How ready would you be?

Okay, they have a borrowed tech, but I do not see why they are imbeciles? Have you meet them btw? :)

I expected you are going to say that....Here is the issue...

African say that White people from Europe are..."usually people think that they are intelligent beings"...and the Europeans go there for the last 250 years with Technology and know those intelligent stuff. ...

Have you seen Africa become Europe?

I would say the Europeans are Imbeciles...that they could not make Africa look like Europe...and here you are going to say...have I met with these Europeans?...btw?

That is where we are it? NO?...then I give up...YES...Thank you....:):):)
I got it now... but who has said they are here to make world a different place? I think they do not want to change our world anyway dragstically, but if we invite them, they might appear in a some shape/form. And get advise from them.

Africa is not Europe, but technology has reached to Africa and africans use same technology as europeans. So maybe we can someday borrow technology from extraterrestrials and enjoy it? :)
Technolgy to make the world a better place? It will just be used by crazed terrorists or secret government to rule the world for their benefit. The toddlers down here already have enough shoot em' up/blow em' up toys as it is.
Technolgy to make the world a better place? It will just be used by crazed terrorists or secret government to rule the world for their benefit. The toddlers down here already have enough shoot em' up/blow em' up toys as it is.
Even some use technology to cause harm to others, I think mainly technology helps humans. If they would like to harm others, they would do it without technology too. Of course with technology they might cause more damage, but technology is not a bad thing.
So you think that extraterrestrials should not give us technology because of our nature?
I'm usually optimistic for the human race, but I think it would be dangerous if they gave us tech.
Maybe some of us are so ego-driven that it would harm them and others around them. But there could be something that they would help. For example they can help us to prevent disasters and global warming. Perhaps they are doing it already?
Africa is not Europe, but technology has reached to Africa and africans use same technology as europeans. So maybe we can someday borrow technology from extraterrestrials and enjoy it? :)

That is where we are now. There are two type of Aliens on Earth - One type comes from reborn business where there are many who were somewhere else as the real Aliens. They come here and understand the nature of the planet, live among us and help to improve the planet slowly...that is going on Einstein type of people.

The other type is direct Aliens...who already know who are their counter parts in the reborn sets. Therefore there are serious rules to access their technology directly now. In future, when we are somewhat close to it, the group will contact to their other side to make a go. That has been the case for millions of years...why change it now? Just think about Contact the movie...

In my engineering work, I could tell some of these people who have super high technology understanding that normal people would not have it....otherwise think about greedy people who will take the direct technology and make a mess of the planet in no stick to the rules of the game...and we will see better in a few hundred many are working globally....(you will see some of those, unless you are one of them...):)
Africa is not Europe...t? :)

That is where we are now. There are two type of Aliens on Earth - One type comes from reborn business where there are many who were somewhere else as the real Aliens. They come here and understand the nature of the planet, live among us and help to improve the planet slowly...that is going on Einstein type of people.

The other type is direct Aliens...who already know who are their counter parts in the reborn sets. Therefore there are serious rules to access their technology directly now. In future, when we are somewhat close to it, the group will contact to their other side to make a go. That has been the case for millions of years...why change it now? Just think about Contact the movie...

In my engineering work, I could tell some of these people who have super high technology understanding that normal people would not have it....otherwise think about greedy people who will take the direct technology and make a mess of the planet in no stick to the rules of the game...and we will see better in a few hundred many are working globally....(you will see some of those, unless you are one of them...):)
I can not say everybodys reasons to be here, but that is pretty close what I am doing here too. Learning how humans do their things and at this time I am looking for groups where are more of those who think they are not from the earth. Sometimes I think it is too much to go and start to talk that "I am not from here" and I think paranormalis is a better way to express it. There only those who wants to hear these things.

I also see it as a way, that when we go to their world and come back, we do not want to bring their technology here for reasons we discussed already. And also because that usually is not what we came here to do. Some of the people might melt ET technology and advises to ours, but not in a way that it would change us at a big scale. And I also believe that at first it has to come trought our collective consciousness before it can manifest on earth.
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