New Hdr


There used to be a few videos of DrZ on Youtube showing how to use the HDR. It was quite confusing to watch him struggling with the device, it looked like he was on his first attempt.

It'd be awesome to have a decent quality video of somehow explaining how to use the HDR.


Active Member
I don't think he was struggling Num. I think that's what it really looks like when you use the thing. But I would like to see something decent as well.


Senior Member
Hi peregrini:
I love gold, but they are brass screws - sorry.
Actually, I asked Steven Gibbs to make an HDR for me using gold wire.
OK at 1810 an ounce, gold is down approx 50 today, the electromagnet uses approx 50 pounds of the yellow metal that is. 12X50 = 600 troy ounces.
600 X 1810 = $1,086,000.00

Hi zeo:
They use of profanity is a sign that you are losing not winning. People who buy the device are heavy into radionics and using zero point energy. Most understand what they are getting into, and that is why Steven Gibbs does not believe in selling the device to a young user.

Hi cosmo:
I have a nice bullet hole in my window to remind me that I should not give out information about me. People are not happy that some knows future events and consider that to be cheating, and in a way it is. Fact is, you tend to get a better grade if you know the answers on the final exam.

Hi num:
The device is ready to go. I plan to run a few more tests on power use. :)


Active Member
Hey..i didn't use profanity kid....i starred it out. And truth be told...I had no idea we were in some sort of contest. Look, it's your money...spend it how ya like. Personally, if I had the cash to send Gibbs for one of, things....I'd send it to a worthy charity instead. There are starving people in Africa, folks underwater in the Northeastern U.S. Oh, but that's right, you already predicted all of that right? And if i'm reading this post of yours right, you gave Gibbs over 1K to build it for you? Wow...P.T Barnum had you in mind.


Senior Member
To zeo:

The technology of I most use is remote viewing. Stock traders use it to see future news. In fact, new events will drive a stock down or up. Key is to be able to view what is coming. Another technology is astral time travel, which I believe has more accuracy. Devices like the HDR are use to step up my power. I describe it like a pair of glasses letting me see. Being able to predict the future is the difference between failure and success.

Here is the 2012 HDR in use.


Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I'm not an expert but if we believe in the theory of Multiple Time Lines, is Remote Viewing focused strictly on the current time-line? Meaning, it's giving you a glimpse of this present here and now, and not of an alternate future?
Is RV done with HDR?


Senior Member
Hi cosmo:
I have a nice bullet hole in my window to remind me that I should not give out information about me. People are not happy that some knows future events and consider that to be cheating, and in a way it is. Fact is, you tend to get a better grade if you know the answers on the final exam.

I wasn't asking for a video of it being used so I could identify you. Wear a Zorro mask and a top hat or something. What I'm interested in is seeing a full recorded session of this thing being used.

My personal opinion is that this is basically an electromagnet in a box with no real purpose other than that of a poorly made placebo. I'd like to be proven wrong. I'm not challenging you or asking you to do anything unsafe, just to be given something other than what I can find reading Google News.

I think that's fair.


Senior Member
A bullet hole in your window? Must have been those 25 cops that showed up at your house with 25 cop cars that you said happened , one of the cops must have been under stress because the local responding station did not have that many mobile units.

Stress on the job is a terrible thing, in fact, events like that can drive stocks up or down.

You owe it to the real, live, actual, scientific world to prove once and for all that the placebo actually works.


Senior Member
I showed my HDR to a debunker, he called cops. Told them the unit was dangerous and the unit was torn apart as they attempted to study it also, they asked me many question and yes it was 27 police cars. Interesting that you should have such poor memory.

I later got another HDR as that one was damaged, but it did have a good effect as I did move away. I have been told not to post negative predictions, well, as you can imagine. Predictions for coming years are extremely negative and then some.

My take is that if you ignore the oil lamp warning. Well, instead of buying some motor oil, you have to buy a new engine. I prefer to spend what little time I have getting ready for what is coming.


Senior Member
Moving this to the appropriate forum. Please keep astral and remote viewing discussion in the "powers of the mind" category. Thanks :)
