
Senior Member
Your going to waste your entire energy on this like others have with nothing to show for it but grief and im sorry for your loss.

But its reality and that has to be realised and dealt with. Some want to live fairy tales where they think they can change the past, its never going to happen. Just imagine everyone could, what would happen.


At this point, I am concluding that room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductivity will be made possibly along w/ free energy teleportation, as well as quantum computing before time travel in any form.

Edit: I might as well through Artificial General Intelligence, to boot. Because it just makes sense.
Your going to waste your entire energy on this like others have with nothing to show for it but grief and im sorry for your loss.

But it’s reality and that has to be realised and dealt with. Some want to live fairy tales where they think they can change the past, it’s never going to happen. Just imagine everyone could, what would happen.
Nope the Past cannot be changed. If time travel were real the traveler would only end up in a new alternate parallel universe.
I'm fairly certain that paradoxes do not even exist in any form.
Time travel has already been proven by physicists to not be possible. There would be no dangers of changing the past anyway even if it existed nobody could do it because it’s impossible that’s not how time travel would work.

Changing the past would be impossible what’s done is done. No going back and saving anyone you’ll just end up in a different universe and odds are your friends or family won’t even know who you are they could have different jobs, different lives, different personalities,

That’s why they call it an alternate universe.

My brother in this universe won’t be my brother in an alternate universe chances are he’d have a different family.
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I’m desperately trying to Time Travel back to March of this year, if anyone knows how to do this or has a time machine (even a prototype!) that they’re working on please tag me , I’m willing to drive to you, I live in Washington state.
Op move on with your life. Time travel is not possible and even if it was it wouldn’t work in the way you’re hoping it to.
