minuteman project and Waco type events thread

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Originally posted by CaryP@Aug 23 2004, 07:50 PM
I see in the news over the weekend that the official position of the Republican high command is that any demonstrations will be \"characterized\" as a show of disloyalty to a sitting president, who needs patriotic support in a time of war.

Yep, I saw that over the weekend as well. A related article was the "stadium" that Mayor Bloomberg wants to put up on Manhattan's west side for a "free speech zone." Mr. Mayor says that protestors have rights too. That's why he wants a stadium that holds 100,000 people. Of course, this is his second offer. The first was protestors could have a "free speech zone" on the side of a highway. At the same time, Mr. Mayor says that all those RNC attendees have rights too, like not being disturbed by all those nasty protestors. I'm hearing the term "anachist" used more and more in the media to describe protestors. Easier to beat up and jail "anachists" in the public opinion polls. This thing might turn into a real wild west show. The protestors don't sound like they're backing down, and I know that Bushco won't tolerate being protested.

Good analysis as usual, Paul.


Thank you. I think it all qualifies as a Waco-type event by virtue of the federal intent alone, even if there is no violence. And we should probably study the thing carefully, and see how it happened. An essential element is the adversary posture of the government-- them against us. The bad ones against Our President. Peace and quiet at any cost in order to wage war abroad without disruption. Law and order at any cost to the law of the land and orderly dissent. The people are the enemy.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I do have to say (and I'm tired so sorry if this doesn't work, BUT) the anarachists (the real ones) are the ones ruining it for us. There really are groups out there planning to fight for our side and take it violent. I personally don't know anything about that at all, no sir, no thank you, but they're out there, and they want to blow things up and hurt people. That's nothing but stupid and it's not going to get our point across. Now is the local media and ? forces playing up those small violent factions to overforce the free speech spaces? Perhaps. I would accept they are using it to their advantage. Either way, waco is going to look like a backyard picknick if this powderkeg blows.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

This could be the kickoff to the whole thing.

Sunday, August 29:
The World Says No to the
Bush Agenda!
Massive Protest at the Republican Convention

Assemble at 10:00AM,
Seventh Ave. @ 14th St., NYC
March steps off at noon

IMPORTANT NOTE: Today's federal court ruling regarding Central Park concerns a different organization, seeking to hold a protest on a different day. United for Peace and Justice will have a hearing in state court tomorrow, Tuesday, August 24, seeking a court order to rally in Central Park on Sunday. We already have an agreement with the City for a legal, peaceful march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention.

We remain optimistic that we will prevail in court. We expect a ruling in our case on Wednesday or Thursday. If we win the court case, we will march to Central Park for an exuberant rally. If we lose in court, we will negotiate with the City for a safe, peaceful, and orderly closure of the day's events. We will NOT go to the West Side Highway.

To receive immediate notice of the outcome of our lawsuit for Central Park, and the final details for our protest, subscribe to our email list.

WE ARE MARCHING! On August 29, United for Peace and Justice will hold an impassioned, peaceful, and legal march past Madison Square Garden, the site of the Republican Convention. When the Republicans descend on New York City with their agenda of war, greed, hate and lies, they will be met by a massive, diverse, peaceful outpouring of dissent, as huge numbers of us join together in a spirit of nonviolence for a legal, permitted march on August 29 to say NO to their destructive and divisive policies.

Together, we will send a message so powerful it cannot be ignored: We are fed up with the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country! There are two key moments this year when people throughout the United States will have the opportunity to send a resounding message of opposition to the Bush Agenda: November 2, election day, and August 29 in New York City.

Mayor Bloomberg and his Republican pals have already begun a fear campaign designed to keep people away from this historic event; we cannot let them silence us! We must redouble our efforts to make this legal and peaceful protest march as broad and massive as possible. UFPJ filed a lawsuit on August 18, seeking a court order to allow us to rally in Central Park after our march. (See news articles for background.) Until this lawsuit is resolved, we will not be able to announce the final destination of our march, or the complete route. However, rest assured that our assembly area will remain unchanged; we will still hold a legal, permitted march past Madison Square Garden; and we will not go to the West Side Highway.

If you're alarmed by the direction that the Bush Administration has taken this country, you will want to make your voice heard on August 29. Already, many thousands of individuals and hundreds of groups - anti-war, civil rights, immigrant, religious, labor, feminist, environmental, and many more - are planning to participate in this demonstration. The Republican National Convention - and the protests - will be covered by media outlets around the world. It is vital that we bring the largest possible number of people to New York City on Sunday, August 29 to speak out against the actions and plans of the Bush Administration.

The World Says No to the Bush Agenda!

Keep it safe Rob. I'm keeping a news channel on all day to see if anything makes the media. Probably have to check with foreign news services to get a "straight" story.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I found this on George Ure's urbansurvival.com web site. It's a free site if you want to check it out yourself. Seems the gubament has been planning something big since the Kennedy days. Gerry Ford put the final linchpin in the machine, back in 1976.

How to Steal the Republic - Legally!

Matt Savinar, the young California lawyer turned oil shortage activist, has written a phenomenal piece, the implications of which are just now sinking in to my thinking. What Savinar has done is make a list of the rights U.S. citizens can be deprived of with no action from Congress should oil prices, terror attack on energy infrastructure, or depletion threaten the American economy. Here's the short list:

?\"?10995: Right to seize all communications media in the United States.

??10997: Right to seize all electric power, fuels and minerals, both public and private.

??10999: Right to seize all means of transportation, including personal vehicles of any kind and total control of highways, seaports and waterways.

??11000: Right to seize any and all American people and divide up families in order to create work forces to be transferred to any place the government. sees fit.

??11001: Right to seize all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private.

??11002: Right to force registration of all men, women and children in the United States.

??11003: Right to seize all air space, airports and aircraft.

??11004: Right to seize all housing and finance authorities in order to establish ?Relocation Designated Areas? and to force abandonment of areas classified as ?unsafe.?

??11005: Right to seize all railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities, both public and private.

??11921: Authorizes plans to establish government control of wages and salaries, credit and the flow of money in US financial institutions.

?In other words, severe drop in the world's oil production = massive economic meltdown = Germany 1939-1940 here in America 2004-2005.

?And it would be legal. No input by Congress. No review by the Supreme Court. No protesting in the streets. No calling into the talk shows. No posting on message boards. No running to Canada.


This doesn't even get to the impacts of individual state declarations and pronouncements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Savinar's book, \"The Oil Age is Over\" is sold out, but you can preorder the expanded second edition which will start shipping the first week of October. It's absolutely \"must read\" material because energy will influence your life from here forward. Ordering information at


The links to the executive orders listed don't work here. You'll have to go to http://www.urbansurvival.com to check them out in detail.


minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Hack and my friends,
please read here.

This story of your march reminds me more and more of "the big trap" in Genoa G8 2001 (google it to know more).
The govt prepared it all. This is how it went:
- They began to scare Genoa inhabitants. They said G8 was going to be a major event, lot of police, and lot of protesters around: better go to the beach or on vacation. TV News played this trumpet for weeks. Result: the city was almost empty when the G8 began.
- They gave to the protesters (about 300.000 people) an exact plan on where they could march. Road by road, they could go here through there, no more.There was a big red area not allowed for any reason. Then, they put big containers in a line all along a side of the main march road... if you only could see it, it was a perfect trap.
- Then, the first day everything went perfectly: the first march, the concert everything. Loads of people, seeing it on TV, decided to go to Genoa and join the protesters.
- The second day, the dance began. How? With those you call "anarchists" (and we call "Black Bloc"). The TV was airing for days and days news about them, how they would spoil the march, they were going to destroy everything, the were going to fight the police etc (something tells me you're witnessing the same song on your TVs). Of course, the Black Bloc came out and destroy shops and banks etc... but, guess what? A lot of videos testimony that they came out from Police Stations!!!! So, Hack, what they call "anarchists" are nothing but people on THEIR payroll.
- Then, the battle began. The crowd was trapped in the roads, and police came out from everywhere beating people, women, elders, nuns, everybody. There were blood on the streets. A young guy, Carlo Giuliani, was killed by a police shot, and then they passed over his still alive body with the police jeep.
- Lot of protesters were bring to the police stations. And then, they were beaten, they spit over them, girls were forced to ###### in front of policemen, they were left hours standing and if they wanted to sit they were beaten again. Some of them went desaparecidos for days.
- At night, the police went into the school the municipality of Genoa gave to the protesters to use as a media center. They destroyed everything. Computers, photo and videocameras, anything could testimony what they did. And beat people there so badly you could see blood falling from the walls. Hospitals were full, and police went to hospitals to take wounded people and bring in the stations to beat them again.

Now, you can easily think mine is a fascist country. Well, what happened those days reminds us Chile 1973. But it never, never happened before here, and never after. Police went crazy... just because someone told them "You can do what you want this time, no punishment". Many policemen later faced judgement, and there was a big scandal, but you know, we'll never be the same... and Carlo Giuliani too.
minuteman project and Waco type events thread


As a follow up to Cornelia's report of police abuse and manipulation from the 2001 Genoa G8 meeting, I thought you might be interested in the following. There is an organization known as Protest Warriors. Their website is at http://www.protestwarrior.com These self proclaimed saviors of civilization make a point of disrupting anti-war demonstrations. They see themselves as "right" wing and are hell bent on disrupting what they see as "left" wing activities. They've been known to cooperate with police in breaking up and disrupting demonstrations before. Hell, they even held a demonstration FOR Halliburton. They are also very pro gun, which I am as well. I'm just not sure they use their weapons exclusively for defense.

They have their sites set on NYC during the RNC. Don't be surprised if these knuckleheads show up, start making trouble, trying to get protestors and police to have a go with one another. The web bot interpretation I got last night says there will be a fair amount of violence during the RNC. I'll post more about that later. With this thing kicking off next week, well...just keep an eye out for those who would incite violence just to draw the police into a violent response.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread


Just so you know what you're up against, here's an article from the NY Times about the force that will be used to guard the convention. I'm only posting the link and the first page of the article.

Vast Force is Deployed for Convention

Vast Force Is Deployed for Security at Convention

Published: August 25, 2004

The New York Police Department and the largest armada of land, air and maritime forces ever assembled to provide security at a national political gathering are being deployed in New York for the Republican convention, according to federal, state and local officials. They said yesterday that they were planning an intentionally huge response to intelligence that Al Qaeda hoped to carry out an attack to disrupt this year's elections.

The country's terror alert level, which was raised early this month, will remain at orange status, or high alert, throughout the Republican National Convention and probably well beyond, according to several senior intelligence officials. They said they were increasingly concerned about an attack, even though there was no specific intelligence indicating a strike during the convention, which begins Monday.

\"Have we collected intelligence that there is going to be a hit in the financial district during the Republican National Convention?\" said Pasquale J. D'Amuro, the assistant director in charge of the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. \"No. But intelligence we have collected indicates that Al Qaeda still desires to attack both domestically and abroad. They want to kill Americans.\"

With the alert level ratcheted up, even in the absence of a specific threat, thousands of Republicans arriving in New York are likely to be subjected to a new round of potentially confusing public warnings about the risk of attack alongside soothing official exhortations to enjoy the party, which will take place inside a security envelope surrounding Madison Square Garden.

\"Attacking Madison Square Garden would be like pulling a bank job at Fort Knox,\" a senior counterterrorism official said, referring to the security measures being put into place this week. \"It will be the hardest target in the world.\"

Officials from the National Security Council quietly visited New York last week for briefings with the local authorities. Today, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge will inspect arrangements for the convention.

The backbone of security is being provided by the 37,000-member New York Police Department, which has a budget larger than all but 19 of the world's standing armies. To prevent an attack, the department will flood the streets with officers and employ high and low technology, from seven surveillance helicopters to plainclothes detectives traveling the subways and eyeballing other riders.

Up to 10,000 officers, many reassigned from narcotics and other duties, will be part of an enormous show of force around Madison Square Garden. That display will include special heavily armed \"Hercules\" antiterror squads, snipers and phalanxes of officers set up around the arena to search buses and trucks before they enter the area. In addition to the helicopters, several of which can feed close-up video surveillance images to mobile command centers on the ground, 26 launches will patrol waterways, and officers will use 181 bomb-sniffing dogs, many of them borrowed from other law enforcement agencies.

\"We can cover all the bases with 37,000 police officers,\" Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said yesterday. \"As big as the R.N.C. deployment is, we have a reserve on top of that. New York would be a poor choice for the malicious-minded to try anything, especially now.\"

Mr. Kelly has said that virtually the entire department will be mobilized next week, when in addition to the convention, the department will police the United States Open tennis tournament, and baseball games at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx and Shea Stadium in Queens.

Not counting the costs incurred by federal agencies, security in New York is estimated at about $60 million, out of a convention budget of about $166 million, as concerns have broadened to cover not only the week of the convention, but also the weeks before and after it. Police are girding for protests, including a planned march on Sunday, which organizers have predicted will attract as many as 250,000 people, and more spontaneous demonstrations.

The "vast force" is not just for the allegded terror attack. It's for protestors. Caution is warranted.

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Jess (that's my girl) and I were having a moment last night and she expressed to me the feelings that she's having about the coming week.
There's definitely a buzz in the air what with every other person going on vacation, people working from home, talking bicycles. This is so much more than about protesting, and there is real fear in people including Jess about what might really go down. Cary, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this week to come does spark a violent revolution or the horrors that I know some of us on this board dream of. Take a look in your mind if you will at a picture of a protester, with a sign that says PEACE on it, and he's standing next to a soldier of the NYPD decked in full riot gear and guns. Who is the one planning violence?
minuteman project and Waco type events thread

I'm sure you'll be safe. But if we don't hear from you just ten minutes after the march is over, we'll DIE for the worrying!
So please, can you ask your girlfriend, or a brother, to email one of us with updates in case you can't (maybe because you are somewhere drunk because you WON! :love: )

minuteman project and Waco type events thread

Take a look in your mind if you will at a picture of a protester, with a sign that says PEACE on it, and he's standing next to a soldier of the NYPD decked in full riot gear and guns. Who is the one planning violence?

The Devil (Satan?)

