Creativity John Titor was my neighbor!


Active Member
Sam, "John"s family just moved across the harbor. The bank finally foreclosed on his grandfather's house. I am going to look into attempting to purchase it for pennies on the dollar from the bank. He is still in town though, I just ran into his sister's boyfriend at the grocery store last night.


Is there any chance you can take a picture of him or something? Did you talk to him a lot?


Active Member
I would give him pies and candy sometimes. I probably should have done more for him and his sisters since John passed away. I see now that the error of my ways was in the deeds I didn't perform, not in the sins that I have committed. I see their home now, sitting empty, and their things sitting on the side of the road with the trash...........


Active Member
I actually knew his oldest sister much better than him, as he is so young. The sisters boyfriend used to come over to my neighbors house to play Halo with us after work. Yeah, I'll snap something this week. The house has got a 4 sale sign out front now.


Senior Member
Did you know google has a 38 year cache? or it did in 02.... some internetizens complained and google said they changed it to some kind 12 or 13 year cache or something like that.... but given other corperations word I doubt googles too.... no doubt all they have ever done is increase the amount of time on their cache.

So as you contribute I would encourage you to remember to make it a good one. For posterity is remembering. The internet never forgets. God speed.

edit to add.... thats someones house.


Senior Member
Please would you list the reasons why you think this teenager was John Titor? What I remember (if I have it correctly), you said lots of people were coming and going from the house...and you mentioned drug use. To me, it sounds like it was a drug house, perhaps drug dealers were living there, definitely drug users. Seeing people frequently come and go is one of the indications of a drug house.

Would you please make a list below of why you think you met John Titor?


Active Member
The boy fits the bill, never saw drug use there. I think the father may have had a history, but not the family. Used to go fishing with one of the "tenants"


Senior Member
The boy fits the bill, never saw drug use there. I think the father may have had a history, but not the family. Used to go fishing with one of the "tenants"

But in a Chat Session on February 28th, you told me that you helped him once when you thought he was on found him outside or something. (I'm paraphrasing. Num7 didn't post a Chat Log that night as it was so short.)

You said, "The boy fits the bill..." That's not an answer. Please give us a list of why you think he was John. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
That was Tom when he was drunk, thats actually how I met the family, shortly after I moved in. Tom was a tennant that the family rented a room out to for cash after the father passed away. He was a nice guy, just lost his license to a DUI. The guy used to work with the mother, I think he eventually went back to VA to work with his brother. The family is gone now though. They ran out of money, and for whatever reason, there was a mortgage on the house. That part I don't understand, because it was purchased by "John"s grandfather as a Florida home to escape to cold weather up north.
