vibrates in a very regular fashion due to the expansion and contraction. It is this high dgree of regularity in the vibration of the crystal that is used to regulate the clock so that it varies very little as time goes by. That means the clock will not run slow or fast as badly as, say, a windup clock. This has nothing to do with time itself at all.

Say what you want about your supposed HDR trips now, but please play by the rules if you re-enter the arena of scientific reality.


You instantly believe a scientist because he has a PhD from a university, but I prefer the testimony of simple ordinary people. For example, I , Mahmoud Abbas wrote his doctoral thesis denying the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany . I do not believe him, instead I believe a neighbor of mine in his 80's who was captured by the NAZI secret police and put in a concentration camp. Much of what he told me you will not find in the history books.

Debunkers like to ridicule the testimony of others and claim they are \"hallucinating\" and making up stories.

Simply because it is in a book does not mean it is true. Simply because a man has a PhD and is intelligent does not mean his words are reliable. Perhaps he is a demagogue and a liar. You rely too much on \"authority figures\".

Consider the source of your information. Does it come from a Fortune 500 company like Enron? Were the figures verified by a trusted large \"big five\" accounting firm like Arthur Anderson?


This is as inane an argument as I have ever read. To compare the veracity of scientific researchers to that of Mahmoud Abbas is ludicrous and does a great disservice to those who have dedicated their lives to education and scientific research. Contrary to your paranoid idiocy, most scientists, Phd?s and researchers are also simple, ordinary people, underpaid and overworked, who are trying to make a difference in the world through their efforts. It is through their legacy that society continues.

So, you do not believe Abbas? Well guess what skippy, neither does the majority of the educated public. Unlike you however, we understand the political nature of the situation and are intelligent enough to avoid using his thesis as the literary benchmark for veracity.

Consider the following excerpt from Patricia Griffin Ress?s book:

Steve Gibbs? Hyper-Dimensional Resonator (HDR) unit was first called the sonic resonator when the idea for it was given to Steve by two aliens names Paco and Pedro. Paco and Pedro claimed to be time-travelers who read an article Steve had written for a health-related journal published in Canada in 1984. Paco and Pedro had a circuit that had been used successfully to travel trough time and they offered it to Steve to use at his own risk. Apparently it was so potent that it had once burst into flames, but Steve managed to construct it without any incidents in a couple of hours. Although it took him 2-3 yearsto reach an acceptable safety level, Steve modified it until it was safe to use. Surprisingly, Steve discovered that using this HDR tuned him into the Christ Consciousness, which in turn enabled him to receive information for his research and reports!

? ?

While Paco and Pedro had it, they referred to it as the ?Sonic Resonator,? and Steve found out later it had originated with Jose Lopez whose original circuit had been stolen and then simplified.

? ?

? Lopez had referred to the device as the ?Magnetic X Device? and told Steve he had come in from the fifth dimension around 1959. He had been educated in electronics and trained to construct androids. He even made the android, which he referred to as his mother! And he claimed to have personally constructed a number of famous people who are really androids such as Ted Koppel, and one of the female actors in the movie MANNEQUIN. ?All of those were androids, which aren't robots, but cyborg. ?A cyborg is based on nanno-technology!


As you so aptly put it, ?Simply because it is in a book does not mean it is true.? By the way she is not a PhD nor a researcher, just a simple, ordinary person.

By the way, the terms demagogue and liar are as applicable to Gibbs as they are to any of the evil, KAOS scientists you rail against.

Finally kid, we all know about Enron. Move on to another corporate bad guy. Here, let me start you off with Sunbeam, USA Waste/ Waste Management, Tyco. That?s enough to keep you Googling for a while.

Unfortunately the educated public, or the ones who think they are, are in for a rude awakening when the crap hits the fan and the world turns over after aliens visits this planet. They will have to go back to school after finding out all they learned in school was not entirely right. It goes along with the religious fanatics who will either shutdown or rebel after finding out their relgion was bogus all along. The comman man with the average IQ will survive this upheaval of the mans beliefs and teachings. You can explain it away, but that is just it, it won't and the people who can not accept change or new beliefs will go the way of the dinosaur. I will be around. By the way I am a very educated person. I don't flaunt it. I am not that insecure where I have to post things to back up my beliefs. The average man is the one who will save or lead the human race into the future. If you deny this you will be proving my point. And if you still try to rationalize after this it proves my point.

You know considering this link referring to Patricia Griffin Ress?s book:

It looks to me like Patricia Griffin Ress did much injustice to the credibility of Steven Gibbs by far. For one thing she sure as hell got the story all wrong, at least that's not the story Steven Gibbs himself told us and many others including Coast To Coast Radio show Host Art Bell. In Gibb's story there were no aliens by the name of Paco and Pedro, since he specifically said he got the sonic resonator idea from a guy by the name of Jim Gerrard who claimed it was originally from a guy named Bruce Perrault. Bruce Perrault in this case sure as hell is not the same person as Jose Lopez. I'm sure Patricia Griffin Ress is a nice person and all, but really if a person can't get the original story correct then there is not point in having the book published in the first place do to lack of accuracies. And here I thought Hollywood was bad enough for changing people's stories around by adding many more inconsistencies. Looks like Gibb's will have to re-publish his book with many corrections. I've now posted both links here for comparisons.

For a more accurate version of Steven Gibb's original HDR story go here:

I'm not impressed.

James Truthseeker

Hey, hdrkid,

I've been trying the astral time travel (without a HDR) method on this site:
It doesn't seem to work though, I get relaxed, and have deep rhythmic breathing, I think about the time I want to go to, and I visualize a white cone coming out of my body, but nothing happens.

I have the Brainwave Generator program, if you think that would help. Could you give me some tips on how to achieve success with this method?


Just want to ask one more time,about the different procedure you would use to travel phisically with the HDR? If you have answered this question previously, please direct me, to that information. Can you think of a situatuion that would cause you to travel phisically. Also has anyone used the HDR with zero results, that you are aware of. Thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us here. I am both a skeptic and a anti skeptic. I enjoy browsing the less traveled paths life offers.

Hi Doorknocker:

For physical time travel Steven Gibbs says that you must be over a vortex and the vortex must be open. Typically a vortex will have paranormal phenomena around it like ghosts and UFOs.

Think of a vortex as an interdimensional doorway.

I had a missing time episode where I travelled in my bicycle (physical) to the movie theater to see "The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy" it normally takes me 20 minutes, but I arrived two hours later. I missed about 15 minutes of my movie, but do not know what happened. I did not use the HDR that day. There is a large vortex that I drove my bike over. Perhaps this explains the anomaly.

BTW one movie you have to see is "Lords of Dogtown" its kicking bro.

Yes, I have a friend who tried out the HDR and got no results. Steven Gibbs says about 5% of people buying the HDR do not get any results. Most of these people return the HDR. Not sure why they do not have results.

Hi PE:

Word is that they be few people in the future,
still mostly the english language is recognized
well into 2150.

Many Brit words become common on lines without WWIII.
Like "CarPark" for parking lot as the world becomes smaller.

On lines with WWIII many slang words make ref to the war,
for example a girl that's really hot is "atomic".

I did not find any slang words in "titor talk", but when I went to 2036
the word "PREDO" was very common it is like the word "COOL" in the 80's/90's.

So, if you have a bad ass prewar car in "tripped out" shape, its predo bro.
Predo is short for predator.

John Titor said that "peace" is pop in the future. I did not see that.

One word that made no sense to me in the 2030's was "10-10"
People would say "Goin' ta 10-10, me out" or "Head fo' 10-10"

Later I found out that "10-10" means home.

Most words are not that different and you can figure them out like
Tork is a hybrid of dork and twit. Also, AA is short for mutants,
it means "Atomic American" Those guys look off bro.

Hi Haddock:

The brainwave gen should help you. Try to go into the alpha state. For me exteriorizing is very off. I have a hard time going obe. Make a point to go to a room with few distractions where you can concentrate.

Even with the HDR my success rate is only 1 in 10 so keep trying. :)

Try to go astral without the time travel bit. It is easier that way -- walk first, then run.

When you pop out you should see your physical body on the ground while your astral body floats above it. When you move through solid objects it feels like a breeze. :)

Hi J-Truthseeker:

I think that Steven Gibbs is the best source for imformation about the HDR and his own history. He is easy to talk to and will answer question about the HDR and how he built it.

Most of my questions have to do with jumps I made and things I saw. Many people are now making HDR units, not just Steven Gibbs and they claim to have "improved" his device.

Pat Ress does not own an HDR, but she does believe in the device. I think she says that she and Steven took a trip to the 70's together. Sounds like fun. :)

Hi Omega:

You are right, aliens will visit earth and it will be a time of great awakening. Most of what you are taught in school is lies. For example, history is mostly deception. And science is built on a framework of falsehood.

Case in point, wind power was very popular in the 1920's and farmers used "windmiils" for electricity. The guv wanted to destroy these heretics and had corporations take over the farms and replaced the "windmills" with the modern power grid which is controlled by guess who. Remember California and Enron? All the power shortages?

Bush is an oil man and he wants to keep us dependant on oil. The present system is 100% corrupt.

Why do we still have cars? Using 1920's infernal combustion engines? Dependant on expensive foreign oil? Why indeed?

Hi gl100:

How many Arab friends do you have? According to them the US is controlled by Israel and the NAZI holocaust never happened. They believe Abbas, and consider the fact that they elected him.

He has a PhD and is an intelligent man. He did not get to where he is by being a fool, but that does not mean that he is correct.

A few hundred years ago Galileo was forced to recant his heretical beliefs by the Catholic Church. The learned men of the church believed that the earth was stationary.

Don't be on the wrong side of history.

Dear Hartke:

I do not expect you to believe. In fact, I find it hard to understand how scalar interferometry works, but remember this. At one time it was thought impossible to split the atom due to the law of conservation of matter.

Most advances come not from scientists, but from inventors. Many of these inventors like the man who invented the rollerblade spend years being made fun of until they finally succeed. The few scientists that make inventions are often laughed at.

Pasteur spent years begging scientists to please wash their hands and to sterilize medical instruments. They did not have time to listen to such "poppycock" about invisible germs causing disease. ;)

Hi Frog:

No problem, I like to answer questions. :)

1. What if you could go physically to that other universe and see the movies and other people and so much more would that be cool and great only if you don't get stuck of course or if your hdr broke or went down?

If prefer astral time travel. Still physical would be nice, you get to eat food. Never had the HDR break down. It would not be good idea to go somewhere like the future wearing today clothes. You can buy old clothes to go to the past though.

2. When you do see a movie or people or whatever on another universe do you see it through your eyes or mind or both eyes and mind?

Through your astral body. You see the movie that is playing. Like in the movie "War of the Worlds" it does not follow the book. You get these totally tricked out Martians. :)
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