Is everyone psychic?


Can't believe I didn't reply to this thread yet. Shame on me.

I believe we're all psychic. Only a few of us are able to use that ability enough to actually experience it. Some people seem to be psychic, but just a little bit, right? That gotta be because they're just on the edge, they're just barely able to actually do something with it. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. For others, on the other hand, it seems natural, it just kinda happens.

@JasperMoon: Glad to know Jarrod is still hanging around! :) Say hi for me!


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Can't believe I didn't reply to this thread yet. Shame on me.

I believe we're all psychic. Only a few of us are able to use that ability enough to actually experience it. Some people seem to be psychic, but just a little bit, right? That gotta be because they're just on the edge, they're just barely able to actually do something with it. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don't. For others, on the other hand, it seems natural, it just kinda happens.

@JasperMoon: Glad to know Jarrod is still hanging around! :) Say hi for me!
Yeah, shame on you! :p



I was a little skeptical at first, but guess what happened. I had Starbucks on Sunday because I was at the mall and still sick. I needed a pick me up. Anyway, it caused my blood pressure to shoot way up. Can't do that again! I can only have a half caf a few times a week. I didn't listen!!!


Active Member

I was a little skeptical at first, but guess what happened. I had Starbucks on Sunday because I was at the mall and still sick. I needed a pick me up. Anyway, it caused my blood pressure to shoot way up. Can't do that again! I can only have a half caf a few times a week. I didn't listen!!!
OMG! As I said, I don't control what Jarrod says or what he predicts. I do hope you are okay. And glad you told me!



I was a little skeptical at first, but guess what happened. I had Starbucks on Sunday because I was at the mall and still sick. I needed a pick me up. Anyway, it caused my blood pressure to shoot way up. Can't do that again! I can only have a half caf a few times a week. I didn't listen!!!
OMG! As I said, I don't control what Jarrod says or what he predicts. I do hope you are okay. And glad you told me!

I'm ok. It was a warning about the caffeine. :)


Active Member
In exploring the mind the soul becomes prevalent and be it by design or accident there is no real evidence to explain who we are or what we are. But if anything I think any paranormal activity is linked to the same source.

When questioning a spirit some get angry others sad and if you are unlucky you end up with a broken microwave and or burned coffee table. If you really unlucky you may even end up fighting for your life.

At first I was thinking of the movie poltergeist or a succubus/incubus both demonic by description. And on some TV shows "take it for what it is worth" sometimes they capture something moving through a wall.

Then I remember stories of a old hospital wing "now storage" that had an "angel of mercy" not the fluffy kind with wings. An Angel of Mercy in "criminology" it means among other things a serial killer that targets the fatally ill. Only this time around the "angel of mercy doing the deed" was already dead hence why they turned that wing into storage at first.

Notably the story indicate that the "victim" would bleed with hospital staff to remove a "cat" from their beds. Now before we go accusing my sock smoking habit this was 25 years before my birth. The story lived on due to storytelling and nurses would become panicky when having to go to the old wing to store something or fetch something.

Eventually the building was demolished and turned into a parking lot. But stories like these exist trough out the world so again take it for what it is worth.

I bring this up because there is a clear indication that something it seems can linger on or "comeback" from where-ever it is we go when our mortality fail. But what are their relation to demons like the succubus/incubus?

In England as but one example there are many people claiming to have fall victim to succubus/incubus type demons. Same is true for Scotland, Rome and even as far as Greenland and the Amazon. So can we ignore that just maybe the spirit world is much like our own and is populated with nice people, scared people, angry people and monsters?

If so then what are their link to us now us in the past and more importantly us in the future? I am sure that we can see into the future and some may see even more than that... See past world into other worlds perhaps?

Is it crazy to think this? Well once it was crazy to think the world was round or that a flood wiped the world clean. Once it was crazy to think that nearly 8 billion people shared only 8 Ancestral human' s DNA. Now we know with mathematical certainty that "what was once crazy" holds water now.


Junior Member
I definitely believe we're all psychic, it's an ability & sense we have like our other 5 senses. Some people are more in tune with their psychic abilities than others.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that is designed to take us away from our psychic abilities & separate us from our true selves, and is instead intent on distracting us with a world of materialism and consumerism. And therefore distracting us from the truth. It's no wonder the world is in the mess that it is.

Things are slowly changing though & people are starting to wake up.

I think the mental, spiritual, emotional & physical body are all interconnected. One can't survive without the other. And the healthier we are, the stronger we are mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. All of which feed into our psyche & our psychic abilities.

If the human race became less distracted with what's going on with the outside world ie all the materialism etc, we would become more connected on a spiritual & psychic level, and would live in a world of unity as oppose to it's current state of disunity.

Or at least, that's my opinion anyway. For what it's worth :)
