Debate John Titor: Real Time Traveler or a Hoaxer?


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

Getting back to Elvis:

You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Crying all the time
You ain't nothing but a hound dog
Crying all the time
You ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine
When they said you was high classed
It was just a lie
When they said you was high classed
It was just a lie
You ain't never caught a rabbit
And you ain't no friend of mine

Talking about a itty bitty, very small object here with singularities, very very small.~!


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

could[/i] invent time travel is hilarious.

And just for the record, and cos I've not heard it, lets have your particular justification for Titor's omission of 9/11 please. That one always makes me laugh.

No, really, I'd genuinely like to hear it.

Better make it good, though, cos until this year's out, for many its a stand or fall issue.

Let me just go and sit down and get comfortable.

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

JT: "The people who understand what they are seeing are not aggressive."

Peak Oil in 2005.
Now we are faced with the global oil-production peak. The best
estimates of when this will actually happen have been somewhere
between now and 2010. In 2004, however, after demand from burgeoning
China and India shot up, and revelations that Shell Oil wildly
misstated its reserves, and Saudi Arabia proved incapable of goosing
up its production despite promises to do so, the most knowledgeable
experts revised their predictions and now concur that 2005 is apt to
be the year of all-time global peak production.

It will change everything about how we live.

To aggravate matters, American natural-gas production is also
declining, at five percent a year, despite frenetic new drilling, and
with the potential of much steeper declines ahead. Because of the oil
crises of the 1970s, the nuclear-plant disasters at Three Mile Island
and Chernobyl and the acid-rain problem, the U.S. chose to make gas
its first choice for electric-power generation. The result was that
just about every power plant built after 1980 has to run on gas. Half
the homes in America are heated with gas. To further complicate
matters, gas isn't easy to import. Here in North America, it is
distributed through a vast pipeline network. Gas imported from
overseas would have to be compressed at minus-260 degrees Fahrenheit
in pressurized tanker ships and unloaded (re-gasified) at special
terminals, of which few exist in America. Moreover, the first
attempts to site new terminals have met furious opposition because
they are such ripe targets for terrorism.

Some other things about the global energy predicament are poorly
understood by the public and even our leaders. This is going to be a
permanent energy crisis, and these energy problems will synergize
with the disruptions of climate change, epidemic disease and
population overshoot to produce higher orders of trouble.

We will have to accommodate ourselves to fundamentally changed

Read more at:


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

"When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity." - Albert Einstein


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

One of the things I love about the time travelling chevrolet story is that the people who have bought it hook, line and sinker believe that those who don't are somehow too frightened by the bleak future it predicts to do so.

This amuses because its easy to see that in reality the kind of doom and gloom predictions that everybody is exposed to and are - completely contrary to what Roth Joint is saying - quite impossible for the average person to miss in the media, scare their socks off.

I think they themselves are the blind, frightened children seeing only one outcome and that is always one of unequivocal disaster.

This constant, over-emphasis of how changes in the energy business will

change everything about how we live.

is just getting tedious now. Repeating the point over and over like a toddler banging a toy drum doesn't make it any more relevant.

You talk as if people haven't changed or adapted they way they live before.

Are the problems facing humanity seismic - yup, always have been.

Should we be concerned - of course, it would be politically irresponsible not to be.

Is the entire species asleep to encroaching emergency, heads stuck resolutely in the sand? - Nah - not at all. Not by a quantum mile. Vast resources are working on strategys and solutions already - e.g. why else would the car industry be investing millions in alternative forms of automobile propulsion? Or why else would be there a huge global movement to influence the G8 summit on Africa?

(Incidentally, there's another point...if ever there was a monumental human disaster in the making that the media doesn't dwell upon it is the massive - and I mean massive - AIDS epidemic in Africa. Titor spends his time worry-warting CJD but makes no mention of this very real, very tragic holocaust on that continent. Why? Its utterly out of control over there. Is it no longer a problem in 2036. Does the third World War wipe out the entire third world? If so, why would Africans be targeted by Nukes? Does Titor only give a shit about America? )

Will there be wars - alas, yes there will be. But why believe they will pan out exactly as an internet-tapping survivalist says? Especially when (no matter how many links you place to world events ) there is nothing exact about his predictions because cleverly he never really said anything of an exact nature.

Couldn't help but notice my question about that that embarrassing Achilles heel in Titor's story, 9/11 went unanswered. Do I detect a little whiff of denial? Or was that just the smell of old fashioned fear?

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Goodwin\")</div>
Couldn\'t help but notice my question about that that embarrassing Achilles heel in Titor\'s story, 9/11 went unanswered. Do I detect a little whiff of denial? Or was that just the smell of old fashioned fear?</span> [/b]

<span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'>Nice try Goodwin. However what you are trying to do is so transparent that it amuses me.<img src=\'\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\'> </span><span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'>Your contempt and disrespect in your behavior on this board is a clear example of what John Titor meant when he said that \"your society is biologically geared for self-destruction.\"

Furthermore, denying the facts and denying what experts have to say on this matter is a very foolish attitude to say the least:

</span><span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'><a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'color:#990000\'></a></span></span><span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'>
the most knowledgeable experts revised their predictions and now concur that 2005 is apt to be the year of all-time global peak production. It will change everything about how we live. We will have to accommodate ourselves to fundamentally changed conditions.</span><span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'>
</span><span style=\'font-family:Verdana\'>
Furthermore you are overestimating yourself about John Titor not mentioning 9/11. That question is easily answered. Actually John Titor has already given you the answer as well:

\"Unfortunately, I have decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?\"

9/11 is typically an example of an event that we couldn\'t do anything about. Titor knew that.

\"If the Egyptians knew the Red Sea was going to drown them, do you think they would have pursued Moses?\"

\"1. I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to personally gain by its knowledge. This means no stock or sports tips.\"

\"2. I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. This means no earthquake or bombing information.\"

\"3. I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being.\"


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

<span style='font-family:Verdana'>\"3. I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future actions by individual people or threaten their family and well-being.\"</span>[/QUOTE]

Well, it appears at least one individual's actions have been compromised. As has been pointed out before, someone so much as taking the time to glance at a single one of Titor's postings for a second has had their time-line altered and therefore -by definition - has had their actions 'compromised.'

Why didn't Titor add another rule:

4. I will not say anything so specific that your average horoscope reader couldn't read corroboration into it.

As George Bush said: "...let us make America a literate country - and a more hopefuller country!"

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

John Titor: "There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. "They were betting that people wanted security instead of freedom and they were wrong." "It is a mistake to give anyone your unwavering belief...but you will find that out yourself in 2005."
Get ready for Patriot Act 2005</span>:[/b] (whether you want it or not)

<a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>

Republican Chairman Stuns Room by Shutting Down Hearings!
Turns Off Hearing Room Microphones in Middle of Testimony!

As originally reported here yesterday , Democrats on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee invoked a rarely used rule to extend Committee hearings on the renewal of the Patriot Act. Apparently...

As originally reported here yesterday, Democrats on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee invoked a rarely used rule to extend Committee hearings on the renewal of the Patriot Act.

Apparently, they inappropriately called witnesses to testify today from whom the Republicans did not wish to hear. And thus, in what can only be seen as an unprecedented tyrannical abuse of Majority power in the U.S. House of Representatives, Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), suddenly and without warning, gavelled the hearings to a close! Unilaterally, without debate, and in the middle of ongoing testimony!

The extraordinary video clip of Sensenbrenners appalling display, was captured by C-SPAN and made available via

BuzzFlash describes the remarkable incident in some detail as follows...

GOP House Judiciary Chair Uses Pinochet Tactics to Abruptly and Unilaterally Shut Down Hearing Into Abuses of the (Un)Patriot Act, Because He Was Afraid the Truth Would Come Out. America: "IT" is Happening Here. Democracy is Being Dismantled by GOP Thugs.

June 10, 2005
BuzzFlash News Analysis

This morning, House Judiciary Chairman James Sensenbrenner, Jr. (R-WI) unilaterally and arbitrarily shut down committee hearings on the reauthorization of the Patriot Act without comment or issuing a statement. Sensenbrenner gaveled the committee hearings in the middle of witnesses testifying about human and civil rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay, racial profiling of individuals of Middle Eastern descent, prolonged detentions of Americans after September 11th and other abuses.

The suppression of free speech and testimony in the congressional committee in charge of protecting our civil liberties shows the Republican?s power grab has no limits and no decency. The irony was not lost on anyone. Read more at: <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>

Taken from: <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>
Friday, June 10, 2005

Nation doesn\'t need even more oppressive Patriot Act

There\'s little doubt that after Sept. 11, 2001, measures were
necessary to empower law enforcement to do a better job of
counteracting terrorism.

However, as is natural in a time of crisis, and in the understandable
haste, on some counts Congress overreached.

Several measures of the Patriot Act run directly counter to American
principles. They are the stuff of a police state.

For good reason, there is considerable momentum in Congress to rein
in the USA Patriot Act.

An unusual coalition of politicians from the right and the left has
come together to assert that the act be tempered with checks on
unfettered police power.

Meanwhile, with the act expiring at the end of the year, the Bush
administration is seeking an extension and a strengthening of the
Patriot Act.

Accordingly, in secret meetings, the Senate Intelligence Committee
has been discussing such measures as allowing the FBI to wiretap
people it suspects to be national security threats but fishing for
offenses wholly unrelated to terrorism or espionage with the
intention of getting a certain person "off the streets." That could
be used on any of us.

The bill would empower the FBI to write its own subpoenas without
permission from a judge in seeking personal information of all sorts,
records from hotels, banks and including Internet service providers.
That should be a judge\'s function, with the FBI demonstrating due

Additionally, this legislation would allow the FBI to order post
offices to let it photocopy the envelopes of anything sent to
individuals it targets.

This is just the opposite direction Congress should be heading. It
should be putting the brakes on the accelerating assault on civil
liberties inherent in the Patriot Act.

Congress needs to rein in the act\'s provisions that allow "sneak,
peak" searches for people who aren\'t suspected of terrorism or
espionage. The over-arching invasion of privacy and lack of due
process in routine matters far outside of the "war on terrorism" is
the real problem with the Patriot Act.

In the 1960s people\'s homes were searched and they were subject to
surveillance because of their beliefs and not because of any crime
they\'d committed or of which they\'d even been suspected.

The Patriot Act portends similar over-reactions in the name of
the "war on terrorism." When a judge is convinced that invasive
action fits within that war, he or she will consent.

Need a warrant? Tell it to a judge.

Taken from: <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'color:#0000ff\'>

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

<span style='font-family:Verdana'>As George Bush said: \"...let us make America a literate country - and a more hopefuller country!\"

John Titor: "<span style=\'font-family:Arial\'>Anything I say could be acted on beforehand and changed anyway.\"


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

At no point have I disagreed that civil rights need to be safeguarded. Its something that generations before us have had to do. The bizarre thing is Roth Joint, I agree with you!

In the hands of someone as corrupt as, say, Nixon proved to be, the Patriot Act spells the end of democracy. In America at least.

Still doesn't add a shred of credibility to Titor being a real time traveller.

I guess we shall just have to see what the coming year brings.

But, in the meantime, should we hit 2006 and there are no Waco-style events...will you then, Roth Joint, agree that Titor's predictions are wrong and that at best he's just an internet activist?

Frankly, I doubt it.

Because on one other thing at least, you are absolutely correct. With regard to my demeanour on this board, you're right. I have little but contempt for the kind of intellectually and morally bankrupt logic you have been systematically flogging here. Elvis Presley aside, if I'm wrong in this matter, then my wife and our small children will most probably all (with much of the rest of world) disappear into the dreadful and hateful oblivion of Titor's war.

If you're wrong...I have little doubt there will be an infinity of quantum excuses as to why it isn't so.

It must be marvellous to argue with such passion the inevitabilty of fiery death for billions.
