How to Contact Aliens


Senior Member
"If you want to see them yourself, just go to any large construction site in the south."

I also saw aliens stealing money by importing $1 items from China and selling them at $25.00 in Lobby....It happens everywhere....and they speak in American...


Senior Member
Most people prefer to live in ignorance. Frankly, we live in an enormous universe.
10 Reasons Why We Still Haven’t Met Aliens | TheNeoTV

Let us say that you lived in the middle of the amazon years ago. There is talk of these people called missionaries. What you want to do is meet em. Hopefully, convince them to take you to a city called NYC that is full of magic. In fact, you have heard that they have huts in NYC that are taller than any tree, and a magic box that talks "radio" and creates music.

First you will get opposition from the debunkers, who live to ridicule others, but you know that the missionaries are real as a friend told you about them years ago. He even talked about going to the magic city NYC and seeing people fly through the air. Like a dream, it does all seem. Still, you fight on.

1) Find out places where missionaries are seen.
For example, logging roads, and the river.

2) Find out items you can use for trade that they might want to use.
For example, tropical fruits, other edibles may help you.

3) Please do not tell people what you are doing or they will make fun of you.
Debunkers may show up. They will make comments like - why don't these
missionaries talk to our chief, because he is a very important man.
I know why, because people who see missionaries are all crazy.

Remember that no amount of evidence can convince a debunker on missionaries.
All they can do is giggle and scream HOAX!

Debunkers will say, that is not a human foot print, you created phony foot prints
using a block of wood attached to your feet.

Besides do you have any idea how long it would take to travel thousands of miles in a canoe.

Getting back to the subject, how do you attract missionaries.

First do not carry weapons. Do wear shorts only so people see you are harmless
and do not pose a threat to em. Make friends with people who are half bloods
as they might be able to teach you simple words for greetings such as:

Look at this video of an explorer in papau new guinea.



Senior Member
very nice...the bad part is, it is an Universal Law that aliens will not make a public contact or otherwise view themselves without our people develop out-of-solar system drive....the kind that goes in "hyperspace" type word to go many light years very quickly ....
Some time ago, I found an article online that explained how to contact aliens by yourself.

The article said that you had to meditate and get into a pretty deep meditation state. Then at some point, you were supposed to be able to tap into the aliens' frequencies of energy and make mental contact with them. From there, you were somehow able to discuss mentally with them and maybe ask them to show up.

It was probably more complicated than that, but all in all, that's approximately what it was about. I'm not a huge fan of this alleged way of contact, but I do believe our minds are a formidable tool that is often underestimated.

Did you hear of something similar? What do you think?

I think I may have mentioned something like this in a posting some time back. It can be done, just gotta do the right remote viewing cause UFOS are not gonna be everywhere.

I studied enough spiritualism and such to feel that I can do it confidently. It might be dangerous but I may do it sometime.


Senior Member
Basically humans are telepathic in nature but many do not identify or acknowledge this and many of thier true potentials. Everything in the universe is interconnected by telepathy. Whatever you think about and dwell on internally (i.e. meditation or otherwise) manifests externally. This is true in both positive and negative aspects. Many advanced alien races use telepathy to communicate and you may contact them this way, but transmissions are heard in your own voice.

We are born with it but loose it by 11 or 12 years of age by 99% of people due to our present mess in the society. The telepathic item is very true.

Carl Miller

Active Member
How to contact Aliens?
.here it is a little hint: Use Alien symbols.Meditate on symbols that resemble egyptian hieroglifs.Apply the same means of communication used by aliens conveyed in crop circles (20% of them are authentic).
I have in mind that alien crafts (their occupants) tend to be attracted by certain specific routes. There are hot spots such as Mexico city for instance and specialists explain that Ets sightings occur more frequently in that area due to those archeological mayan sites. Somehow those areas provide the Alien with teluric energy that enables them to hover over those areas more comfortably and remain there for a longer time span. Perhaps the mentioned energies allow the craft to be visible through an unknown process. We know that there are hot spots relating to alien sightings. Consequently more people claiming to have been abducted in those hot spots, a larger number of alleged contactees, and finally sightings of big foot happen more often in these hot spots and mainly after ufo sightings.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
I'd like to add that only two years after World War II was over an alien craft crashed in Roswell. Remember that at that time the so called Cold War had just begun and The Soviet Union understood that unless they did something immediately Soviet Union would be surpassed by The USA. They knew american scientists would try the best they could reverse engineer the crashed alien craft. So the russians began to hunt alien crafts. They were told to bring them down as they showed up. And with this new intent russian agenda included the use of egyptian like hieroglifs to attract the alien crafts. Somehow they knew alien tend to be attracted by symbols. Russians scattered great drawings in the ground next to their military bases.
Do not know if those weird drawings worked out. I only know they finally brought down a cigar shaped alien craft in kapustin yar .A russian MIG shot an alien craft. That's it.It was brought down. Further on there would had been some retaliatory acts from that alien species towards USSR.
Of course i don't mean to disregard the paranormal component into contacting aliens. Since telepathy is traditionaly the first thing that occurs to our minds concerning this subject i wanted to contribute (probably) with a more down to earth supposed means of communication- the use of symbols.
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