Active Member
Re: Is organized Religion BAD?
IMO...No violation of rights here. DHS has a duty to protect kids from those circumstances that endanger them..I bet if all this was not within the law..the kids would be back right now. The LDS factions have good lawyers...And I think...Yes they force the kids to do all sorts of things. These kind of "communes" are in some states. What propells the law in a lot of cases is the fraud against the fed gov. Like the women getting benefits and not naming the father..so that ALL the wives can collect cash and food stamps....and the man isnt named. The gov dont like out right fraud up in its face. Reports like these have been going around since the late eighties..I think Texas just has more balls than Utah. The Texas DHS has the authority to do what it is doing. The LDS faction's lawyers cant make a case for the clients because there is sufficent and probable cause to remove the kids. What the kids are saying to DHS is what is keeping them in protective custody.
Anonymous calls can save lives sometimes.
I rely on things that people say happened to them when they were in this specific group. These people are not writing books or anything..And what they say scares the crap out of me..
I know that nothing is proven (yet)..but I have a feeling that the poo poo is gonna hit the fan for these folks. I hope the women dont get away with this stuff. As far as the question..Do these parents force the underage girls to marry 50 yr olds? How do we know for sure.?
Well I can answer it this way......
What 14 year old wants to marry some way older guy and start cranking out babies and thats it?...
I dont think too many would want to if truth B told.
I mean they way you, Harte said.."Yeah, Underage marrige and whatnot" Sounds too flip to me. like you dont understand the seriousness of underage marrige..Especially forced marriage. This is danerous..I dont think that ALL of these girls were like.."yeah..that sounds good. Get me married at 14 and my "husband" will later on, marry my younger sister!" dont sound like a choice many women would make.
I dont care how these kids are raised..it just isnt cool and these girls know it......these girls know that this is brainwashing and the American version of the Taliban is alive and well!
Harte said:I think everyone needs to chill and remember that what's been said about these folks so far is only based on a single telephone call supposedly from some young girl at the ranch that they have never located - and the phone used to call the report in (anonymously) belongs to a person that has made false reports to police before.
Whatever these folks are doing, I hesitate to call them "pervs" until I know for a fact it is so.
In fact, I'm floored that nobody at this site has been complaining about the obvious violation of the rights of these children and their families that has taken place. (Where have you gone, Chip Lewis?)
These kids have been separated from their parents based on a single anonymous phone call from a person the cops have yet to locate.
What if none of it is true?
I mean, yeah, underage marriage and whatnot. But hey, there arelaws and nobody has been charged with any crime yet, despite the fact that it's been two weeks or so.
Did parents force their underage daughters to marry older men there? How can we say?
IMO...No violation of rights here. DHS has a duty to protect kids from those circumstances that endanger them..I bet if all this was not within the law..the kids would be back right now. The LDS factions have good lawyers...And I think...Yes they force the kids to do all sorts of things. These kind of "communes" are in some states. What propells the law in a lot of cases is the fraud against the fed gov. Like the women getting benefits and not naming the father..so that ALL the wives can collect cash and food stamps....and the man isnt named. The gov dont like out right fraud up in its face. Reports like these have been going around since the late eighties..I think Texas just has more balls than Utah. The Texas DHS has the authority to do what it is doing. The LDS faction's lawyers cant make a case for the clients because there is sufficent and probable cause to remove the kids. What the kids are saying to DHS is what is keeping them in protective custody.
Anonymous calls can save lives sometimes.
I rely on things that people say happened to them when they were in this specific group. These people are not writing books or anything..And what they say scares the crap out of me..
I know that nothing is proven (yet)..but I have a feeling that the poo poo is gonna hit the fan for these folks. I hope the women dont get away with this stuff. As far as the question..Do these parents force the underage girls to marry 50 yr olds? How do we know for sure.?
Well I can answer it this way......
What 14 year old wants to marry some way older guy and start cranking out babies and thats it?...
I dont think too many would want to if truth B told.
I mean they way you, Harte said.."Yeah, Underage marrige and whatnot" Sounds too flip to me. like you dont understand the seriousness of underage marrige..Especially forced marriage. This is danerous..I dont think that ALL of these girls were like.."yeah..that sounds good. Get me married at 14 and my "husband" will later on, marry my younger sister!" dont sound like a choice many women would make.
I dont care how these kids are raised..it just isnt cool and these girls know it......these girls know that this is brainwashing and the American version of the Taliban is alive and well!