Pictures of us

Pictures of us


Ok Peeps, here ya go. ...this is about two years old I guess. Got a bit grayer.. and maybe next jean size up.. lol..

Also, here's one of my baby - Cybil - she's a 12 year old DEAF dalmation. She knows hand signals :D
Pictures of us


*** in case i'm not rememered ******


-S/xXx :lol:
Pictures of us

Welcome to the plantation stargirlxxx. I don't think we're gonna forget you while you're holding that sword. Nice picture.

Pictures of us

Well, ain't this a lovely little one:


Its a baby picture, well god knows how old. Oh well, not posting new picture, till i find an actual good one.


Couldn't decide between two pictures. This is a long haired picture, when I give up on my hair. :ninja:

And yes, I jumped onto my barn. :lol: :devil:


And Finally....
Pictures of us


You da' man pal. You could be the twin of one of my frat brothers, but he probably looks a lot older than you now. LOL

There's also a new guy at my old B/D who could almost be your twin. His name is Brent. A great golfer, and a very cool guy. Glad you finally decided to post a pic. Don't know why you've been so shy. Thanks bud, glad to have a face with the name.

Uh, ladies? You got a "hunk" for real now. Frings, John and Heggy, apparently, you 'da man as well. Time you young guys took up the slack for all us old boys. Sorry Dado, but you're closer to my age than these young bucks. LOL

Pictures of us

I had this pic taken in 2003 as I was about to leave my house to go to Music Midtown. Those of you who live in Atlanta know what I?m talkin about.

*Note the greenness in my hood. Preserve the beauty of your hood, by not litterin, feeding the pigeons, and cutting your grass.*

Ok, so it didn't post.....but what can ya do eh?

I will post a pic as soon as I get someone here to post a "Uploading pics on this site for dummies" post,lol
