Debate John Titor: Real Time Traveler or a Hoaxer?


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

Good grief.

I thought this was a serious discussion Starlord!?

You should know that normally I wouldn't give your brand of smart-ass nonsense the time of day, but seeing as there might be people sitting on the fence out there, I will dignify it with a reply this time...

Orbison as Titor is beyond ludicrous.

a. His myopia would automatically preclude him from military service. (I sure wouldn't want to fight alongside a guy wielding a shotgun who wore THOSE spectacles, would you?)

b. I just don't see the ruling power elite of the future sending back in time a guy best known for his ballads about lost loves. I mean that's just crazy. They just wouldn't do it. At least not when an-rounder whose massive impact had been partly due to his sexually suggestive style of performance was available.

C. That whole line about Elvis being inseperable from his toilet is just lewd and without basis. I admit on the surface you're scientific babble would suggest otherwise but hey, there are folk on this board I'll wager with no better than 'D' passes in high school physics talking about String theory and Quantum mechanics - stuff even the experts find mind-bending. How do I know you're not just making that stuff up?

Don't think I don't know what you're game is. You're just trying to divert an otherwise sensible discussion away from the real truth about Titor.
You think if you throw enough nonsense at the board people will start to see that you can claim just about anything here and it will develop a life of its own to a larger or smaller degree.

Well, I'm sticking by my guns.

Orbison. Really?

Try joiny-up thinking next time.

P.S. Good post LetThereBeLight! You're clearly one member of this board enlightened enough to see past all that propaganda.


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

But really thinking Elvis is Titor is a quite a bit.

Now, I think this other guy was related to Titor.
He showed up while I was working, and began to talk. Of course, he probably was homeless, since where I work, and being outside, may be an option of the type of person that may wander by!

Well, anyway, he said that he formerly worked for the FBI, but life had ended in the '70's. Along with other spys at that time, he was cloned, along with the other spys from other Nations, and he had watched himself die. All these clones spys were running around in other Nations, and the world ended back then. He said that he could walk through trees, and as a clone, he had watched himself die.

I said that you probably could write a book about that, and appear on a radio show, and probably make more money than I am making with that story!

Just add a few things to it, and how he got involved with the clone project being a spy and all of that, and probably could sell it, because people would buy it!

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

John Titor mentioned 2005 as a special marker wherefrom events will be initialized such as the Civil War in the US and the destabilization of the West.

The first clearly observed by the increasing Taser use upon defenseless civilians by the federal forces. The latter clearly observed by the French and Dutch NO votes against the EU Constitutional Treaty.

Furthermore John Titor mentioned Mad Cow disease (CJD) becoming epidemic. Can we say that we are observing clear signs of this developing in this year 2005 as well?

June 11, 2005

2nd Mad Cow Possible; U.S. Sees 'No Risk'
By T. Christian Miller, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON ? A second case of mad cow disease may have been found in the U.S., but the animal never entered the food supply, Agriculture Department officials said late Friday.

The animal tested negative on an initial test but positive on a follow-up test, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns said.

Johanns said the department had ordered a third test at an internationally recognized lab in Weybridge, England, to make a final determination on whether the animal had the disease, formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Read more at:,1,1419089.story?coll=la-headlines-nation&ctrack=1&cset=true


New Member
Re: John Titor Is A Hoax Exclusive Report

I have no sway either way about JT, however this just in from the BBC
A ban on US beef was imposed by Japan, once the top US export market, after the first case of BSE was recorded in Washington state in May 2003.


I don't think Disney have any clairvoyants on staff, but then again??

Regards Prof. Rabbit

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"virtualgirl\")</div>
He is a theme park character, like Mickey Mouse. These people had the resources and motive to do this thing. When I ran an internet search on the above address, this is what I got. I really doubt they heard of a time traveller and decided he would be a good theme. It would be more likely that they created him in the first place. If you think I'm incorrect, I am open to what you have to say. I think this is correct though. They would have the resources to gather all the technical time travel information and then all they would have to do is start posting in different places to seed the story. The internet is a huge place. If you want to invent someone, this is the place to do it. This is just a modern way of creating a \"legend\" or \"Folk Lore\".

I know you spoke to him or them in depth but what real proof did you have that he was real other than a song? I could email you with a song and it would be no different. If I had enough knowledge supplied to me on time travel, I could be anyone I chose to also. I know for some of you this is hard to swallow. Kinda of like the christians being told there was no god for instance. You can take it anyway you choose. If you choose to continue to believe, that's your choice. For me, and probably quite a few others, this will be enough. I have sent out several emails and am waiting for a response. I'll also be emailing The Disney corporation for a response. If they choose not to respond, I'll take it a step further. Even if John Titor is a fake, I do believe, whether they meant for it or not that the messages given have been coming to pass. I don't know if they were made from vast analysis of current trends or what. If doesn't mean that you have to kick back and say oh well. I think that our planet is in real trouble and everyone should continue to prepare. I don't have all the answers. Until they come clean and announce no one will have all the pieces of the puzzle.[/b]

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report! 2005!

And not to forget to mention: Peak Oil in 2005!

<span style='font-family:Verdana'>And not to forget to mention: Taser use increases, anger grows.

\"It's Taser time.\"

</span><a href='' target='_blank'>need a push from the Legislature.</span>


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!


So frickin' what!!!?

Is this a discussion board about whether our planet has worrying problems or is it one about whether someone extrapolating from those problems is a bonafide time traveller or not?

No one disagrees our species faces huge difficulties on this planet relating to its survival. But that does not make it a work of genius or time travel to post predictions based on current trends. Arthur C. Clarke's been doing it for decades with (like Titor) varying success, and even went so far as to caution anyone attempting to do so to limit their predictions to about twenty years because that's when divergance really kicks in.

For e.g. Titor wrote:

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency. This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

Well, the posts above are claiming it was the failure of the EU to pass a new constitution that caused destabilisation of the West and I don't think anyone could seriously say there's been any major civil unrest surrounding the last election.

In other words Titor's just plain wrong.

The guy is simply a good old fashioned wind-up merchant.

And you can't prove otherwise no matter how many links to negative world events you post - any more than you can prove on an internet discussion board that Titor wasn't the king of rock'n'roll.

The real question is how many years must pass and how much must history vary from Titor's little tale before his starry-eyed followers give up the ghost?

Or to put it another soon can we expect the scientific psycho-babble about changed timelines and such crap to really begin in order to justify things not working out as our shotgun happy friend has predicted?

One things for certain...the arguments will be as lame and as laughable as those time machine pics.

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Goodwin\")</div>
One things for will all be as lame as those time machine pics.</span>[/b]

What it\'s about is that those "worrying problems" were "predicted" by John Titor exactly as they are happening today!

When are you finally going to stop sticking your head in the sand?

<span style=\'font-family:Times New Roman\'>JT: \"However, there are a great many \"non lethal\" weapon systems in development that turn out to be quite lethal. Sometimes I watch your television programs that show SWAT teams using new non-lethal weapons. They usually start out with, \"In the future, the army and police will fight its enemies with new weapons systems?\" When they use the word \"enemy\", they\'re talking about YOU! You don\'t really think the Marines are going to jump out of helicopters overseas with sticky goop, pepper spray and seizure lights, do you?\"


Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

What it's about is that those "worrying problems" were "predicted" by John Titor exactly as they are happening today!

My problem here is your use of the word 'exactly' - see my previous post.

You claim that the failure of the EU to pass their new constitution is what destabilises the West and this apparently is what corroborates Titors' prediction.

Whereas what Titor actually predicted was:

Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

He also said

This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election

I don't recall anything you could describes as real civil unrest around election time. If you think this is a definition of 'exactly' you need to take a look in a dictionary.

Roth Joint

Junior Member
Re: John Titor Update: Exclusive Report!

I don\'t recall anything you could describes as real civil unrest around election time. If you think this is a definition of \'exactly\' you need to take a look in a dictionary.

Real disruptions in world events will indeed come following the growing destabilization of the West.

This already became apparent around 2004. What is "civil unrest?" Protests, mass rallys against the Government, people fleeing over the border to Canada, soldiers going nuts with guns rather than being posted back overseas, people flocking to movies that paint their government in a bad light? What will it take for people to officially declare a "state of unrest?" The media aren't going to do it, that's for sure.

With the media firmly reigned in, it will be at least 2008 before anyone realises how bad the situation really is.

Exactly as John Titor said it would happen!
