


Yup. That makes me feel old seeing that I graduated high school in the year that you were born. Looks like you're right... you're part of Generation Z or "post-millennials" or whatever they want to call it. Frankly, there are way too many generation names now. I'm technically a millenial (born in 1982) but my mini-generation doesn't quite fit the millenial "mold" because we initially grew up in an analog age... so we're the Oregon Trail mini-Generation (hopefully that doesn't mean I'm going to die of dysentery).


Senior Member
Gen Z are mainly our (Gen X) children. Millennials are the spawn of boomers. There are two generational lines in America: (1) Silent/Gen X/Gen Z, and (2) WW2/Boomer/Millennial. (2) is a cancer.

Although, as a generational line, they seem to be really cursed.


Senior Member
This sort of thing has been going on many years. My dad grew up in the 50's and like to listen to rock music. His father, my grandfather, said it was noise. Well, my grandfather grew up in the 20's and did like to listen to jazz. In fact, the 20's are often referred to as the jazz age. Well, his father hated jazz. He called it - negro music. He took my grandfathers Victrola away.



Gen Z are mainly our (Gen X) children. Millennials are the spawn of boomers. There are two generational lines in America: (1) Silent/Gen X/Gen Z, and (2) WW2/Boomer/Millennial. (2) is a cancer.

Although, as a generational line, they seem to be really cursed.

I thought Gen X were the spawn of Boomers which would make Millenials the children of Gen X --- the young parents anyway. I had kids older so I suppose mine are gen Z?????

I don't know why they call us Generation X. We had the birth of the computer age and the cold war. We were cold war children.
They say we had nothing to identify with. Very wrong! Who decides these things, anyway?


Senior Member
I thought Gen X were the spawn of Boomers which would make Millenials the children of Gen X --- the young parents anyway. I had kids older so I suppose mine are gen Z?????

I don't know why they call us Generation X. We had the birth of the computer age and the cold war. We were cold war children.
They say we had nothing to identify with. Very wrong! Who decides these things, anyway?


Silent Generation were the predominant parents of Gen X (though late Gen X like me tend to have boomer mothers and Silent Gen fathers).

When I was a kid, the boomers were just making it in the world. They started having kids in large numbers right around the early 1990s. It's a bit messy between millennials and gen x because boomers technically were a really long generation (1946 to mid-1960s).

Gen X started having kids in the early 2000s. The yutes coming up right now are our kids.

It's kind of obvious who's parents are whose when you just look at the typical specimens of the generations. Millennials are a dumpster fire in every way. Maladapted, dysfunctional, etc. That's the product of being raised by boomers. Gen Z have the cynical streak and that latent conservatism of Gen X and Silent Gen.

Boomers and millennials are easy to shit on because they are such fuck ups as a group, but both generations also got fucked hard by historical circumstances. The sad thing about millennials is that most of the hardships they face are imposed by their parents' generation.

If you look at generations like individuals, there are two lines that criss-cross. Silent Generation had Gen X who had Gen Z. WW2 Gen had boomers who had millennials. The cancer started with the boomers and just keeps getting worse with each iteration of their generational line. I suspect a good name for the generation spawned by millennials is the "baby mamma generation", because more than half of their households are single mothers, with all the crime and problems that creates. It's going to be really bad in another 15-20 years.


It's going to be really bad in another 15-20 years.
Not if President Trump does his part in reforming education in this country, and more and more people start waking up. While the future is up for grabs, I wouldn't be that pessimistic if I were you.


Senior Member
Not if President Trump does his part in reforming education in this country, and more and more people start waking up. While the future is up for grabs, I wouldn't be that pessimistic if I were you.

There is nothing in this world more devastating than to be born to a single mother. No other demographic factor comes close to how that sets people up for failure and ruin. No amount of educational reform can fix that either. You have to cut single mothers off from the money.
