HDRs don't work... or mine is defective


Temporal Engineer
Hi guys, thanks for the quick responses....

I have never astral projected in my life nor have I ever had an OOBE. They don't work for me - mediation doesn't work for me either... I either daydream or go to sleep, I have no idea what one is even trying to do in meditation. If it's "looking for oneself", then I found it years ago - no worries. Millions of people meditate in karate class or yoga class, still I have yet to meet one person from those classes that report having OOBEs, psi abilities or APs afterwards when they "never knew they existed until just now".

I need to apply scientific skepticism here... even if I were to have what you call an AP, I'd have to rule out that it wasn't my imagination, a dream that meant nothing like all of my dreams at night usually don't, or just me wanting to experience such where the placebo effect is making me accept that it was all genuine. If there's anything to this HDR that I bought, then yeah I'm doing something totally wrong.

Astral projection is an out of body experience. With some people it happens naturally. With others it has to be learned. It is an aspect of our reality that is there for those curious enough to explore it. Meditation is the doorway to astral projection. You have to learn how to quell all random thoughts and feelings in order to separate from your body. If you are determined, you will succeed.

Is there a science to learning how to multiply in your head? That is an example of something that isn't tangible. Science seems to have turned its back on the intangible. Learning to multiply in your head isn't the result of your imagination running wild. It takes controlled and ordered visualization in order to do it. The circumstances are similar for astral projection. And I might add, you can easily prove to yourself that astral projection is real. Go and visit someone you know in your astral body. Then record some details about your visit. Later on when awake, you can check to see if those details were real.

Supposedly the HDR is supposed to enhance your ability to astrally project. But it will not give you the ability. That is something you have to acquire on your own.


Senior Member
How to multiply in your head is an incredibly accurate analogy to explain how one can develop his ability to astral project.
Tut Tut admin..You should have put, his or HER ability to astral project...PoisonApple will pick up on this and youre in trouble lol :eek::D


Anyone here were able to experience some sort of "free fall" feeling when using the HDR? I did 2 or 3 times while using the device. I was told that I was very, very close to having an out of body experience.


New Member
Sorry I was away for so long.... I thank you guys for getting back to me.

I'll ask it like this, if the HDR really can answer questions using the scratchpad (sticks = yes, no stick = no), could someone give me a step-by-step guide as to how to make this work reliably? Just simply asking things and hoping the stick/non-stick will be accurate won't cut it. Thanks again.
