minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Welp, this makes it even weirder.. it happened this time last year 3/31/04

Explosion rocks Texas City refinery

An explosion rocked the BP Amoco plant in Texas City.
By The Associated Press
(3/31/04 - TEXAS CITY, TX) ? An explosion apparently caused by a fire at the BP refinery forced the evacuation of the plant Tuesday night.

There were no reports of injuries, said B.C. Clawson, Texas City emergency management coordinator. BP spokeswoman Annie Smith said all workers had been accounted for. She did not know how many people were on duty.

Smith said it wasn't immediately clear whether the fire began in a furnace in a gasoline producing unit at the plant.
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Hmm, it was the same plant. Could be they just have real bad safety practices, could be something else. Do you have anything on the ford plant explosion?
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Apparently this place is no stranger to explosions either..


DEARBORN, Michigan (AP) -- Spilled molten steel caused a fire and explosion Monday in a steel plant at the sprawling River Rouge industrial complex, injuring at least six people, officials said.

A transport vehicle that can carry up to 400 tons of molten steel was backing into a building when some of its high temperature cargo sloshed out, said William Hornberger, a spokesman for Severstal, the Russian steel company that now owns the River Rouge complex built by Ford Motor Co.

The molten steel hit two of the vehicle's 8-foot tires, setting them afire and causing them to explode, Hornberger said.

The explosion blew out part of the building's steel sheet siding, he said.

Hornberger said four of the injured people were Severstal employees. The employment of the others was not immediately clear.

All six of the injured people were in good condition, said Oakwood Hospital spokeswoman Beth Oates.

The complex once was the world's largest auto plant and was the home of Ford's Model T. Although it is now owned by Severstal, the two companies share the complex in suburban Dearborn.

In 1999, a Ford boiler explored at the complex during routine maintenance, killing six employees and injuring 14 others. State regulators later found 15 workplace safety violations.

In 2001, a furnace blew and 2,000-degree molten steel spewed out, causing minor injuries to two workers.
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

If there is another explosion on 3/6/06 , 3/15/06 or 3/24/06 I'd start to worry that someone out there is playing # games when they make things go boom.

However, sounds to me like it's a breeding ground for safety violations and unlawful neglect.
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Yeagh, the BP plant explosions seem a bit more suspicious to me. Steel mills always have their share of accidents, molten metal is no joke.
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Looks like Bush is going to oppose the Minutemen afterall:

Bush decries border project


By James G. Lakely

WACO, Texas ? President Bush yesterday said he opposes a civilian project to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as \"vigilantes.\"
He said he would pressure Congress to further loosen immigration law.
More than 1,000 people ? including 30 pilots and their private planes ? have volunteered for the Minuteman Project, beginning next month along the Arizona-Mexico border. Civilians will monitor the movement of illegal aliens for the month of April and report them to the Border Patrol.
Mr. Bush said after yesterday's continental summit, with Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin at Baylor University, that he finds such actions unacceptable.
? ?\"I'm against vigilantes in the United States of America,\" Mr. Bush said at a joint press conference. \"I'm for enforcing the law in a rational way.\"
? ?The Minuteman Project was born out of a long-held perception among many residents that more Border Patrol agents are needed to handle the flow of illegal immigrants.
? ?Mr. Bush was criticized by both Republicans and Democrats earlier this month for failing to add 2,000 agents to the Border Patrol, as set out in the intelligence overhaul legislation he signed in December.
? ?The president's 2006 budget allows enough money to add only 210 agents for the U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico.
? ?Mr. Bush said he will \"continue to push for reasonable, common-sense immigration policy.\" He has proposed legislation to grant guest-worker status to millions of illegal aliens already in the United States.
? ?The legislation has attracted scant support in Congress, where it is widely regarded as another amnesty that will encourage even more illegal immigration.
? ?Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, of Nevada, says Democrats have been willing to work with Mr. Bush, but that first the president must persuade congressmen of his own party to embrace his plan.
? ?\"Unfortunately, the right wing of the president's party continues to put forward proposals that neither help make progress towards comprehensive immigration reform, nor help truly protect our borders,\" Mr. Reid said.
? ?Mr. Fox, who has said he seeks an open border, has applied constant pressure on Mr. Bush to get the guest-worker program through Congress. Mr. Bush has pledged that he will do all he can.
? ?Mr. Fox said yesterday that his country is dedicated to making sure border crossings are legal and orderly. \"We discussed the issue of border crossings and how we can protect our borders and be efficient along the border.\"
? ?The official agenda of the one-day summit was centered on economic matters and the three leaders reached agreement on what they called the establishment of the \"Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America,\" designed to build upon the North American Free Trade Agreement.
? ?Mr. Martin said he pressed Mr. Bush to get the United States to drop its ban on the importation of Canadian beef ? imposed because of fears of spreading mad cow disease ? and to reduce tariffs on softwood lumber, but no commitments were made.
? ?Canada earlier this year said it would not participate in the U.S. missile-defense program, and Mr. Martin said there is little chance he would change his mind. \"On [missile defense], the file is closed,\" Mr. Martin said.
? ?\"But our cooperation in terms of defense, in terms of our borders, in terms of defense of our common ? our frontiers is very ? is not only very clear, but it is being accentuated.\"
? ?Mr. Bush said he had not imposed a June deadline on North Korea to rejoin talks with the United States, Russia, South Korea, Japan and China with the intention of North Korea giving up its nuclear-weapons program.
? ?\"I'm a patient person,\" Mr. Bush said. \"But the leader of North Korea must understand that when we five nations speak, we mean what we say.\"
? ? Stephen Dinan contributed to this report from Washington.

I wonder if this will tip off a Waco type event afterall. I feel bad for the Minutemen, to have their own Govt come after them. This looks really bad.
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Is it just me, or did the Waco Texas dateline on that just make your gut clench. Interasting he mentioned mad cow in the same article. Could be the universe is sending a little message. Bush out and out called thesy guys vigelantes which is a very bad sign. Public leaders are usually a little more diplomatic when dealing with groups who have not yet committed crimes. For instance he refers to the invaders as undocumented immigrants rather than illegal aliens. I have a bad feeling about this. (Did JT ever make mention of April 1 or april fools day in any of his posts?)
Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

Is it just me, or did the Waco Texas dateline on that just make your gut clench.
Yep, saw that...hmmmm....If there's such a thing as a Christian fundamentalist liberal....hehehe Bush is it!

Re: minuteman project... waco type event???

"I'm against vigilantes in the United States of America," Mr. Bush said at a joint press conference. "I'm for enforcing the law in a rational way."

That is to say, enforcing it when he can rationalize its enforcement and his own respect for it along the lines of what is useful and conducive to policies favoring the interests of his corporate associates over those of the people.

Why are these people called "vigilantes?" How are vigilantes irrational?

Vigilantes: the guys who got together in San Francisco in the early days to hang outlaws when the local police wouldn't even arrest them. Crude, simple, like a butterchurn or flintlock; but far from irrational. Good Citizens: the ones who report criminal conduct to the authorities and expect them to make arrests. Vigilantes are outlaws hanging outlaws; citizen watch groups are voluntary auxiliaries to the police.

Poor President Bush, caught in the bind between security of the United States, and its peace and prosperity (and its clean air and water and protected forests) on the one hand, and, on the other, the blind greed of those who put him in power.

Example: SuperFund sites. They must be cleaned up at public expense, the corporations having shown no inclination to clean up poisonous cesspools at their own expense. Environmentally sound issue; Bush's position? Increase both the number of sites officially designated SuperFund, and increase the amount of money spent to clean them up. Why? To protect the environment? To save the lives of children? No. To save the corporations the expense.

Example: Second Amendment. Bush wants to placate the NRA and his perceived base of support among the guntoting. On the other hand, doesn't want an armed population opposing his thug federal agents and plans to extend federal power onto the local level. What to do!

Example: the Southern border. Bush wants to get plenty of illegally-paid workers onto the corporate farms and spare the corporations the payroll expenses of insurance and taxes. On the other hand, "his" constituency clamors for border control, and it looks like terrorists could sneak into four States-- those are big States, too, were not talking Delaware and Vermont here. What to do!

"To enforce the law in a rational way," apparently, means that you permit four or five armed groups to descend into a fresh hell of your own making.

On the first terrace, all those who ever hoped for the minimal atmosphere of peace and order on the frontier are subjected to eternal torment.

On the second level, we notice famous and infamous sheriffs, lawdogs, and ambiguous deputies from the Wild West turning on lascivious spits over undying barbecues.

On the third, all caution is thrown to the wind.


On the lowest level, outside of Nogales (a city half Mexican, half American), anarchy, vigilantism, police-state tactic, irrational incantations, gunfire, sand, vampirish scorpion, steaming paving material for the road to hell, spilled cocaine, spent shell casings, blood.
