Possibily met starlite


Senior Member
I believe it was april 8th a few days before starlite was planning to leave this time and returning to her own time. I was in my local town waiting for a bus, i had my headphones on listening to some music and that's when this women appeared she stared and was talking to me... I took my headphones of and she said are you waiting for the bus I said yea I said if your waiting for the bus you've got another 15mins before the next one she said oh okay I'm going to walk down to the next bus stop as there's 15mins. she walked off I got my bus and she was no where to be been seen... Sorry helen I had no Idea til it was to late.
This is your proof of meeting a alleged time traveller, a bus time table?

" she said oh okay I'm going to walk down to the next bus stop as there's 15mins. she walked off I got my bus and she was no where to be been seen..."

So from this you have concluded this person is a time traveller? Or is there something else?
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Did her profile even say she was a woman? Or did she say it? Or did we assume because of her profile picture?
