Mark of the Beast: MARC = Multiple Automated Readout Computer Chip


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Here you go Sam

Motorola unviels new MicroChip tattoo - Could this be the 'Mark of the Beast' from the Bible's Book of Revalation? - Underground Health

Motorola unviels new MicroChip tattoo – Could this be the ‘Mark of the Beast’ from the Bible’s Book of Revalation?

June 1, 2013 at 2:53 pm​
The mark of the beast is the sign of the Antichrist, and is mentioned in Revelation 13:15-18: It seems there are as many interpretations of this passage as there are Christian denominations.

Some believe these verses refer to a tattoo, a brand, or even a microchip implant.

Now there is a new technology from motorola – Just seems a lot like what you read in the “Book of Revelation”…

Motorola has announced it is looking at alternatives to traditional passwords in a bid to make logging into online sites, or accessing mobile phones, more secure.

Among the ideas discussed at the D11 conference in California on Wednesday were electronic tattoos and authentication pills that people swallow.

The tattoos, developed by Massachusetts-based engineering firm MC10, contain flexible electronic circuits that are attached to the wearer’s skin using a rubber stamp.

Motorola’s senior vice president of advance research, Regina Dugan, shows off an electronic tattoo at the D11 conference in California. The tattoos, designed by Massachusetts-based firm MC10, are made from silicon and contain electronic circuits that bend and move with the wearer’s body. The tattoos, called Biostamps, were designed for medical purposes to track a patient’s health, but Motorola thinks the technology can be used for authentication purposes, as an alternative to traditional passwords
This image shows the various parts that make up the MC10 electronic tattoo called the Biostamp. It can be stuck to the body using a rubber stamp, and protected using spray-on bandages. The circuit can be worn for two weeks and Motorola believes this makes it perfect for authentication purposes

MC10 originally designed the tattoos, called Biostamps, to help medical teams measure the health of their patients either remotely, or without the need for large expensive machinery.

Motorola claims that the circuits, which also contain antennae and built-in sensors, could be adapted to work with mobile phones and tablets.

The mobile devices could then be used to confirm the owner’s identity and log them in to accounts automatically.

This would prevent thieves and other people from being able to access a phone, or individual apps on the device, if it is stolen or lost.

Is it just me or does this sound like the “Mark of the Beast” from the book of revelation?? This is some terrifying stuff.


Senior Member
Good find, BT! We'll have to keep an eye on how this new technology develops, and if it has any connections to the Mark of the Beast!


Beast or not, I will NOT allow anyone to implant anything along those lines into me. Although, I wonder what they put in the flu shots.


ok guys the time has come to make the hard choice here.. they have put it into health care law that everyone will be forced to take the medical info chip...which is referred to as a medical devise, for the storage of medical records,, and the mandate is set to go into effect in the spring of 14...
you all wanted to know why all the hype over the shut down is going on ??
ok here it is,, when,, not if,, but when the thieves default on the us debt, the system will be scrapped,, and the new chip based ID will be issued to everyone.. if you refuse or resist,, well it's off to the camps for 10 days of torture.. still say no ?? as the red queen says then it's off with your head..

good luck to all,,,,, are time is short to be in touch..... soon the net will go by by and yall will be on your own....


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2,601 Obamacare Requires Microchip Implantation?

Claim: Health care legislation requires that U.S. residents be implanted with RFID microchips.




[Collected via e-mail, March 2012]

Obamacare law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us.

Are you ready to have your RFID Chip Implanted? 3/23/2013 is your date!

This new Health Care (Obamacare) law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: "Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment". It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it..."

[Collected via e-mail, March 2010]

Seems people will be getting more than they bargained for in this new health care bill.

The Obama health care bill under Sec. 2521, page 1,000 will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean?

National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill],pages 1,001-1,008:

(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the 'registry') to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that:

(A) is or has been used in or on a patient;
(B) and is: (i) a class III device;

or (ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.
A "class II device that is implantable?"

Then on page 1,004 it describes what the term "data" means inparagraph 1, section B: "(B) In this paragraph, the term 'data' refers to in formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary."

Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a "implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information."

This sort of device would be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option. With the reform of the private insurance companies, who charge outrageous rates, many people will switch their coverage to a more affordable insurance plan. This means the number of people who choose the public option will increase. This also means the number of people chipped will be plentiful as well. The adults who choose to have a chip implanted are the lucky (yes, lucky if you're a Govt Control Libtard) ones in this case. Children who are "born in the United States who at the time of birth is not otherwise covered under acceptable coverage" will be qualified and placed into the CHIP or Children's Health Insurance Program (what a convenient name). With a name like CHIP it would seem consistent to have the chip implanted into a child. Children conceived by parents who are already covered under the public option will more than likely be implanted with a chip by the consent of the parent. Eventually everyone will be implanted with a chip. And with the price and coverage of the public option being so competitive with the private companies, the private company may not survive.

Origins: "Big Brother" rumors (often linked to the "mark of the beast" referenced in Revelation 13:16-18) warning that the government will ultimately require all citizens to be implanted with microchips have been around just about as long as microchips have, and specific claims that health care reform legislation will require such implantations date to the Clinton administration. So, the warning reproduced above — that health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in 2010 would require "this sort of


device be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option" — is nothing new under the sun. This warning is also just as false as all such previous rumors, a combination of someone's using inapplicable source material and also misunderstanding the meaning of the information contained within that source.

First off, the referenced information was not part of the "Obamacare" health care legislation actually enacted by Congress. The page numbers and language cited in the example above were taken from HR 3200, an early House version of health care reform legislation which was never passed by Congress; passages cited from HR 3200 are therefore irrelevant. The cited wording did not appear in the replacement bill (HR 3590) eventually passed as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and although similar language was included in initial versions of the subsequent reconciliation bill (HR 4872), it too did not appear in the final version of that bill as passed by Congress.

Second, nothing in any of those unpassed bills mandated that anyone be implanted with any type of microchip or RFID-based device, for any reason. The passages quoted above reference a section of the legislation that simply called for the creation of a registry which would allow the Department of Health and Human Services to collect data about medical devices "used in or on a patient" (such as pacemakers or hip replacements) for purposes that included tracking the effectiveness of such devices and facilitating the distribution of manufacturer recall notices. Absolutely nothing in those bills required that patients receive any type of implantable device (microchip or otherwise) or authorized the government to mandate the implantation of devices in patients.

Some May 2012 versions of the hoax circulated by e-mail and Facebook postings displayed a photograph of the purported chip meant to be implanted, an item described as the size of "a grain of rice." The chip shown in the photo is actually one that measures glucose levels in diabetes patients, as evidenced by this 2007 article about this new concept in glucose monitoring.

article about implanted microchips being "given a test run on the proud and patriotic citizens of Hanna, Wyoming" was mistaken by many readers for a genuine news story. However, that article was just a bit of political satire from the National Report, a web site that publishes outrageous fictional stories such as "IRS Plans to Target Leprechauns Next," "Boy Scouts Announce Boobs Merit Badge," and "New CDC Study Indicates Pets of Gay Couples Worse at Sports, Better at Fashion Than Pets of Straight Couples."

Last updated: 28 July 2013
Read more at Obamacare Requires Microchip Implantation?


Senior Member
Our Time Traveler, Floyd Ellison, says this is exactly what happened in his future, so we shall see. Bible prophecy is 100% correct. Time will reveal all.

About the date 3/23/ has been delayed, that's all. The same is true for the National ID Cards; it's been delayed several times due to opposition. One day it will all be implemented in the U.S.
