Thanks for responding to my questions. SNL is "Saturday Night Live" a live comedy show on the NBC network. The show started in the mid-1970's but continues on to this day. It's broadcast from a studio in New York City. The early years were the funniest bringing us the comedic talents of Dan Akroyd, John Belusi, Chevy Chase, Bill Murrary, Gilda Radner, Lorraine Newman, Garret Morris, and Jane Curtain. They were called the "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" as the show comes on at 10:30 p.m. central time (after Prime Time 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.). There have been other great comedic talents that have come from the show - Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Will Farrell, Dennis Miller, David Spade, Dana Carvey, Mike Meyers, Chris Farley, and Norm McDonald, come to mind.
BTW, as it will affect your career and industry, you might want to read "Conquer the Crash" by Prechter. Very enlightening given our current economic situation.
Thanks again,
Thanks for responding to my questions. SNL is "Saturday Night Live" a live comedy show on the NBC network. The show started in the mid-1970's but continues on to this day. It's broadcast from a studio in New York City. The early years were the funniest bringing us the comedic talents of Dan Akroyd, John Belusi, Chevy Chase, Bill Murrary, Gilda Radner, Lorraine Newman, Garret Morris, and Jane Curtain. They were called the "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" as the show comes on at 10:30 p.m. central time (after Prime Time 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.). There have been other great comedic talents that have come from the show - Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Will Farrell, Dennis Miller, David Spade, Dana Carvey, Mike Meyers, Chris Farley, and Norm McDonald, come to mind.
BTW, as it will affect your career and industry, you might want to read "Conquer the Crash" by Prechter. Very enlightening given our current economic situation.
Thanks again,