President Trump?


Senior Member
why dont we have a some kind of federation behind the gov't if we're getting out of hand we will every where not just here it will have a domino effect.


Senior Member
Well, for the good news. There is not going to be a nuclear war. Also, carrier is not shutting down in Indy and moving to mexico.

Debunkers now claim that they always knew Donald Trump would be our prez. That is was obvious, but I do not think so.

TAKEN FROM Subscribe to read
Seventy percent of Americans now have negative views of Mr.Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Wednesday, his highest disapproval rating since the 2016 campaign began. A separate poll by Bloomberg Politics found that Mrs. Clinton holds a 12 point lead over Mr. Trump in national polls. According to Bloomberg, 55 percent of likely US voters say they could never vote for Mr. Trump, while an equal percentage said they were bothered by Mr. Trump’s recent accusations against Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

People ask why Donald Trump became our prez.

Aéropostale bankruptcy is one reason.

Aéropostale lands bankruptcy deal to keep 230 stores open

However, I believe it is nothing less than a miracle from God because never in our history has a candidate become our prez when he or she was that far behind in our polls, but here we are.




@HDRKID - The Washington Post, ABC News, and Bloomberg Politics? Are you kidding me?! And Trump was behind in most mainstream polls just before Election Day by what, 5 or 6 points or so? I've heard in 1988, George H.W. Bush was behind Dukakis by around 12 percentage points approaching Election Day!!


Senior Member
So, it is a blue states verses red states....the coastal verses centers...kinda thing?

Clinton margin in California alone is more than 3.7 million.

So, what do we do? Let California select the President?....


Seventy percent of Americans now have negative views of Mr.Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Wednesday, his highest disapproval rating since the 2016 campaign began. A separate poll by Bloomberg Politics found that Mrs. Clinton holds a 12 point lead over Mr. Trump in national polls. According to Bloomberg, 55 percent of likely US voters say they could never vote for Mr. Trump, while an equal percentage said they were bothered by Mr. Trump’s recent accusations against Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

The ONLY way this could be accurate is if they surveyed ALL Americans. I didn't take the survey. Did you?

Aéropostale bankruptcy is one reason.

Uneducated people don't understand bankruptcy. The full term is Bankruptcy PROTECTION. All it does it keep
people from suing you for money. ONLY People making less than $80,000 per year don't have to pay a dime.
Everyone else has to make payments. There are different chapters. Bankruptcy is sometimes a very wise
business decision. You can make payments interest free. Better than a loan.


where the wild things are
Seventy percent of Americans now have negative views of Mr.Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Wednesday, his highest disapproval rating since the 2016 campaign began. A separate poll by Bloomberg Politics found that Mrs. Clinton holds a 12 point lead over Mr. Trump in national polls. According to Bloomberg, 55 percent of likely US voters say they could never vote for Mr. Trump, while an equal percentage said they were bothered by Mr. Trump’s recent accusations against Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

The ONLY way this could be accurate is if they surveyed ALL Americans. I didn't take the survey. Did you?

Never got the memo but you make a fair point, its easy for the media to poll a small group of people, for example under 100 people and then take the results and apply it to the entire country. Its like that saying "If its on the internet, it must be true" in this case "If the media says it, it must be true" and there are a plethora of examples of the media lying and people just eat the BS up.
