I'm walking with ghosts


An alien from space does not exist.
In the sky you see some things that come out of the paranormal dimension, and this is the antimatter that is emitted by the physical world.

Moving exposed objects in the night sky are collectors of refined souls.
I use them for a specific journey from point A to point B, because I have a special task that I am a mediator between the three-dimensional and 5-dimensional worlds.
Travel is very fast 100 KM only 5 seconds.
(I'm telling the truth to make it easy for you to answer your questions for paranormal, rudidurudi.)


This flying moving collector reaches within five seconds to 100 kilometers.
It also changes shape and visibility more often.
There are currently five such collectors. (for five continents)

It collects exclusively human souls (it is led by an intelligent core in a sphere)

In the year 1960, I was fired like a projectile from such a glittering sphere into a soul that was sleeping in my body.
(That is to say, my body is led by two souls)

The body soul that was out of the body during my sleep belongs to my physical body.
The projected soul, however, now writes to you because it overpowered the original soul of my body.


We are all immortal souls living in and out, night and day.
That's right, just to be aware that our souls are out of the body all but just souls.
People live only when they are awake.
They have to live even when they are sleeping - the soul is like a puffy thief


Senior Member
A perception i look at is there is no death.

A fear of death with the moderns, has them consumed with fear.

Lives where so much longer in eons past.


I notice that people are not ready to accept more the truth than their religion or belief in God offers.

To accept that the posthumous life has no limitations and is in the planetary atmosphere as a kind of energy that establishes and tailors living beings and is essentially the first intelligent form that has its own consciousness.

When people live in their body, they are conscious that everything begins with their birth and from here on they create their illusion, where they also shape their mortality associated with the religious message.

From here on they do not accept anything more. So I think that we should also change the mental pattern and think in this direction that everything is possible without the so-called evidence, thus opening our brains to the doctrines in which before the dreams were still not allowed .


Every soul does not survive in the fifth dimension.
Almost all of them are victims of "contact" that happens with stronger souls; The stronger souls are those who live simultaneously in both dimensions. Simple souls are like a treat for eternal souls.

(every person who is born has a naturally simple soul)


I do not have any interlocutors, which means that with human beings it is too early to debate the paranormal dimension.


In the three-dimensional world there are living beings of light,
People, animals, plants;
These creatures, or their bodies, are mortal and, after death, turn into various energies, such as food for all these light beings.
There is no Sun in the five-dimensional world, not even death or birth.
Only the mixing of energies in various template forms prevails, which is pretending to be only energy.
It is only when it is attacked that it changes its form from which it was created.


Discovery and the realization that we are slowly moving into reality.
Such events should not be associated with religion and solve problems with it, because this problem is getting worse.
You must believe children what they tell you, for children are the purest realized creatures and tell the truth.
Occasionally you see paranormal beings that come from the fifth dimension, do not be afraid of them, because these creatures originate from our bodies after the death of our body. They are our continuation.

I walk with ghosts:
