Houses are expensive


Canada needs to be nuked, wholly and thoroughly annihilated.


Canada needs to be nuked, wholly and thoroughly annihilated. does the USA, particularly Washington DC, ...then Israel, then Israel again, and a few more times, ...then Rome, London, Paris, Brussels, Riyadh, Moscow and Beijing.

That would solve at least the artificially inflated housing prices.


Housing, banking issues, are just a symptom, part of the overall problem. The whole system, globally, is, for lack of a better word; Sick. And it is not going to be corrected via any current standard or measure or method. People are not going to motivate for an effective or abrupt enough change to correct, as most are too stupid and selfish or unconcerned.

The whole thing needs to be completely wiped clean, reset, start over. What this world needs is a multinational nuclear exchange, a war big enough to kill almost everyone. Treat it like a mad cow disease outbreak and burn them all.

That is the answer. ...and only as a contingent or alternative to human stupidity.

We only need a few thousand racially diverse survivors for a large enough gene pool to repopulate. Hopefully they will be intelligent and healthy.


Senior Member
Its funny or not funny you say that jimmyD, It will take a massive meltdown to erode the property prices ,
they just dont go down gradually.

It's like the LA earthquake its prime for landing, a 1929 financial crisis were the rich swallowed up a lot of things in a very short time.


Consider this;

In 1900, the average home size was about 1000 sq ft with an average price of about $5K. In 2000, the average size was double that(2000 sq ft), and the price was about $200K. So for double the space, you pay 40 times more.

Why? ...because the value of everything has decreased with currency. You work or invest more to get less than someone 120 years ago, and by a significant margin. This is across the board, generally speaking, and a symptom of the world banks/economic systems.

Okay, so how do you correct it? ....with demand. ....and a lot of zeal. Everyone absolutely refuse anything less than 1900 standards for everything, every aspect of life.

But what does that take? It means people in large numbers doing things like refusing to pay more than 5-10K for a home. But people are not going to do that. It's unrealistic. ...but nonetheless the answer.

So now what? ...reset.


Senior Member
No not reset import more people grow make demand more, make more money for the the invisible ones
that are shielded from everything, well almost lol.

The clock is ticking but ever so slow :)

The day will come when it will be all apparent for the naked eye to see, but atm its sliding along.


No not reset import more people grow make demand more, make more money for the the invisible ones
that are shielded from everything, well almost lol.

The clock is ticking but ever so slow :)

The day will come when it will be all apparent for the naked eye to see, but atm its sliding along.

Most of the world's problems are rooted in voters who number in the billions. Economics is only one example, albeit a significant one.

World banks are not banks. They are extortionists, criminals, thieves and con-men. They make the rules because they buy the politicians who tell cops to force their will onto the people. The people demand government with their vote. Representative government is wholly dependent upon voter turnout for legitimacy. Everything it does, it does via demand of the voters.

Stop voting. What happens? Government goes away. The banks can no longer force their will and now must supply what is in demand. The people now have a choice. They choose what is worth all the trouble, things like affordable housing.

People won't do that. You can explain it to them over and over until you're blue in the face, as simply and directly as you would a child, and they will still reject divorcing their serfdom and the slavery they impose onto everyone else with their government. In other words; they are the root problem and will not correct. They will either not understand well enough to agree or take the chance, too selfish and are getting their way by government force off of someone else's investment, or don't care enough to act.

So kill them all, let god sort them.
