How ready would you be?


Yes, People are ready only in several level, they do not want certain things to happen. Maybe it is that it would ... their experience? Even we could end all wars, it wouldn't last long until some of us would find ways to fight again. Maybe it is too deep in human nature.

I liked your universe post, even there is something difference in our world views, I found a lots of things which resonated well to my belief systems. And one good way to explain is this 'game plan'. But maybe we can interact with them and even build our spaceships, if we do it in secrecy? I believe they are happy te help us if we really need and want it, and if we do not cause so large effect on collective consciousness.

Can you btw give a link to your Universe post? I can curve spacetime to find life in other dimensions, I can go everywhere in space and time and communicate with several extraterrestrials, but I can't find one post on this site :)

YES...first we need a lot of people like you who can look forward and do the RIGHT things...

But before you do that, you need to understand the Architecture and then jump in to do what should be done.

We have two level of higher beings - one group are ourselves when we loose our body....Earth has many of those in what you may call Heaven. Some do stuff, others just hang around enjoying life until they have to come here. It is that Freedom thing. And the sum total control the Universe.

Then the advanced physical form that come here most of the time. They have their counter part in Heaven too. The catch is they connect to their counter part all the time. Some of us just connect barely (we are not that advanced).

So, it is a Mega activity that happens...and most of our imbeciles do not want to admit it due to GREED....

That is the way to go forward...meaning, we do our things, the advanced beings do their things and Heaven does their things...Once you understand that...everything falls in place...

And yes, we will do advanced ships that move through space differently...meaning FTL but not exactly FTL...there are many different depends on how far one wants to Bicycle, Car, Plane etc...and we will have a new planet to start a new civilization simply because Earth goes on a dormant cycle every so, a nice support system.

That is why my Universe is described to understand them...
I find it peaceful, when you say, there is plans, and we as individuals do not have to worry out that much. Usually in a human form I want to accelerate things, because in fifth dimension everything happens immediadiately. Even I can see things happening, collective consciousness and the structure of a spacetimecontinuum on earth level stops my visions to come true. Which is in a sence good thing, othervise we would not experience this kind of world. Earth would be as any other higher dimension.

have you build up any kind of machines or ships? It sounds interesting for me to find someone who builds crafts in this lowerdimensional state and I would like to hear how you run with them. I do not need preciesly info from them, only principles :)


Hah, I am not afraid whether they are going to conquer the world, I am afraid what if they come when I am in the shower? :)

Usually I am communicating with them while I am doing my everyday jobs, but then I walk to toilet, I get these feelings like 'can they actually see me?'. Maybe these are fears we are having with spirits and we like to deny their existence. We are afraid that they come in a wrong time...

So, do you think that communication should be in a certain time, e.g. at meditation? And should physical contact be in some place we have decided before contact?

What would be a good way for them to come to your life? With a craft in forest? Knock door? Appear in front of you when you ask? or in some public place?

The element of surprise will instill fear, so yes, it would be useful if the aliens told us when and where they were coming --- HOWEVER -- that would also alert the military and such and they'd want to either kill or abduct them (then deny it ever happened).


Senior Member
have you build up any kind of machines or ships? It sounds interesting for me to find someone who builds crafts in this lowerdimensional state and I would like to hear how you run with them. I do not need preciesly info from them, only principles :)

It is really simple....but we do not have the next generation know-how of amalgamated system. We are working at it. The idea is to do 50,000 Tesla systems for small ships to move. We can only do about 35 Tesla and may be higher when the device explodes in the first try...

The idea is already listed in Indian Vimana mechanisms but most people do not understand the chemical mechanism. I do not have a 10 Billion Dollar Laboratory to develop such a system. But that is just transportation...then you need communications, super computers, and related items to make things, it will be a while...

In super computers, I offered a high end system (like Artificial Intelligence) to American Military (they have the Money) but they again it will take some time to go there as an Unit...

have you build up any kind of machines or ships? Can not discuss that publicly...what I can say is that, my time is up...soon heading to Heaven...I was told to go to another place to get education on advanced designs and then come back here....I think I will have my friends with me too...that is how everything works...
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Hah, I am not afraid whether they are going to conquer the world, I am afraid whathey come when I am in the shower? :)

Usually I am communicating with them while I am doing my everyday jobs, but then I walk to toilet, I get these feelings like 'can they actually see me?'. Maybe these are fears we are having with spirits and we like to deny their existence. We are afraid that they come in a wrong time...

So, do you think that communication should be in a certain time, e.g. at meditation? And should physical contact be in some place we have decided before contact?

What would be a good way for them to come to your life? With a craft in forest? Knock door? Appear in front of you when you ask? or in some public place?

The element of surprise will instill fear, so yes, it would be useful if the aliens told us when and where they were coming --- HOWEVER -- that would also alert the military and such and they'd want to either kill or abduct them (then deny it ever happened).
I believe that if it would be in a complete secrecy, the government is not that interested. It is not a thrad to our world, and even we would got prof about the landings, it would not have any impact to others, because still those are stronger who denies their existence. So if they do not cause any harm to anyone, and they surely would not help us to develop mass weapons, why would the government get the interest?

And could ETs make a reality bubble, in a space time continuum where it is almost impossible to meet others than those who are invented?


Senior Member
Hi Voyager:

But why did you come back?
Well, they told me that they had to take me back home, other wise my mother and father would start crying.

And have you been connecting with them since?
I have seen them on many occasions.

"We are ready!"

Hi Blaze:
HDRKID, after the encounter at 5, have they contacted you since?
Ah yes, this has been on going.

In dreams maybe?
I had when I was little, prophetic dreams where I saw future events, and later these came true, but some events are scary.

Hi Paula:
The bad ones take stuff from us. The good ones ask for permission.

Humans see aliens like this:

Reality is that the aliens are more like this one. Think of Masha and the bear. She is an adventurous little girl that wants to make friends with all the animals in the forest.

Basically, she has a lot of BEK behaviors. She knocks on the door - please let me in. The bear lets her in. She says, I am hungry, please feed me. I am bored, please play with me.

Good aliens seek interaction and that is what they crave. They are not here to steal our resources.

Most humans get bored living in their place where there is no crime.
This is similar to syrians in uruguay. They wanna go back to syria.
Syrians resettled in Uruguay: We want to go back -


have you build up any kind of machines or ships? It sounds interesting for me to find someone who builds crafts in this lowerdimensional state and I would like to hear how you run with them. I do not need preciesly info from them, only principles :)

It is really simple....but we do not have the next generation know-how of amalgamated system. We are working at it. The idea is to do 50,000 Tesla systems for small ships to move. We can only do about 35 Tesla and may be higher when the device explodes in the first try...

The idea is already listed in Indian Vimana mechanisms but most people do not understand the chemical mechanism. I do not have a 10 Billion Dollar Laboratory to develop such a system. But that is just transportation...then you need communications, super computers, and related items to make things, it will be a while...

In super computers, I offered a high end system (like Artificial Intelligence) to American Military (they have the Money) but they again it will take some time to go there as an Unit...

have you build up any kind of machines or ships? Can not discuss that publicly...what I can say is that, my time is up...soon heading to Heaven...I was told to go to another place to get education on advanced designs and then come back here....I think I will have my friends with me too...that is how everything works...
have you build up any kind of machines or ships? It sounds interesting for me to find someone who builds crafts in this lowerdimensional state and I would like to hear how you run with them. I do not need preciesly info from them, only principles :)

It is really simple....but we do not have the next generation know-how of amalgamated system. We are working at it. The idea is to do 50,000 Tesla systems for small ships to move. We can only do about 35 Tesla and may be higher when the device explodes in the first try...

The idea is already listed in Indian Vimana mechanisms but most people do not understand the chemical mechanism. I do not have a 10 Billion Dollar Laboratory to develop such a system. But that is just transportation...then you need communications, super computers, and related items to make things, it will be a while...

In super computers, I offered a high end system (like Artificial Intelligence) to American Military (they have the Money) but they again it will take some time to go there as an Unit...

have you build up any kind of machines or ships? Can not discuss that publicly...what I can say is that, my time is up...soon heading to Heaven...I was told to go to another place to get education on advanced designs and then come back here....I think I will have my friends with me too...that is how everything works...
I am not that interested in building them, I know only some principles about how some interdimensional craft works. They have told me some principles, and they are willing to tell more if I really start building these machines. But I think I have other things to do here. Maybe someday I will find more time and a place where to build crafts.

I will tell what I know when I write my next post. Only main ideas, if someone needs more information, I think he needs to connect with e.g. hybrids. I do not know that much and I am not that intelligent either.



What an awesome question, we all should ask that for ourselves.

"Why do we decide to land here, every day".

First of all, I did not feel so comortable in ets ships. Of course I really enjoyed experiences, but they did not feel so natural for me to be, ships just aren't a place where I belong. Maybe someday I will.

Main reason, why I come to earth, is that I like earth. It is so unique, and I do not want to stop this story here. I think I will continue this lifetime and leave after this life. I probably continue making my favourite experiences and try life as a some other person. But I think that I do not want another lifelong experience, rather short reflections which produce different feelings.

So my story is not over yet, that is why :)
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Yes, I communicate with them frequently, usually by spending time in their frequencies in order to think as they are thinking, feel as they are feeling etc.. I create fifth dimensional experiences with them, they also show me many ways they use to curve spacetime in fifth dimension. What I share is mainly my experiences on earth. Sometime these are not so good experiences, they see our lives so interesting, because we are so good to make difficult experiences :)

But I have not meet them physically. I think it does not really represent their existence, they rather spend time in higher realms. There they can give us feelings and experiences more directly than down here. But I hope that one day I will meet them here too :)
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