McDonald's logo explained

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

well I must fess up, the wife and kids got dinner for me(at mc.d) and it wasn't bad tasting at all. I didn't even get queezy.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

kc wildman said:
well I must fess up, the wife and kids got dinner for me(at mc.d) and it wasn't bad tasting at all. I didn't even get queezy.

Have you seen the movie called Supersize me? It's a documentary about how bad the food is for you..after you watch it you will never eat another Mcnugget again! In the movie Morgan Spurlock pukes out his car window.....mmmmMcdonalds...:eek:

The fries still rock even tho they are from an evil empire.....;)
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

gonzogirl said:
Have you seen the movie called Supersize me? It's a documentary about how bad the food is for you..after you watch it you will never eat another Mcnugget again! In the movie Morgan Spurlock pukes out his car window.....mmmmMcdonalds...:eek:

The fries still rock even tho they are from an evil empire.....;)
Wasn't the guy from supersize me eating McDonald's food 3 times a day, every day ?
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

The whole movie is so over the top but now thats the only way to get an audience....but this guy gained 25 pounds in one month, yes eating it three times a day, but some people go to fast food places 4 or 5 times a week! At least..Then put that togehter with all of the phony crap in a box we buy at the store and we are literally pollute our bodies. I can't even believe that we dont just up and give out..:(
So many people buy the notion that convenience comes in a box. But it doesn't. Convenience is time well organized.:)
But anyway..All of his bloodwork scared the crap out of his doctor.
Its no wonder that alot of diseases are at epidemic proportions eating all this phony balony food just increases the risk for most of the diseases.....
People just need to know that at the top of the list for fast food is to make money, not to provide any nutrition.

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

they are now talking at the local school board bout contracting with Mc dees to provide school lunches for the H.S. they say it is due to cost and liabality, so many kids now have penut alleriges. they don't want to feed anyone for fear of a lawer commin after the district.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Man, kids will get f***ing fat !!!

Even if they serve some healthy food, wich is impossible anyway, they will always offer some fries and nuggets, so kids are going to eat that all the week.

I know some places where there are McDonalds right beside schools. The McDonalds is full of kids every day as far as I know.

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

yeh thats what the parents are saying too:mad:
there response
but at least the district won't be in court for exposeing some kid to a penut.:confused:
pisses me off to the limit:mad: might as well just give them a number to the heart attack unit
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Damn, I ate there yesterday, it was good.
Well, the taste was good I mean lol :D

Once every 2 weeks is ok !
