Paranormal Report: Black Eyed Children Stories


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Alien Hybrid Child Hit By Car And Is Not Injured! Nephilim? (Astounding Video)
Friday, January 24, 2014 16:20

By Susan Duclos

The headline comes from Extremum Spiritum and readers can decide for themselves if the child in question is an alien hybrid, Nephilim or perhaps come up with some other explanation for a Brazilian child and grandmother to be literally mowed down by a car, with a clear view of the child’s head and neck being run over brutally, yet he gets right up and runs to stand over his grandmother.

That is harder than hell to watch, i almost didn't make it past the first time it happened. Like as soon as the kid got hit my stomach turned.
Has there been any instance of someone letting a black eyed child into their home or car? What usually happens if a person does that and complies with their demands?


Senior Member
Has there been any instance of someone letting a black eyed child into their home or car? What usually happens if a person does that and complies with their demands?

Most story's you will find are of them just knocking on the door of the home/car, there are few out there where "So and so let them in and were never heard from again" well how on earth do you know that?? Supposedly people are to afraid to let them in. But here is a read for ya

Black Eyed Kids Report From Someone Who Let Them In | Paranormal

problem is there is no source, no author, and no way to track down who did the original story so it is as such, nothing more than a story


Senior Member
Hi TM:
I let a BEK in my house and nothing happened to me.

Hi BT:
Stan Romanek talks about the possum people aliens having a sickly sweet smell similar to Russian Olive blossoms, and I know that the BEK have a similar aroma. Right now I do not have any Russian olives, but I do have autumn olive trees which is a close species. Here is the Stan Romanek interview for you.



Senior Member

Here is more information on BEK - BLACK EYED KIDS

They are known as a unique alien race - KIILY TOKURT
Believed to be one of the oldest known alien races.
200 years is their life span.
Planet of origin is - a star in constellation Vela known as SUHAIL AL MUHLIF
It is 1256 light years away.


see 13:40


Senior Member
I just spoke to a lady yesterday that people around here call witch woman. She claims that her daughter who is 11 often plays with an eight year old BEK girl who comes around some. I can tell you the story if you want it, but I will warn you. The story is not politically correct and might offend some one.

Personally, I never did fear the BEK any. The only one I was afraid of when I was a kid was mista rogers. He really was fakey nice an super scary.


Senior Member
Personally, I never did fear the BEK any. The only one I was afraid of when I was a kid was mista rogers. He really was fakey nice an super scary.

I'm sad that you think that about him; Fred Rogers was one of the most caring, sincere and compassionate people in recent history. Despite the age of the show, I still plan on sharing it with my daughter because I believe the way he explains things to children is spot-on and the message he provides is something everyone should hear. I'm happy to have grown up watching him.

Literally every account I've read where someone had an interaction with him, he was never anything less than kind and friendly.

Here he is defending PBS at a public senate hearing; he's certainly done a lot more for humanity than many others living today can claim:


Senior Member
I always had a bad feeling when I was near that person.
Yesterday, I saw for the first time a cardinal that was orange. I ran and got my camera. The cardinal was gone. Finally, he came back, and I shot a photograph using my super zoom camera. Quality is poor. However, I have evidence that some cardinals are orange.

Problem is that I do not have a single picture of a BEK - not even one. This lack of evidence worries me. Here is what I have found on the web for you.

The old video was deleted, but the new video has a Killy Tokurt at 1:24 & 16:52

It is from the alien book published by Dante Santori.

Here is the book.
alien_race_book-ARB.pdf - DocDroid

I was told the following by a neighbor about a BEK girl called Annalisa. That she never came when a black man was fixing her roof, or when mexicans were picking crops. This lady knows spanish and she hires mexicans to help out on her farm, as most you know, I ive in a rural area. This is the first report I get about BEKs having racism.

Mostly, I have heard from several people that the BEK are coming to rescue us. This is before the nuclear war. Kind of like a person that runs into a burning house to get some gems.

They want to take us to a new earth.


Senior Member
Doctor Who Night Terrors has some BEK dolls as this phenomenon is going mainstream now. Notice the pale ghostly skin, old fashioned raggy dresses, and of course the jet black eyes. Soul-less monsters from our FRIGHT mares. I think not, but rather an attempt to cash in.

