Hillary Clinton will become US President

Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

Trump wasnt to blame for that picture, it was your US Military fighting a war against terrorists :cautious:
Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

Trump wasnt to blame for that picture, it was your US Military fighting a war against terrorists :cautious:
What exactly were you saying there about the US military, TF? I hope you weren't denigrating them. ;)

I support the US military, but I don't like what our scumbag President is telling them to do as Commander-in-Chief.
Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

Trump wasnt to blame for that picture, it was your US Military fighting a war against terrorists :cautious:

Firstly, it is not MY military. I was not a part of that, nor do I support governments or their militarie$.

Secondly, yes, I understand that Trump is not a president, nor has ever been, and was not directly involved in any "collateral damage".

Allow me to clarify and simplify; Voting = Government = Violence, not breasts.

Those beautiful 'twins' are statist propaganda designed for you to have a good experience engaging in such criminal activity. If they instead showed pictures of dead babies who have been killed by the military with a caption that reads "Vote for _______, or anyone for that matter, so they can order the military industrial complex to kill babies, just like every other presiturd", ..you wouldn't vote.

How about a hot girl in a wet T-shirt with a picture of a dead baby and a caption that reads "Vote for _______, or anyone for that matter, so they can order the military industrial complex to kill babies like every other presiturd"?

....Or better yet, put the same girl in another wet T-shirt with an anarchy symbol on it.
If you vote, you are a criminal and terrorist.

The evil of voters should never ever be tolerated.

What the hell are you on about? So I, who has voted in British elections, am a terrorist according to you. Care to explain?


Government is systematic evil. Everything it does, it does with coercion using the threat of up to deadly force, all to enforce an edict of law, most of which criminalize and/or regulate nonviolent victimless natural human behavior. It says "obey or die" on behalf of voters. And not only that, but it often forms powerful militaries and engages in unnecessary conflicts whereby countless people are violated.

It is nothing but pure systematic evil, violence in every sense of the word.

Every government claims it's legitimacy on acceptance and/or demand of a constituency, be it those who vote to demand more of it. Otherwise it cannot claim legitimacy.

It is nothing but a big criminal gang that operates on the same basic principles as gang rape. It is just a bunch of people forcing their will and violating by proxy of a government, pretending it is peace and order. When you vote, you are willingly submitting membership to a criminal gang. It makes voting unethical, criminal.
Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

Trump wasnt to blame for that picture, it was your US Military fighting a war against terrorists :cautious:
What exactly were you saying there about the US military, TF? I hope you weren't denigrating them. ;)

I support the US military, but I don't like what our scumbag President is telling them to do as Commander-in-Chief.

As a former statist criminal and member of the United States Armed Forces, I prefer the more direct approach and just call government militaries what they are, ...bonafide state baby killers.

I am not making it up. I can point to photographic evidence if you like. ;)
Vote for Trump, because it's really about nice tits.

Trump wasnt to blame for that picture, it was your US Military fighting a war against terrorists :cautious:
What exactly were you saying there about the US military, TF? I hope you weren't denigrating them. ;)

I support the US military, but I don't like what our scumbag President is telling them to do as Commander-in-Chief.
I suspect this picture is of collateral damage caused by war. War is ugly and the consequences of war can be even uglier.

War is war...there will be mistakes made, people in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc. One thing about having a strong military is that most others will mostly leave you alone. The countries that don't have a strong military can't protect themselves, become overrun, and become slaves or dead.
The countries that don't have a strong military can't protect themselves, become overrun, and become slaves or dead.

From a broader perspective, it is apparent that your military helps your voters and leaders enslave you and them, or kills or violates them in some way. Your military works for weapons contractors, bankers and industrialists, foreign interests and everyone but the people who are harvested to support it.

You are played against the other fabricated side and sold a great big huge pile of fear and bullshit in order to sell war$ for the ultimate benefit of money and strategic gain for your overlords.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” - Smedley D. Butler; War is a Racket
