John Titor: N-Day March 12, 2015?


Senior Member
russia warns america

Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto and Neonicotinoids. - Entomological Philosopher

This has to do with GMO seeds and the bee die offs that are occuring.

John Titor said:
Yes, genetic engineering is used but it's like any other technology. It can be good and bad. One thing we did not do was create more hybrid seeds. What are people thinking?

Good find!

Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto

The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting last month with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.

According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.

At the center of this dispute between Russia and the US, this MNRE report says, is the “undisputed evidence” that a class of neuro-active insecticides chemically related to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, are destroying our planets bee population, and which if left unchecked could destroy our world’s ability to grow enough food to feed its population.

So grave has this situation become, the MNRE reports, the full European Commission (EC) this past week instituted a two-year precautionary ban (set to begin on 1 December 2013) on these “bee killing” pesticides following the lead of Switzerland, France, Italy, Russia, Slovenia and Ukraine, all of whom had previously banned these most dangerous of genetically altered organisms from being used on the continent.

Two of the most feared neonicotinoids being banned are Actara and Cruiser made by the Swiss global bio-tech seed and pesticide giant Syngenta AG which employs over 26,000 people in over 90 countries and ranks third in total global sales in the commercial agricultural seeds market.

Important to note, this report says, is that Syngenta, along with bio-tech giants Monsanto, Bayer, Dow and DuPont, now control nearly 100% of the global market for genetically modified pesticides, plants and seeds.

Also to note about Syngenta, this report continues, is that in 2012 it was criminally charged in Germany for concealing the fact that it is genetically modified corn killed cattle, and settled a class-action lawsuit in the US for $105 million after it was discovered that they had contaminated the drinking supply of some 52 million Americans in more than 2,000 water districts with its "gender-bending" herbicide Atrazine.

To how staggeringly frightful this situation is, the MNRE says, can be seen in the report issued this past March by the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) wherein they warned our whole plantet is in danger, and as we can, in part, read:

CLICK ME to see Report and read Full Article.


Well, to be safe on N-Day, we could take a vacation from March 11 - April 20th just to be on the safe side. I'm thinking Nebraska.


Senior Member

Hi Khaos, Thanks for that information posted by Snopes. It may be a hoax, but I would have to investigate further before I accept that finding. It may be true, but I am hesitant to believe it due to other information that I uncovered. The same Snopes article also denies that the cause for bees dying has been solved. Excerpt from the link that you posted:

As for what might be cause a "bee apocalypse"...scientist don't yet agree on a cause, but one suspicion is neonicotinoid insecticides (which are produced by Bayer, not Monsanto)...
However, scientific studies suggest the bee apocalypse has been solved and is attributed to the corn insecticide (neonicotinoid): Honeybee Deaths Linked to Corn Insecticides

Snopes mentions that the insecticides are produced by Bayer, not Monsanto (which is true). Nevertheless, Russian authorities suspended the import of Monsanto's genetically-modified corn over cancer fears spurred by an alarming long-term animal feeding study performed by French researchers at the University of Caen and published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology in 2012.

Regarding the long-term animal feeding study, here is an article about that: New Study Finds GM Corn and Roundup Causes Cancer In Rats

It is a shameful fact of history that Roundup herbicide was once marketed by its creator and original patent holder, Monsanto, as being "safe as table salt." Now, an accumulating body of research shows that glyphosate, Roundup's active ingredient, is genotoxic and endocrine disrupting -- both hallmark characteristic of many carcinogens -- at concentrations several orders of magnitude concentration lower than agricultural application. In fact, Monsanto has gone to great lengths to deny the emerging Roundup-Cancer link by pouring money into contract research companies like Exponent, who deny its well established harms.
This newest study provides clear and convincing evidence that GMO agriculture is contributing to cancer in exposed populations. The timing of this new study -- two weeks before Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) -- is all the more fitting, considering that in female animals, 93% of the tumors found were in the mammary glands. They also "...observed a strikingly marked induction of mammary tumors by R[oundup] alone...even at the very lowest dose administered." The annual pinkwashing campaign focuses on equating "prevention" with "early detection" by exposing women's bodies to breast cancer-causing x-rays, rather than to identify and remove the preventable causes, e.g. chemical exposure, carcinogenic foods, of breast cancer.
The public is lied to on a daily basis by the Media. I will investigate this matter further as I'm very curious about it. Again, thanks for that information. :)



where the wild things are
Actually my point, which I should have expanded on, was more to the fact that the article a few posts above claims that Russia threatened war against the United States. There is no evidence that happened.

The only mention of war against Russia lately was this:

PressTV - US warns Russia again over Snowden

Though its really not war, just long term problems. Probably sanctions.

But thanks for posting the links. It is a tad interesting...


Senior Member
Now I know that I'm tired and need to get offline. In my previous post, I pointed out that Bayer is the maker of the insecticide that is killing off the bees, not Monsanto.

Sometime soon I will definitely research the entire matter further, when I'm not so tired. Zzzz :)
