Possibly True Demonic Possession


Junior Member
I beg you a pardon for replying on this thread since I am but a simple person, and to be honest, in my culture we're not accustomed to treat possession with medical therapy.

I do have something to add as an alternative you can take in this matter, and I see it hasn't been covered on this thread-but by taking cultural differences into account however, I don't know if it's feasible for you there since some people may take it wrong.

But if I may...?
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I beg you a pardon for replying on this thread since I am but a simple person, and to be honest, in my culture we're not accustomed to treat possession with medical therapy.

I do have something to add as an alternative you can take in this matter, and I see it hasn't been covered on this thread-but by taking cultural differences into account however, I don't know if it's feasible for you there since some people may take it wrong.

But if I may...?
Feel free to reply however you should know that
The matter has already run its course and the family who's son this thread was about
have moved on.

I will most likely never hear from them again as they were only seeking out opinions.

Here in the US the only course to take is to subject people to rigid tests that can be answered scientifically, first.
He stopped voluntarily seeking treatment.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Stage 3 from the list I posted above ?


Is it self induced mania of some sort ?
I was told, that does not matter. You can compare them with computer programms.
By the way, computers were also created by inspiration of divine beings (also logic and science).

You have a programm or a being that sucks energy from you like an addiction. And those spirits or programms can also go to the next person if you dont feed them.

You could create a programm yourself and you think that this is an other being that is attacking you, but this is only a programm that you have created.

Some Christian teachings like the teaching of unconditional love, try to see infinite worth in everybody etc. help to get rid of them, nomatter if this is a being that is attacking you or a creation of yourself.


Junior Member
Feel free to reply however you should know that
The matter has already run its course and the family who's son this thread was about
have moved on.

I will most likely never hear from them again as they were only seeking out opinions.

Here in the US the only course to take is to subject people to rigid tests that can be answered scientifically, first.
He stopped voluntarily seeking treatment.

Oh yes, now that I've re-read entire thread, I think I missed the part you said the family was ready to move on and that the decision concerning the matter has been made.

Thank you for notifying me, sir :)

It's okay I understand; I'm not too sure myself about writing the alternative method so openly since for some people it may sound well, cruel, maybe? That's why I asked first.

Still, I feel it to be a good thread nonetheless, thank you for sharing.
