McDonald's logo explained

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

yeh I think you should be fine
but just in case, maybe you should drink a gallon of prune juice, and eat a bucket of freash garlic by next morning.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Yep, prune juice could have been be useful, I had some serious gases this morning. It took almost 2 complete days for my body to destroy all the McCrap I ate!!!

I don't know if I'm the only one here being this way, but I don't like to eat in a McDonalds alone. When I go there alone, I feel like a friendless freak eating his grief :eek: lol

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

aaahhhhhh now 7 don't go crying in your pepsi on us.
no body no's the trouble I've seen. ha ha ha ha
we still like ya, even if you set in the corner peeking overyour news paper
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I'll need to eat some McDonalds stuff soon, I'm miss the good old clown shit. :D
They upgraded the place in my town, there's Wireless internet now, wow.

NWO is watching you, don't go on porn sites from there !!!

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

kc wildman said:
they are now talking at the local school board bout contracting with Mc dees to provide school lunches for the H.S. they say it is due to cost and liabality, so many kids now have penut alleriges. they don't want to feed anyone for fear of a lawer commin after the district.

Lawyers rule the fricken' world and it sux. Our kids here get taco bell Sh*t for breakfast and lunch. Yeah a breakfast burrito and a muffin with chocolate milk? no wonder they are nodding out in first class!
And when the schools get rid of P.E. and start letting fast food feed the kids at school well of course the kids will put on weight...And the schools think that the responsibility lies only with the parents. I know it does lie with the parents but look what we are up against! Well I think parents should tell the schools to go to hell and make kids their lunches at home . ..the way my momma did. Oh wait I forgot..The families in the USA are all so poor that they are on the free lunch program and have to eat that crap anyway. Wow it is funny how the Government and big business to whatever they want to us. They are true partners.:(
My daughter hated me last year because I went to the school and had her put in all of the P.E. classes..not the twice a week thingthey usually do. So 4 days a week she went to P.E first class. In that year she lost 25 pounds! And got an A in P.E. But I had to make the school do what I wanted.I am my daughters only advocate. Not the school..they dont give a rip they just want their 6,000 dollars per student a year.
OK I am done with my rant.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

oh no just wait a minute or two .they will bring out the heart monitors for the kids to wear in P.E. class, and iffin you don't get the heart rate up to the gole you fail. pissed off the parents real bad round here. they didn't give a rip and wouldn't stop useing them, tell we toldem stop it or your fired.:mad:
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Fat kids are everywhere. There are so many fat boys that they actually have girlfriends uh. :eek:
When I was at school, fat kids were alone, no friends, no girlfriend at all.
Now, fat kids are "normal", and thin kids are alone.

Click here to see some fat kids
Damn lol
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

yeh thats what they tried to say here too.
its only to help the fat kids, but when they started to put them on the football boys,wreastlers,and the track team kids, then fail them too. T.S.H.T.F. athleats don't have the same heart rate as non athleats. but you see they couldn't discreminate against the fat kids,it would cause them emotional damage.
