I Am An Expert On John Titor. Feel Free To Engage Me In Conversation

From Pages 148-149 in John Titor: A Time Traveler's Tale


Q: I have exposed John as a fake with the anagram in his name.

JOHN TITOR: I find this interesting because it gives me a very tempting easy out. I could now rest assured that someone had "figured me out" and I can relax before I leave.

However, I am not (other forum member) and this name and TTO are the only names I've used online.

After looking at my name here, have you considered its origin from another word-play standpoint? For example, TITOR could equal Time-Travel-OR.

Regarding John's statement eluding to his name "TITOR" being an anagram for "Time-Travel-OR"...I was just thinking...I wonder if John's real initials are "OR" = O.R.
Hey fellas, I'm new to all of this, but if "John" really did travel back to 2000 to warn us, then he left correct? Arguing over the minute details is irrelevant if some of his stated facts are coming to pass in our timeline. Attempting to hunt him down is irrelevant as well since he is only 15 and has no memory of his future self, even his mother stated that she wanted to know as little as possible about the details. Perhaps our efforts would bear more fruit if we used them in a collaborative effort to uncover the truth behind the development of the C204 Time Displacement Unit? Someone ultimately has to build it if it is the be used to send our 15 year old boy of subject back to 2000 from the year of 2036, yes? I uncovered a little information regarding the photo taken at CERN, below. That device we are looking at is some sort of powerful electromagnet. The world class laboratory for building the most powerful magnets on earth is located in Tallahassee, FL, actually somewhat close to the bureaucratic agency that has professionally licensed me. I took a close look at the cutaway diagram of the C204 unit, and it would appear that the housing for the micro-singularities, aka black holes, is actually just a smaller version of an electromagnet. I'm going to make a wild assumption that once a micro-singularity is formed after particle collision within the collider, it can then be held in place using electromagnetic field within a vacuum to then be transferred into a vacuum sealed magnetic containment unit. Such bottled micro-singularities are exactly the parts that I need to build the time machine, and further non-propulsion based aircraft at G.E.
Hey fellas, I'm new to all of this, but if "John" really did travel back to 2000 to warn us, then he left correct? Arguing over the minute details is irrelevant if some of his stated facts are coming to pass in our timeline. Attempting to hunt him down is irrelevant as well since he is only 15 and has no memory of his future self, even his mother stated that she wanted to know as little as possible about the details. Perhaps our efforts would bear more fruit if we used them in a collaborative effort to uncover the truth behind the development of the C204 Time Displacement Unit? Someone ultimately has to build it if it is the be used to send our 15 year old boy of subject back to 2000 from the year of 2036, yes? I uncovered a little information regarding the photo taken at CERN, below. That device we are looking at is some sort of powerful electromagnet. The world class laboratory for building the most powerful magnets on earth is located in Tallahassee, FL, actually somewhat close to the bureaucratic agency that has professionally licensed me. I took a close look at the cutaway diagram of the C204 unit, and it would appear that the housing for the micro-singularities, aka black holes, is actually just a smaller version of an electromagnet. I'm going to make a wild assumption that once a micro-singularity is formed after particle collision within the collider, it can then be held in place using electromagnetic field within a vacuum to then be transferred into a vacuum sealed magnetic containment unit. Such bottled micro-singularities are exactly the parts that I need to build the time machine, and further non-propulsion based aircraft at G.E.
View attachment 681

Without a doubt. At this point our world lines are wildly diverged and our realty is vastly different from his.

And Titor did say that the singularities were housed in electromagnetic bottles... Created at cern.... So yeah... your assertion there would seem dead on.
Here is something that is very interesting that John Titor says.

Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of people's life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together and closer to God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

Glad to hear that people in 2036 obey the 10 commandments again.

People in 2013 say:

A. That we came from apes. (evolution) and the worship of science.


B. That the commandments were nailed to the cross. That means we can continue living in sin.
Is there a bullet-point list of things that John Titor said have come true or close to coming true? I know there are 100s of threads on it..

Listening to Aug 2010 Oliver Williams C2C AM show here in the office. :)

Here is a list I complied awhile back Updates in green .

My goal here is to compare as many Titor predictions I can muster and compare what was a hit and what was a miss and what is debatable or waiting to pass. As I am referring to my print out copy of the story I am gonna be paraphrasing alot so bare with me.

1.Ice caps not melting any faster than they are now.

This one is the first one I come across and it is debatable. Ice caps are melting but the rate of melt is something to be determined...

As of now, we now know that many of the climate scientists officially lied about their data because of the email leaks provided by anonymous.

2. No centralized churches.

Waiting to pass, however as more churches are surrounded by scandal more people are leaving the mainstream churches... and if the Vatican were nuked the mother church would lose its influence over the rest of the Christian religions...

The churches are still surrounded in scandal and when pope Benedict starts calling for a one world bank to regulate economic problems I think anyone can plainly see their is a problem...The church is definitely pushing more people away with it's actions.

3. Wireless internet node.

A quick google search says this one is a fficial&client=firefox-a" target="_blank" class="postlink">hit

Wireless mesh network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. Civil war that starts in 2005

You have your opinion and I have mine but lets hold this to the letter of scrutiny and say no hit. Not yet anyways.

Obviously not happening by 2005

5. N-day 2015


6.Hydrogen fuel cells and more efficient solar cells

A hit but one need not be a time traveler to predict this one.

Well now solar cells have become incredibly more advanced... They even have screen printing solar cells now. Hydrogen fuel cells are also advancing quite nice. I would suggest anyone interest look up browns gas and electrolyzers. Hydrogen from water.

7. Phone service via web.


8. Genetic medicine and cloning organs are the obvious new techs of the future.

Yes they are
These days they are making human pig hybrids for organ transplants that have less chance of rejection and florescent glow in the dark cats. We have entered freaky times with genetic engineering.

9.It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belife... but you will find that out in 2005.

Hit? Miss? You decide. Katrina landed in 2005 along with the FEMA FUBAR.

It should be noted the true death count of Katrina will never be known. I was online listening with the other scanners during that time. Listening to the talk of burning body piles. No body in government should be given your unwavering belief.

10.While you sit and watch your constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food , buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from the millions of people suffering and dying all around you.

Hit hit hit and hit.

11. Movies and TV shows distributed over the net as the entertainment industry destabilizes/ decentralizes .

We are watching that happen today. It is an inevitable hit. Torrents and YT will end the era of TV.

And now all the movies are switching to the 3d format to compete with internet torrents. And TV is also losing out to things like the woman who loves cats and leave Britney alone and other such youtube favorites. Their is even talk with doing away with broadcast TV on capitol hill.

12.Does the continuing conflict between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the up coming war? Titor responded YES.

Waiting to see what Isreal and Iran will do.

13. A high speed train system connects the larger cities.


14.I believe there is a great deal of progress in treating the cancer cells with modified viruses.


15. Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election."

With the invasion of Iraq in 2003 Oil started going up which by all rights and means could be considered the beginning of destabilization of the west from a historical perspective. And if you did not notice the civil unrest during the last elections as protesters were confined in free speech zones or rounded up into warehouses as they got shot, tazed , and microwaved....

This one is a hit.

16. How and why do the Arabs Jews become entangled in the civil war of the U.S.A?
They are not directly involved but political situations are dependant on Western stability, which collapses in 2005.

Well since our western stability is in a state of collapse but has yet to officaly crumble I say MISS!

17. No olympics AFTER 2004.



18.Can anyone tell me how many companies in the United States still manufacture bicycle tires today? Anyone who still has a bike in 2008 will find out.

If you can find a US company that manufactures bicycle tires let me know!

I don't know of any US companies that manufacture conventional bicycle tires. I do know of a new start up company that formed in this last year. They make neon glow in the dark bicycle tires. You can see it on the website kickstarter. It is a California company. The idea being that a driver might miss a reflector but a driver can't possibly miss a whole lit up bike tire. As for conventional bicycle tires... not one US company still produces them.

19.Avoiding conflict with the FEDERAL POLICE and national guard.

SURPRISE! The unconstitutional federal police EXIST NOW!

In fact their are plenty of pictures of the DHS federal police at these occupy protests.

20.Is a draft coming. Titor said YES.

As of this date it is a miss while we wait and see.

21.Mad Cow pandemic

Many more people have mad cow then you realize. In japan medical experiments proved that CJD can last for years in lab rats... can you translate that to human? No hit. No miss... Just realize this is a subject you should investigate for yourself.

I believe this is a hit waiting to be accepted the increase in Alzheimer disease may have alot more to do with vCJD as the symptoms of the two diseases are very similar.

22.Hydrogen is converted into propane because it is easier to handle.

I think this is a hit
because if science can make hydrogen from propane logically
they should be able to reverse the process...so I say hit.

23. A poem named a soldiers winter.

Written by Larry Cluck in 2006

Correction Clucks poem was not the same poem. Sam posted the proper poem earlier in this thread. But the poem is real.

24.Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is it just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?

Yes that is a hit hands down.

25. Will you readily be able to identify the enemy? Titor responds: they will be the ones arresting and holding people with out due process.

I think you know the answer as to weather or not this is a hit or a miss.

Hit hands down. The police hold all kinds of folks without due process from gitmo to oakland the police have become out of control with little regard to the law other then the law they make up at the time they arrest.
Items# 6 & 22. A hydrogen fuel cell cell is what powers the time machine according to the C204 internal schematic. H2(hydrogen) is stored in the form of natural gas, propane, or methane by naturally occurring carbon chains such as CH4 and C2H6. There is an H2 reformer detailed in the schematic next to the LPG storage tanks that is used to break the H2 molecules from the carbon chains. H2 gas is then fed directly into fuel cell, combining with O2 to form H20 for unit cooling system. Warning: C204 unit will consume ambient O2 supply within Kerr field. Personal O2 apparatus required during operation.
Reading John's Posts...I do NOT recall him mentioning anything about sending Art Bell faxes. I believe that's something that was only discussed in his last VIDEO message. Posters who were aware of it also discussed the faxes AFTER John left our Timeline. In fact, there's no evidence that John mentioned sending Art Bell a fax with anyone on our Timeline, except in his VIDEO...which he says he did to pass a message to his counterpart, John II, in an attempt to communicate, so they could return to separate Timelines. That was after-the-fact.

Here are the posts where John comes up with the idea of gathering email to send in 1998. Here are those posts that I have found so far. This might be all of them. I'll know when I finish rereading the book:

February 13, 2001

JOHN TITOR: "If you want to leave a message to yourself in the future, please feel free to do so. I would make it broad enough so your name or some other important word will pop up in routine search engine that "you" might be using in 2036."

JOHN'S MOTHER: "John received thousands of emails, which he carefully archived and prepared to send when he arrived at his starting point in 1998. He put the files on a CD and kept it with him at all times." (Page 100)

March 9, 2001

JOHN TITOR: "Dear Fellow Time Travelers: In about 30 days, I will be leaving this world line to return home to 2036...After going over my flight plan home, I have discovered my VGL holdover period is a bit longer than I expected. I will be spending at least three weeks in April of 1998 as I make my way back to 1975. Therefore, I not only offer you the chance to leave yourself a message in 1998. I will take any compiled messages and email addresses you provide and send them on the net when I get to 1998.

"Granted, this will not affect you on your world line now but you might take some comfort that another 'you' on another world line has the advantage of knowing something you wish you knew three years ago. Based on the earlier questions I've seen, I've decided a day-to-day record of the Dow a day in advance should convince you that the messages are real in 1998..." (Page 150)

March 13, 2001

JOHN TITOR: "I'm giong to try and get the remaining questions today. (Forum member name) has been collecting the email and forwarding them to another address. In respect for your privacy, I am not reading them. I am only planning to forward them." (Page 151)
"John" you fool! I told you the divergence limit on the C204 was 60 years. 2564 is almost 10 fold the error acceptance rate for divergent jumps. Why else do you think that you were not able to maintain navigation within an acceptable divergence threshold? VGL will never be able to log you return path to your point of origination! Did you stop and think about how your mother was going to react? Just stay where you are until we can determine how to get you home via the C206.
I am sorry Sam, this post is not for you. I do need you as the point of reference though.
Briefly summarize your beliefs on how John's time machine works and the consequences of time travel. I'd like to know your thoughts.

Ren, I've gone over the patent application (PA) and will be working on a summary/overview. I want to look into some of the theory behind different aspects of it. I've already had issues with this. I've been a member on physicsforum.com for years. Last week I tried to start up some discussions on theory presented in the PA. The next day I found myself banned forever for posting "crackpot" science. I am still looking to find someone I can discuss this with. I do feel that with the addition of a third singularity, travel in the Y axis (sideways/parallels) as well as the X axis (+/- past/future) would be possible.

What are the consequences of time travel? JT's traveling here has no effect on his home time. Traveling to the past is not your exact past, but a similar one on a closely parallel worldline. Actions here can alter the probable future core probabilities and that future. John's remembered past and things occurring in his worldline are not our future. The societal trends may be similar, but our details vary from his. How our future turns out is not predestined. Our actions today write our future. JT's intervention only provides a nudge in a particular direction.

Gotta go.. MNF
I feel that the addition of a third singularity, C308 time/space displacement unit, allows for travel through 3 dimensional space. John mentioned that engineers at cape canaveral were interested in using the technology for space exploration.
