Schematic John Bajak Flux Capacitor


It is hoped that scientists from various countries living on the earth will jointly study the time machine. Abandon any hostile thoughts. In addition, time technology may be invented in the next few thousand years. The universe is not only the earth with human beings, maybe other planets also have humans. If people on earth can communicate with them, maybe we will learn more.


Junior Member
This is a document I've put together a long time ago but never got to finish and post. It aims at being an all-in-one reference for the Flux Capacitor. Designs, improvements, feedback/testimonials, and more. We're attempting to come up with the best, most reliable parts and schematics as possible.

What is the Bajak Flux Capacitor?
The John Bajak Flux Capacitor often called Flux Cap or fluxcap, is a small time travel device. It is often mentioned alongside the HDR, Sonic Resonator and other small devices. It's a design that showed up on the old KeelyNet BBS in the 1990s. It's available on a very old website, called Amasci, which is linked at the end of this post. The Flux Cap schematics are available over there, as well as a few old forum posts from the late 90s and early 2000s that share some information about it. We have an on-site copy of the original Bajak file, as a backup for future reference.

In the document, the creator explains how he came to build it by accident, and how it could potentially be used for time travel. He even mentions the possibility of attaching it to a car, in order to create a time travel vehicle. It gets pretty technical towards the end, you'll see.

Here are 2 links to the original document:
John Bajak FluxCap Document (Paranormalis): John Bajak Flux Capacitor Time Travel Circuit
John Bajak FluxCap Original Document Location (Amasci):

The FluxCap is supposed to emit some sort of small temporal field (temporal flux) that would alter the rate at which time flows. It would, for instance, slow down or accelerate a watch by having it oscillate between past and future.

Quote from John Bajak:

View attachment 12555

Parts List and schematics
B1 27 volt source
C1 1200 uF 50V electrolytic
P1 Piezoelectric transducer (273-073) (value uncritical)
S1 Charging switch (SPST)
G1 25-ohm rheostat (future control)
G2 1M-ohm potentiometer for past control
G3 Switch (SPST)

Transcriber's note: I don't know whether G1 and G2 are really supposed to be a rheostat and a potentiometer, or both rheostats, or both pots. He refers to two rheostats elsewhere, and I was just going to call them pots until I remembered that rheostats would have some inductance.

View attachment 12556

How to build the Flux Cap
We don't have building instructions at this point. Suggestions welcome.

Does anyone have schematics others than the one above? Actual schematics that are not in ASCII would be greatly appreciated.

How to operate the Flux Cap
The information we have as to how to operate the Flux Cap is as follows:

We encourage anyone who knows more about the Flux Cap to get in touch and share what they know. For instance, what do the above instructions do? Do they deal with the past? The future? How do you know which way the device is set to?

Links of interest
John Bajak FluxCap Document (Paranormalis): John Bajak Flux Capacitor Time Travel Circuit
John Bajak FluxCap Original Document Location (Amasci):
Report of Unusual Phenomena page, containing info about the Flux Capacitor: Report your Unusual Phenomena: experiment reports

Bajak Report File: John Bajak's Flux Capacitor Report File
Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor: Schematics - Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor
Discussion about the Flux Capacitor: Discussion About The John Bajak Flux Capacitor
Bajak Wolf Flux Capacitor: Bajak Wolf Flux capacitor
Awesome! Can this be used directly in a active scalar field ????? I am not a electronic person, I just pay for them and use them when I need it. How much for a completed model???? I have 2 HDR's and soon to procure scalar generators both the Transmitter and Receiver. Spooky2 Scalar. I read on something like this years back. In your opinion, can a live scalar field produce the energy need for this to work?? Thanks!


Junior Member
I don't know if Flux Capacitor is the correct term. By Flux Capacitor, I meant the time machines that Bajak was making. I don't know if they are actually called this, but if I remember correctly, this name is from the time travel book I have.
Curious to know if radionics is also involved? If so, many people out there are not gifted with "Dowsing". Thus why the HDR didn't work for just any one who flips a switch and puts a coil over their heads and uses the magnets in a specific way, Lastly, if it its dowsing involved, the second thing is strongly needed aligned chakras and all the same size this will activate the needed power to project in time traveling, maybe being in a large scalar field the chakra's can manipulate the needed energies for this type of traveling.

Just a worthy thought provoking.


Awesome! Can this be used directly in a active scalar field ????? I am not a electronic person, I just pay for them and use them when I need it. How much for a completed model???? I have 2 HDR's and soon to procure scalar generators both the Transmitter and Receiver. Spooky2 Scalar. I read on something like this years back. In your opinion, can a live scalar field produce the energy need for this to work?? Thanks!
I have no idea! I tried to build a FluxCap once but never finished it, as I didn't have all the right parts. Maybe @Einstein can tell you more about Scalar Fields.


Temporal Engineer
Awesome! Can this be used directly in a active scalar field ????? I am not a electronic person, I just pay for them and use them when I need it. How much for a completed model???? I have 2 HDR's and soon to procure scalar generators both the Transmitter and Receiver. Spooky2 Scalar. I read on something like this years back. In your opinion, can a live scalar field produce the energy need for this to work?? Thanks!

There is something that I have given thought to on scalars field generators. I've dabbled quite a bit with Tesla coils. It never occurred to me that the field generated could be described as a scalar field. But I did do some testing one time and discovered that the field terminates a short distance away from the Tesla coil. It kind of fits the bill for a scalar field generator. Since the field generated is stationary with respect to the Tesla coil.

Now there is someone else that has actually combined a Tesla coil with using an HDR. I recall reading about the construction of such a device in one of Steven Gibbs reports.


Junior Member
I think it was the HDR Kid, he used a 50,000 DC voltage from one Tesla model. It took him in the future...This is why I have to get the transmitter and Receiver from SPOOKY2 Scalar company. It's my theory at the moment that, when these devices open up a scalar field a real one, you can make it small the size of a football in length, height and width or stretch the machines out 60 or more feet to feel the whole house with strong Scalar field who's width, length and height simply couldn't be measure! The Transmitter has a built-in Telsa coil under both units surface plates. I faced the fact that, with all the funky monkey devices being sold or built they need to have scalar to run it. Which a lot of builders claim only passive scalar at best or even a pleacebo.

I will use my HDR and IDL-12 from James Rink as my friend is now doing!


Junior Member
Here is the two generators, one Transmitter and on Receiver. The antenna are concealed inside the lids of each one. Transmitter on the right it produces electrical scalar signal and is received by the box (Receiver) on the left. The electrical scalar pretty much doesn't do anything for you. It is the returning signal back to the transmitter that are 180 degree out of phase of one another creating the EMF Scalar field. The cable tethers both units to work as a single entity!

The cable that's supplied is a 30 foot .78mm. It cost $38.00 extra for a 60 ft cable. The further apart the units become, the greater the scalar field, keeping in mind, the bigger the scalar field, the more its energies become leached by other things in the open field that has been created. People at times experimented without the cable and they worked! But John said (one of the three engineers building this), yes it can work with out the cable, but because of all the high tech all around us, the signal between the two boxes can be weakened because of it. So, John said, the cable will preserve a clean signal integrity that it needs where you are currently using the machines for whatever purposes.

I won't say John's opinion is right and everyone else is wrong, John gives us the best ways to keep signal and integrity between the two machines. Keeping in mind before doing anything with the units, we have to tune it. It is tuned from 5-8 megahertz in strength. And this changes on a day to day setups, due to increment weather etc. When tuning, you want the brightest light you can get and it could be anyone megahertz reading! Once the light's brightness is established, this tells us the scalar field is at optimum range.

Even when sleeping in the field, it must be tuned that evening! I know Professer Oppmmur would somewhat agree with these statements and probably add more sustenance to help our understanding of this one hundred year old mathematic formula called the Maxwell's Theory Model. My friend purchased these exact machines from John's company (Spooky2Scalar) in China. In case you wonder why, he married a Chinese woman and he is from the Netherlands. He is only one left out of the three original engineers in 1983, who designed and engineer these working models.

I placed this picture so you get an idea what the heck I am talking about. My friend had his units for 6 months in Kansas and he told me a week back that the machines are producing short of the miraculous with his parents. A lot of people buy these for healing, which is great! I have other plans, trying to adapt such devices using my SE-51000 and Gibbs HDR within its fields of influence. Just on a short note after owning this for 6 months, both his aging parents are doing great, it got rid of his mom's arthritis and his dad of other medical issues! Not including what it did for him personally with OBE's, Lucid dreaming and with his IDL-22 meditation cube and the list goes on and on!

Take Care!

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New Member
Checked out the software for spooky 2 last year, the price for the unit is expensive.
Speaking of price, I would like to finally get one of these time machines. I would probably go for the hyper dimensional resonator since it's the most 'well-attested' of them all. How much would it cost? I know the base price is around 340-360 dollars, but you also have to take in question shipping costs. I'm Czech and it will probably be very expensive to ship the HDR from the USA to Czechia.


Senior Member
Speaking of price, I would like to finally get one of these time machines. I would probably go for the hyper dimensional resonator since it's the most 'well-attested' of them all. How much would it cost? I know the base price is around 340-360 dollars, but you also have to take in question shipping costs. I'm Czech and it will probably be very expensive to ship the HDR from the USA to Czechia.
Considering shipping delays as well, if even Gibbs has one ready to go is another consideration. Your probably going to be in for a euro hit.
