My abduction and time travel experience


Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

12 Monkeys is a very good movie !
You're right, if you are travelling through time using timelines, you're not travelling through time at all ! You're only getting to another universe.
What happens if we get to a universe where there's no Earth ? ...Oups, we're f****d lol.
Could you explain more what you said about the frequencies (60 in the US) ?

Num7 :)


Active Member
Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

kc wildman said:
yeh this rabbit hole is deep, and dark too.I never got on the mutli. vers bus
to me it just is not time travel, its dimensional travel, with no hope of return.
and no way of knowing what time/year you will enter the deminsion at. till you get there. just like the show (Sliders) you don't know where your going till you get there.and then like you said what about the crittcal mass threashold. does extra mass make the earth go off balance????does the mass removed make that line collaps???? not to mention will your body even work???I mean we are liveng in a world that runs at (60hrz in the US) and as such we have become acoustom to it as a static/background noise. what happens to us if that static is removed or changed??? will we be able to interact with them???? will they even see us???? will we still be vibrating at the 2008 frequancey????then we get to the 12 monkeys plot. will our bodys be able to deal with the germs of the day???? will there bodys be able to deal with our germs???? I love this stuff, but it will make you nuts to think it through.

It makes me nutz!! Because I feel it is possible in my heart but the TECH is too difficult to understand..
Im in math class now and I am just beginning to understand algebra!! Thats tough enough, Although I must say alot of TT seems very familiar to me and I dont know why....???
It is weird to think that maybe someday our technology will figure out all the variables...
OK kc here is a question to see what you think..
Do you think GOD will accept TT or be mad about it...
If TT is able I wonder if it means GOD approves....:)


Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

God always wants to challenge us, so here's another challenge. Not so long ago, it was impossible to fly, impossible to go faster than the sound's speed.
Someday, we will say the same thing about time travel... maybe (I hope so :))
In my opinion, it doesn't depend on God.
It depends on our capacity to understand the world/universe around us.

Num7 !

Chip Lewis

Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

gonzogirl said:
It makes me nutz!! Because I feel it is possible in my heart but the TECH is too difficult to understand..
Im in math class now and I am just beginning to understand algebra!! Thats tough enough, Although I must say alot of TT seems very familiar to me and I dont know why....???
It is weird to think that maybe someday our technology will figure out all the variables...
OK kc here is a question to see what you think..
Do you think GOD will accept TT or be mad about it...
If TT is able I wonder if it means GOD approves....:)
God mad about it? To answer this question (I realize this question has been directed to offence KC) all you need to do is find out how God feels about those who left their habitation...

My point is that TT is occurring and yes God is mad about it. The perpetrators are the only beings that have been judged to be wiped from existance.


Active Member
Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

Chip said:
God mad about it? To answer this question (I realize this question has been directed to offence KC) all you need to do is find out how God feels about those who left their habitation...

My point is that TT is occurring and yes God is mad about it. The perpetrators are the only beings that have been judged to be wiped from existance.

No prob answering, I wanna hear from as many people as possible!
I had a hard time wrapping my brain around what you said Chip.
But I think I get it..
So if GOD is the Alpha-Omega, then WE are screwing with stuff that we should not be..Only GOD can direct what goes on..
Even tho TT is not a manipulation of time and space...
we shouldnt do what only GOD should do....
I hear stuff all the time like "Well GOD gave us our brains and gave us this tech so its ok w/GOD" Not really true....then.

Chip Lewis

Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

gonzogirl said:
No prob answering, I wanna hear from as many people as possible!
I had a hard time wrapping my brain around what you said Chip.
But I think I get it..
So if GOD is the Alpha-Omega, then WE are screwing with stuff that we should not be..Only GOD can direct what goes on..
Even tho TT is not a manipulation of time and space...
we shouldnt do what only GOD should do....
I hear stuff all the time like "Well GOD gave us our brains and gave us this tech so its ok w/GOD" Not really true....then.
We are the weapons in a war against God. The "sons of God" interrupted mans technical capabilities in the first Earth age (before the flood). The end of the first Earth age was brought on by the "sons of God" manipulating the human genome to prevent Jesus from arriving and saving us all from death.

The "man has the brains to create the technology argument" (I have had many many times) doesn't hold water. We have been set up to acheive these accomplishments to foment our demise. It's a trap, and wer'e falling for it hook line and sinker. Our current technological accomplishments are not our accomplishments. We have been tampered with.

To make the case all you need to do is realize that within the last 100 years we have gone from steam engines to microprocessors. Anyone who says this is logically possible obviously has entirely too much faith in humanity, and are merely adjusting reality to fit our current status.


Active Member
Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

Chip said:
We are the weapons in a war against God. The "sons of God" interrupted mans technical capabilities in the first Earth age (before the flood). The end of the first Earth age was brought on by the "sons of God" manipulating the human genome to prevent Jesus from arriving and saving us all from death.

The "man has the brains to create the technology argument" (I have had many many times) doesn't hold water. We have been set up to acheive these accomplishments to foment our demise. It's a trap, and wer'e falling for it hook line and sinker. Our current technological accomplishments are not our accomplishments. We have been tampered with.

To make the case all you need to do is realize that within the last 100 years we have gone from steam engines to microprocessors. Anyone who says this is logically possible obviously has entirely too much faith in humanity, and are merely adjusting reality to fit our current status.

Well now I will be thinking about that all day.
I have never thought about it from that perspective..
I had to turn off the music to read.
So GOD put us on earth and gave us instructions,
And we have free will , free will to be used and to destroy ourselves.
So the year 1900 wasnt the year of innovation, it was the start of the end....Thanks Chip....I will think about this it is a very interesting perspective and one I think kc will agree with no doubt!

Chip Lewis

Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

gonzogirl said:
Well now I will be thinking about that all day.
I have never thought about it from that perspective..
I had to turn off the music to read.
So GOD put us on earth and gave us instructions,
And we have free will , free will to be used and to destroy ourselves.
So the year 1900 wasnt the year of innovation, it was the start of the end....Thanks Chip....I will think about this it is a very interesting perspective and one I think kc will agree with no doubt!
Anyone who knows how to translate Chaldea, Hebrew, and Greek properly will tell you the same thing I have. This is all ancient knowledge. It's not a perspective per se, it's what the entire Judaeo Christian story is about. You never hear this information because there are no Judaeo Christians left. 99% of them have been deceived by the grand plan, and believe in the "rapture, and "speaking in toungues" and all other sorts of nonsense. It this sort of deceptive properties that have pushed away everybody that God really needs to win the war. Seriously, can you think of one deeply inquisitive open minded honest and progressive indiviual that brings people to God in droves? Yeah...I didn't think so. Smart folks can't buy the 6000 to 10000 year old Eath theory (which is a blatant lie), or the war for peace meme...


Active Member
Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

Chip said:
Anyone who knows how to translate Chaldea, Hebrew, and Greek properly will tell you the same thing I have. This is all ancient knowledge. It's not a perspective per se, it's what the entire Judaeo Christian story is about. You never hear this information because there are no Judaeo Christians left. 99% of them have been deceived by the grand plan, and believe in the "rapture, and "speaking in toungues" and all other sorts of nonsense. It this sort of deceptive properties that have pushed away everybody that God really needs to win the war. Seriously, can you think of one deeply inquisitive open minded honest and progressive indiviual that brings people to Gos in droves? Yeah...I didn't think so. Smart folks can't buy the 6000 to 10000 year old Eath theory (which is a blatant lie), or the war for peace meme...

So it sounds to me that manipulation + translation of the Bible = Chaos for us.:(


Re: My Abduction & Time Travel Experience

Numenorean7 said:
12 Monkeys is a very good movie !
You're right, if you are travelling through time using timelines, you're not travelling through time at all ! You're only getting to another universe.
What happens if we get to a universe where there's no Earth ? ...Oups, we're f****d lol.
Could you explain more what you said about the frequencies (60 in the US) ?

Num7 :)
I'll try to clear it some. your clock radio keeps time by useing an eletric motor that runs at a set speed how????
elect. A/C (alternating/reversing cycles)D.C(direct/single direction) current is a cycled controled flow of electrons on/off/on/off 60 times per second in the US. its diffrant in europe. thats why you can't take your clock to france and just plug it in. you'll let the smoke out. if you speed up or slow down the cycle rate the clock motor will run faster/slower accordingly. you can see the effect that cycle rates have on things by takeing a small fan and set it next to the monitor for your comp. and then turn the fan on and watch the screen it will show the frequancey lines and the resulting distortions on the monitor. monitor must be on
no damage will be done to the monitor it just f*%ks with the pic.
that said, the body runs on elect. too, and if we go to a vers/time where the cycle rate is diffrant will we still work, or will our brain short out like the clock you took to france. no way to know till it's to late, still want to ride in my time mech.
