Hillary Clinton will become US President

Hillary Clinton is a statist criminal who advocates and actively participates in the use of coercion and violence against nonviolent people.

Both her and Trump and all those who may vote for either are openly declaring membership to a criminal gang that claims a false concept of authority and jurisdiction over my homeland.

Those voting criminals and the criminals who represent them need to cease to demand and facilitate it, or take it elsewhere.
If you vote, you are a criminal and terrorist.

The evil of voters should never ever be tolerated.

What the hell are you on about? So I, who has voted in British elections, am a terrorist according to you. Care to explain?


Government is systematic evil. Everything it does, it does with coercion using the threat of up to deadly force, all to enforce an edict of law, most of which criminalize and/or regulate nonviolent victimless natural human behavior. It says "obey or die" on behalf of voters. And not only that, but it often forms powerful militaries and engages in unnecessary conflicts whereby countless people are violated.

It is nothing but pure systematic evil, violence in every sense of the word.

Every government claims it's legitimacy on acceptance and/or demand of a constituency, be it those who vote to demand more of it. Otherwise it cannot claim legitimacy.

It is nothing but a big criminal gang that operates on the same basic principles as gang rape. It is just a bunch of people forcing their will and violating by proxy of a government, pretending it is peace and order. When you vote, you are willingly submitting membership to a criminal gang. It makes voting unethical, criminal.

I DETEST the current British government. I have NEVER voted for them. I voted for a party that would make a better government.

Are you an anarchist, by any chance?
I DETEST the current British government. I have NEVER voted for them. I voted for a party that would make a better government.

Operative phrase: "I voted for..."

Regardless of what party, candidate or type of government you voted for, you voted for the criminalization of natural harmless human behavior and systematic use of coercion and violence upon the innocent.

You detest the current in favor of another who will use coercion and violence to force a different set of ideas. But it is no less forced an opinion.

It is a matter of the principle nature in which all governments function. All violate as a matter of systemic order. All are unethical, criminal.

Are you an anarchist, by any chance?

Yes, very much so.
I would very much like to know how the Labour Party in 2015 were going to use violence and coercion to enforce their ideas.
Maybe i can help out here..Labour lost the 2010 election because of their catastrophically awful financial handling that started in 2008 and having to borrow billions of pounds to bale out RBS...voters became aware that any Labour Govt could never be trusted with the economy again and Gordon Brown had shown how useless he was in the centre of it all...

2015 and we saw the Labour Party with the two Ed`s :ROFLMAO: They proved to be the old left wingers of Labour with no new ideas on how the deficit could be overcome, they became known as the non dynamic duo...And then we had our "wonderful" Jezza Corbyn who is time-locked in the 1960s come along, and suddenly with him as leader everybody knew that Labour would never win an election victory again.(thank goodness) :D

As for Labour wanting to use violence and coercian?...that came along with good old Jezza Corbyn and his far left socialist//commy comrades..Im still hoping Jezza is the leader of Labour when the next election comes around in 2020..(y):LOL:

I have purposely kept this posting short as i didnt want to get embroiled about all the "toxic loans" that were given out around 2006 and overseen by the Labour Govt..In truth they were happy and relieved that they did lose the 2010 election because they never knew how to overcome any financial problems and only the Tories could sort it out as they had to several times before..Labour are crap with public money and always will be...(n)
I would very much like to know how the Labour Party in 2015 were going to use violence and coercion to enforce their ideas.

...by doing what statists do.

They are a political party. They get people elected or appointed as to make and manage laws. Laws are orders, edicts, a bunch of stuff written down to control human behavior. Those laws are enFORCED through a method called coercion, which is using a threat to control someone. The threat used is punishment of either being kidnapped and thrown into a cage, possibly beaten or tazed, even shot to death.

No one has a right to boss you around and threaten you. Anyone who does so is violating you.
No one has a right to boss you around and threaten you. Anyone who does so is violating you.
That part I actually kind of agree with.

Of course you agree. You are a human and it is the truth. Humans are individuals with a mind of our own. An inalienable condition of the human experience is that we think for ourselves. Thus you have a right to decide for yourself.

If a thug with a gun forces you to eat bacon and eggs when you're craving toast for breakfast, most would consider it absurd. Yet people organize to do exactly that in principle with every aspect of their lives, ...as if it is different because it is organized. Organizing to violate is simply called organized crime.

What a ridiculous example, yet people organize to force things like useless numbers on cars, and certain kinds of speech, family values, where to spend money, food products, etc etc etc... the list is enormous.

If I threaten you with a gun and take 20% of your cash, I am violating your right to property. If I have a friend help me, WE are now violating your right to property. If I get a dozen more to help me, we are still violating you. If I get a hundred million people to help me, we are still violating you. If we write it down on paper and have special ceremonies, wear special funny clothes and have special seals and code words, etc, ...we are still violating you. Principally it is the same. It is still theft, violence.

It is no different than gang rape.
I would very much like to know how the Labour Party in 2015 were going to use violence and coercion to enforce their ideas.

...by doing what statists do.

They are a political party. They get people elected or appointed as to make and manage laws. Laws are orders, edicts, a bunch of stuff written down to control human behavior. Those laws are enFORCED through a method called coercion, which is using a threat to control someone. The threat used is punishment of either being kidnapped and thrown into a cage, possibly beaten or tazed, even shot to death.

No one has a right to boss you around and threaten you. Anyone who does so is violating you.

That may be the case in America, but it is certainly not the case in Britain. Laws are passed in Parliament and that's it. No UK government uses threats of death unless their ideas are passed as laws.
