Paranormal Report: Black Eyed Children Stories


Senior Member
Basically, a demon has a sulfurous aroma. A vampire smells like a rotting corpse. However, the BEK have a sickly sweet smell that is similar to a patient with terminal cancer.

Now you've sparked my curiosity. How do you know what demons, vampires, and BEKs smell like?


Senior Member
This has been beat to death in this post but i will repeat again.
What stops them from coming in? We all know a Alien will enter whether or not you say yes or no, and in any mythology and lore the only thing that needs to be "invited in" is a vampire.

Assuming they are actually Hybrids, why don't they just enter? Are they just testing the will power of Humans?

And you say Smell, personally i have never smelled a Vampire,Demon,Alien,Hybrid to know what any of them smell like, now in the one case of demonic possession i was involved in i can vouch for the smell of Sulfer and Rotten eggs with the presence of the Demon.

As for ET's i have heard many different smells associated with ET's, not just one so to narrow it down to ET by a single Smell and only a smell isn't really reasonable. From my understanding Hybrids have the same means as ET's to abduct and enter houses so knocking on doors and windows makes no sense.

Until any proof what so ever is put forward besides random testimonies this to me is nothing more than a Urban Legend, And i do believe Legends are based on truth, but with this day and age a story is very easily spread, people hear these story's and make their own.

I would be willing to bet you could start a good Urban Legend and within i would say 7-8 Months you would have people saying it happened to them too even though you made it up completely. This was the case of Slenderman, a good story made up by a college student and it went viral, next thing you know you have eye witness testimony of people seeing him and then a movie.


New Member
Thats creepy as hell, their has always been one vice for me and thats anything having to do with children ghosts or children hybrids. Don't know why but it gives me the goose bumps. I have heard of the Black Eyed humans before, and they were thought to be possessed by Demon, this is the first i have heard of them being considered anything else. I can defanintly see Vampire but i am not 100% on hybrids

My understanding for Hybrids is that they do look like us but with the overly abundant eyes pale skin and elongated skulls, or they appear to be very beautiful but with the same attributes. I have also read that Hybrid Children are not allowed on earth till adult hood, Perhaps they may be Hybrids gone wrong? Not of ET decent but our own attempts at hybrids?
if the black eye children are vampires then i think they have more in common with the 30 days of night version although i do not belive that anyone has ever tooken a picture or a video recording of them


Senior Member
Thats creepy as hell, their has always been one vice for me and thats anything having to do with children ghosts or children hybrids. Don't know why but it gives me the goose bumps. I have heard of the Black Eyed humans before, and they were thought to be possessed by Demon, this is the first i have heard of them being considered anything else. I can defanintly see Vampire but i am not 100% on hybrids

My understanding for Hybrids is that they do look like us but with the overly abundant eyes pale skin and elongated skulls, or they appear to be very beautiful but with the same attributes. I have also read that Hybrid Children are not allowed on earth till adult hood, Perhaps they may be Hybrids gone wrong? Not of ET decent but our own attempts at hybrids?
if the black eye children are vampires then i think they have more in common with the 30 days of night version although i do not belive that anyone has ever tooken a picture or a video recording of them

No there is only Eye witness testimony of people who can't be tracked down.

I figured if they were to make a appearance Halloween would be the night!, What better time then when people are expecting Children at their door's? If this BEC myth is real we will find out Halloween night! I'd expect the story's to come pouring in!


New Member
Thats creepy as hell, their has always been one vice for me and thats anything having to do with children ghosts or children hybrids. Don't know why but it gives me the goose bumps. I have heard of the Black Eyed humans before, and they were thought to be possessed by Demon, this is the first i have heard of them being considered anything else. I can defanintly see Vampire but i am not 100% on hybrids

My understanding for Hybrids is that they do look like us but with the overly abundant eyes pale skin and elongated skulls, or they appear to be very beautiful but with the same attributes. I have also read that Hybrid Children are not allowed on earth till adult hood, Perhaps they may be Hybrids gone wrong? Not of ET decent but our own attempts at hybrids?
if the black eye children are vampires then i think they have more in common with the 30 days of night version although i do not belive that anyone has ever tooken a picture or a video recording of them

No there is only Eye witness testimony of people who can't be tracked down.

I figured if they were to make a appearance Halloween would be the night!, What better time then when people are expecting Children at their door's? If this BEC myth is real we will find out Halloween night! I'd expect the story's to come pouring in!
hopefully tonight i run into one as i hand out treats with my sister


Senior Member
I know that this a long story, but please bear with me.

This is a something that was told to me. I do not know if it is true, but it matches what I have seen.

A friend told me that he was once all alone in the house and he let two BEK boys in. He was seven. They looked to be approx nine. They asked, “Hey, we wanna come in. Do you have any games?”

My friend said. “All I have are some crappy old Atari games. They are from my brother and he is in the army.”

They said, “That is OK, can we come in?”

My friend said, “Well, OK, but I am not suppose to let any strangers in.”

He opened the door and the two boys came in. He knew that both had solid black eyes. There was no iris. It was all black and scary.

Together the three did play old blocky games like pac man.

After a while, they told my friend that they were hungry and he gave them some cocoa puffs cereal, but they did not want any. Then both boys started eating it out of the box without milk like it was candy and on the floor they spilled some pieces.

Suddenly the phone rang. It was my friend’s mom. She told him that she was going to be home late again.

BEK boys said that they did not have a dad or a mom. He asked where they were from and they said far away. He did not put any pressure.

Accent was strange, but not robotic like some say. They had some more fun playing games. Later they returned to the kitchen which they called the feeding zone.

He did not have any more food to give em. Then he noticed a dusty rusty old can of pork and beans near the counter. He opened it up. BEK boys told him that they do not eat meat because they are not carnivores. He ate the contents of the can. Suddenly, they both did disappear like a puff of smoke even.

OK so many months later, two BEK girls did appear. They looked to be nine. He was now nine. These girls were sickly looking with pale skin and hair that was white as snow. Not all the BEKs look the same.

Both said, “Please let us in. Hey, we need to pee.”

Even though, he got yelled at last time for letting the BEK boys in. He did it again.

Two girls ran in. Well, they headed right for the bath room.

He was not afraid, but both girls were coughing up a storm even. It was winter and it was snowing. He did not notice any footsteps in the snow. He also gave them cocoa puffs, but these girls said it was bitter and then he put milk and sugar on it. They started eating with their hands the sugar. Then they ate the cocoa puffs and later drank the milk up.

Both girls showed him 3D pictures of their planet with an indigo sky and trees that were cyan. Houses were like A-frames and full of high tech stuff inside that was amazing.

The girls had an A-frame near the sea. It was walking distance even. They told him on their planet there were no flies, mosquitoes, and no scary germs. All plants were good to eat and no poisons.

Older one complained that she did not have any boobs and needed to eat more protein instead of candy and sugar. Younger girl said, we still have time so don’t worry. My friend told me. “Like you can tell these BEK girls did not understand what normal human behavior was. Talk about extreme free range. Sadly, they would discuss very intimate details of their personal life right in front of me. Also, they had no concept of personal space. Both started hugging me.”

He asked both girls if they knew the BEK boys and they said no. In fact, they said, it is like you meet a man in NYC and ask me if I know him, not likely we tell you.

These girls were nothing like the guys. Like they did seem sad like they were crying. Mostly, they had a scared deer look in their eyes. These were solid black with no white or gray. Also, both girls were cover over in scars.

Both girls started to ask him personal questions that made him uncomfortable to the max. Well, one girl turned a TV off and said, “Hey you, TV is bad for you.” He asked, “Because of x-rays?” She said, “Ah no, there is another reason.”

Actually, he was smoking one of his dad’s cigarettes and the other girl pull it out of his mouth and put it out on the floor. She said, “This is bad for you. If you keep on smoking you will die of lung cancer.”

He got a bit upset, but said zero.

The older of the two girls asked him. Hey ###, do you have a girlfriend?” My friend’s face turned red and he was surprise that she knew his name and said no. She told him that she was telepathic and that the BEK have no names. Also, she told him that she that she had many friends in outer space.

He said, “Oh wow, so you live in a flying saucer.” She said, “It is more of Jell-O mold or a top hat even. She then added, “Hey ###, I can be your girlfriend if you want one.”

### said to me. “I am not gay. However, those girls were so creepy that I wanted to throw up.”

Older girl pulled out a pencil like object and there were some lights and interesting music. Then both girls started dancing and singing.

Language was not English, but it was melodious like a song.

I asked my friend to describe the music. He said that it is like describing a rainbow to a blind man. It was soft and sweet, not techno or electro pop.

They asked if he had any toys to play with and my friend told them that the BEK boys like to play his video games. The girls were angry. Certainly they did not like to blow stuff up.

He then got out a radio controlled race car. He got this for Christmas and both girls started playing with the rc car. Eventually, the battery was gone.

Older girl said, “Hey, we do not have a mom or a pop.” The younger girl said, “Hey, we wish we had a mom. Well, you are one lucky young man. People in our world come out of machines and robots rear us.”

He said, “That is gross. People need to have a mom.” They said, “People use to have children years ago. Hey, we think that having parents instead of robots is it better for you. Most of our women got tired, so we use machines now. It is like humans use to have horses, but use cars now.”

Younger girl said, “I plan to marry. Also, I wanna have little ones. I wish I had a mom or a pop. Hey, you are lucky to have two, but I would settle for just one.”

My friend said, “I am not lucky.” He took his T-shirt off. Then he showed them bruises he had and told them. “Sadly, my dad gets drunk and hits me.” Both girls started crying. They both said, “Human, you don’t have to stay here any more. Yeah, come with us. Then later on you can decide which one of us you want to marry.” He said, “I do not want to marry any one. Besides, if I leave, Dad will worry. Also, it will be hard on mom.”

The older one gave my friend a long speech:

Hey, little bird, you are in a cage now. If we take you with us… Well, you will never come back to earth again.

Have you ever let a little bird that was born in captivity out into the open air. Well, you cannot put him back in the cage again. He will beat his little wings against the bars until all that is left is a bloody pulp of where wings once were. That is what happens when you put a free bird back in a cage. In fact, once you have tasted real freedom, you can never be a good slave again. That is because you have a thirst for freedom like a bird to fly free in the open air.

Right now, you are a slave and you think that you are not one. Earth is a cage. If you want, you can come with us. Then you will not have to follow a million rules and regs. There is no school for us. Also, there are no bosses screaming.

Choice is yours.

My friend said, “Dad loves me. He only hits me when he gets drunk and angry.”

Older one said, “Oh wow, men are so mean.”

He shot back, “That is not so.”

Younger one said, “Oh yes it is. Boys let us in. However, they do not want to marry us. They only want to use us. Last week one would not get off me. I bit him in the arm. After that he went away.”

My friend was in shock and he did not know what to say. Both girls disappeared in a puff of smoke and they were gone. He did not see them ever again.


Senior Member
Neat Story, But over all is nothing more than a story. The "Puff of Smoke" is a bit odd isn't it? I never heard of anything going "Poof" in a puff of smoke besides bad magicians and Vampires when they turn into bats.

There is still no reason as to why a ET nor Hybrid need to knock to be let into a house, it does not make sense. I checked around for any new reports and all i found were remakes of the old reports. Sightings have become more "Abundant" aka more people are hearing the story and making their own.

And not one report on Halloween.


New Member
Neat Story, But over all is nothing more than a story. The "Puff of Smoke" is a bit odd isn't it? I never heard of anything going "Poof" in a puff of smoke besides bad magicians and Vampires when they turn into bats.

There is still no reason as to why a ET nor Hybrid need to knock to be let into a house, it does not make sense. I checked around for any new reports and all i found were remakes of the old reports. Sightings have become more "Abundant" aka more people are hearing the story and making their own.

And not one report on Halloween.
because i belive that on halloween they would blend in so perfectly


Senior Member
Neat Story, But over all is nothing more than a story. The "Puff of Smoke" is a bit odd isn't it? I never heard of anything going "Poof" in a puff of smoke besides bad magicians and Vampires when they turn into bats.

There is still no reason as to why a ET nor Hybrid need to knock to be let into a house, it does not make sense. I checked around for any new reports and all i found were remakes of the old reports. Sightings have become more "Abundant" aka more people are hearing the story and making their own.

And not one report on Halloween.
because i belive that on halloween they would blend in so perfectly
Well really if there intent was to enter homes and do weird things, why not Halloween though? Play sick or you need to call you mom and anyone would of let them, most wouldn't really think twice because of it being Halloween night.


Senior Member
I try to judge people on their actions, not on their appearance.

David Weatherly has a new book out - Strange Intruders.

He even talks about pig man. Well, that is a new one.

Let us analyze what we know about the BEK.

David Weatherly has never seen one. Also, he does not have any first hand account of any one that has let one in.
This means his data is people who have seen them from afar and lacks detailed information I am trying to supply you...

Who are the BEK?
I believe they are human / alien hybrids.

Why do they come?
Basically, to rescue us. Most speak of an astronomical event that will soon occur.

Where do they come from?
Barnard's Star approx six light years away. I realize that science now says it has no planets as in zero. This is not what they were saying years ago.
It is a dim red dwarf star approx 1/1000 as bright as our sun. Information is limited on their origins.
Barnard's Star and its phantom planets | Astronotes

When did the BEK start coming?
Actually, they have been coming for many years. However, after the 80's they did pick up the pace. Certain people ask why they request permission. This is standard in ethical good societies. For example, you ask a neighbor to borrow a hammer, but you do not stea one. This is in contrast to the grays. Like they are also coming. However, they abduct people and do not ask for permission. BEK claim that we are the bad guys. For example, america says it is good, but it put japanese born in america in concentration camps. They confiscated people's gold and force people to fight in wars. Last straw was dropping atom bombs on unarmed civilians. After this event they started to come in numbers that are massive. Actions speak louder than words. Although Thomas Jefferson and George Washington claimed to fight for freedom, both had slaves and they stole lands from native peoples. Basically, on good time lines there were no slaves and europeans traded with original inhabitants for resources.

How do they come?
There are no reports of BEK using a spaceship, but people report that they leave in a puff of smoke and are gone.
A type of teleportation device with long range. Well, that is what it seems.

What is their life like?
They say that humans are like ants with a caste system {Royals, soldiers, workers, nurses} Please remember some ants makes slaves of other ones.
Soldiers ants are big and guard the nest. The smallest are nurses. Basically, they take care of little ones. Most ants are workers and few are king or queen.
BEK claim that they are like grasshoppers who have no king or queen. Leaderless teams serve as swarms.
Proverbs 30:27
the locusts have no king, yet all of them march in rank;

Sadly, we have been judged and found wanting so a terrible curse is on us. There are timelines where people are nice. Most of these have more technology than us. However, they do not have crime or wars. Humans in this one are seen as a pit of perversions. Like we are not the absolute worst timeline, but rank as one of the worse ones. Still, most are beautiful and green. Yeah, not like ours. Basically, on good time lines, robots do most of the work, while people spend their time writing poems or signing songs.

Evil timelines are filled with war.
BEK are greeted by mean people filled with hate and anger.
This is the best explanation I have for you. It is this simple anime.

