Hillary Clinton will become US President

I think you're just saying that because you hate Trump and want to find dirt on him.

Why do I think Trump will beat Hillary? Trump has become very popular with Americans across party lines. Hillary Clinton is not popular AT ALL! :cautious:

I am highly certain that I am not underestimating Clinton's popularity, or overestimating Trump's.
Hilary will win nonetheless because the elections will be rigged.
Give us a T..give us an R..give us a U..give us an M..give us a P..
What do we have?..The next President of the United States Of America..(y) :)

Trump has now secured the votes of women in the 18 to 30 age group, and the value of women secured the Conservatives winning the 2015 General Election in the UK!...Never Ever doubt the abilities of ladies, they are not bimbo`s when it comes to politics or anything else for that matter, here are just a few ladies showing support for Donald Trump.:love: :)32C8BB4B00000578-3520973-image-a-25_1459643333660 (1).webp 32C8471A00000578-3520973-image-a-21_1459643317151 (1).webp 32C8471400000578-3520973-image-a-21_1459643640605.webp
I think you're just saying that because you hate Trump and want to find dirt on him.

Why do I think Trump will beat Hillary? Trump has become very popular with Americans across party lines. Hillary Clinton is not popular AT ALL! :cautious:

I am highly certain that I am not underestimating Clinton's popularity, or overestimating Trump's.
Hilary will win nonetheless because the elections will be rigged.
That's what I'm a little afraid of, and God help us if there's another rigged presidential election, and that that rigged election stands as final.

I'm cautiously optimistic in hoping that Trump will do everything he can to stop these elections from being rigged to the extent that they have.
Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

