Debate John Titor's legitimacy?


Temporal Engineer
But it needs to be arched like in the photo.

If the fiber optic cable is flimsy, then I suppose invisible fishing line could be used to support it for a large arc. But as I recall, fiber optic cable comes in a variety of sizes. A thicker cable may just produce the desired arc using its own weight.

Cameras today are very good, though. We would have to mimic the low light coniditions and not use flash. Too bad I don't have an old camera. hmmmm.....

That was another feature of the original laser photo. The picture was taken with a digital camera available at that particular time in history. Very low resolution was standard back then. So wires suspending the laser arc would probably be too fine to be recorded.


Is no one curious anymore?

As Ever
Temporal Recon

I've made many curious observations about movies, books, etc. but nobody, including yourself, comments on them. It's not my fault nobody wants to talk about it. I'll have the last laugh when something happens on 4/11. I/People don't need a PhD to analyze.

Also, I disagree --- doing experiments in an effort to learn is never a waste of time.
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We have discussed gravitational lensing in the past. (I may have already mentioned this). This is another possibility, but personally, I've never placed much importance on that photograph. More gut feelings. There is something to be said about intuition that some people confuse with ego or being an "expert".

Christina △

New Member
Anyone care to explain why we are so off the original subject here?
Also, anyone want to explain why you all have turned on the only person who has actually written a book on the subject?
I don't see all of your evidence making its way onto paper....

TR is a very intelligent person.
Always has been.

&I seem to have missed where people do not evolve over time hahaha...
meaning, Im sure he's read some books in 16yrs...making him literate in anything.

I think we should get back on topic here..

Christina △

New Member
Also, based on plain verbiage....
I would stand on the side of/be more open minded to people who conduct themselves in an intellectual, kind, and well spoken manner.
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Christina △

New Member
lets all discuss our thoughts on this openly and honestly...
if you disagree...fine, but lets explain our theories behind it.

who knows...maybe collectively we can come up with something completely new that none of us have even thought of yet (y)
(just trying to keep it positive here)
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And still no one accepts the challenge.
Let's try again:

If a TT'er resides within the ergosphere of his Kerr Black Hole, with the inner event horizon extremely close to the 'microscopic singularities' and the outer event horizon extending far enough out from the centers to capture the car, what would happen to a beam of light emitted from within the ergosphere and hit the inside of the outer event horizon (the edge-on area of effect)? (hint: Think of, as Japrim noted, a waterfall)

The truth is available for anyone willing to explore the wonder, but you must do the work and meet the challenge.
The Wizard wasn't sitting on a throne waiting for Dorothy, she had to look behind the curtain to discover the Source of Magic.

As Ever
Temporal Recon
