Nine years in a dream

Were there any calenders in your dream to show you 9 different years, or did you celebrate 9 birthdays? :D
That's an interesting point. There were no acknowledgement of birthdays, holidays, or anything like that. There was a clock on the wall in one of the buildings, but I rarely looked at it. We counted time relative to when we arrived. There was day and night. We slept and woke.

Are you 100% sure it was a dream and not an abduction?
I mentioned in a previous post about my alien "dreams". They never feel like regular dreams because they are full sensory experiences. This dream felt like that.

One alien dream in particular had a feel that was the closest to this one. Me and a group of other people had been taken to a "place" where we were being "re-educated" by an alien disguised as a human. Everyone else went along with it except me. I was able to recognize the alien for what it was and I called "her" out on their agenda.

But to answer your question, I don't know what an abduction is supposed to be like, so I can't say for certain. What I do know for certain is I wake up in my bed after the experience, and that suggests a dream.

But if I was abducted (which I doubt), there are two things I can be certain of. One, it's happened multiple times. And two, I'm as much a curiosity as I am a thorn in their side.
If you've lived and experienced an extra 9 years of life in one night then you are a very lucky man indeed.

Reminds me of the Star Trek episode where Picard is touched by the prope and in an instant he is transformed and is living on a different World that he can't escape from, he has a family grows old and dies but when he does die he is instantly returned to the Enterprise at the point from which he left but he still retains the memories, experiences of his other life.

To be given 'extra' time would be a blessing.
I think if that was you, instead of dying you would have shed a few skins :D
There was only one clock in one building to tell the time? 9 years in a place with only one clock? What was the place like? It sounds like some kind of prison!

Most nights I have dreams that are so lucid I could even be dreaming now, I love it, I look forward to sleeping because I get to experience crazy things. I often fly, I love to fly.
I have had similar experiences where I im in the dream for atleast couple of months but 9 nine years! thats on another level
There was only one clock in one building to tell the time? 9 years in a place with only one clock? What was the place like? It sounds like some kind of prison!

Most nights I have dreams that are so lucid I could even be dreaming now, I love it, I look forward to sleeping because I get to experience crazy things. I often fly, I love to fly.
I only saw one clock. I did have my phone, but I never looked at the time on anything but the clock.
What kind of world was it? What was the place like? It can't have been the same as here if everyone only ever told the time from one clock on one building. Tell us more please...
What kind of world was it? What was the place like? It can't have been the same as here if everyone only ever told the time from one clock on one building. Tell us more please...
Calling it a building was probably the wrong descriptor. It was more like a complex. By far the largest single interior space was an antique and collectibles store. It was huge and I spent a lot of time in there. The items they had, though, could not be found anywhere else. Lot's of silver and gold bullion in various minted shapes and sizes depicting different times and places throughout history. Tools and weapons made from animal parts (bones, skins, organs, etc). So much to mention.
There were a lot of different stores with bizarre things for sale. We had money to buy what we needed, but we didn't have jobs to earn it. It was like we were on vacation, but we lived there. We didn't have our own houses. I hesitate to use the word ""communal", but there were some elements to that.
The complex was on an island in a large archipelago. The water was an opaque light blue and was still. It was also fairly deep. Most islands were small and had only one or two buildings. We had craft that we used to move between the islands. They were two or 4 seaters and were probably only about 10-12 feet long. There was no visible motor and seemed to be powered to some degree by thought.
Most days the sun wasn't visible but light was bright and constant. On days when it was visible, it was always low on the horizon, like mid-afternoon or early evening.
Tide was a problem. When it came, it was like a tsunami. One particular island was a safe haven when the tide came in. The complex on that island was very large. The actual island area wasn't very big but there were multiple levels going up at least 4 levels and down at least 12 levels below sea level. Most doors and walls were transparent, so when the tide came in it was a spectacle. There was a transparent protective barrier around the island to protect from the tide. There was a huge tower overseeing everything and it rose above the highest point on the wall.
The tide never felt like a threat. There was no fear of death or drowning or harm. Only inconvenience. No one was afraid. As a matter of fact it was a time of party and celebration. There were events and shows and all kinds of fun things to do while the tide inundated the rest of the archipelago. My first time here I got separated from my friends so I went and ate some tacos by myself at a restaurant next to the tide wall. It was pretty awesome (the wall and the tacos).
There's so much that could be said about that place, but I only have so much time.
