Real Star Wars


Senior Member
All I remember from my childhood then and I've said this before, is that the Sith were a peaceful trading and artisans group of people. They had lineage to people that once lived on a high temperature world, so they could take immense heat.

The way the physiology was set up in a sith, is somewhat the same as an African Mamba snake. They also suffered mating time, just as the snake did, because their hormones ate at their nervous systems, producing a bad temper.

It's thought in my own parlance that I had one tenth of Sith gene in me, because it gave on the ability to fight harder and to endure heat profiles over 120 degrees. This might have been my father's doing or the Emperor.
oh well i thought any race could be a sith?


Senior Member
that's exactly correct...vampires are created from a genetically altering virus that implants a reptilian gene so that the person dies and a reptilian soul can inhabit the body. It's a reptilian colonization effort.

like what the andromedans who physically contacted alex collier and toltec said. Reptilians after they conquer a planet, they turn the native inhabitants into reptilians themselves.

why do reptilians require meat and blood from humans to survive while in 3d? and energy while in 4d form? So this would be the perfect natural solution for them. 1)energy, 2)colonization

cabal, reptilians whatever always need our collective consent to do things to their takeover at 1st has to be discreet. Then slowly they convince the civilization to become more and more wicked, immoral and eventually embrace total enslavement. If they forced it, random circumstance would conspire against them and they'd lose. Like the nazis.
That I recall I required a special diet. I did not eat that much meat Two things I did not like were clones and oh lord did Vader hatred them, he could smell them out in a minute. And cannibals. He didn't like them in the many worlds he encountered and would kill them on the spot.

The vampires are more of less a blur to me on this world, as in one incarnation, I was a victims of the junk vampire plagues as mentioned by David Hatcher Childress in his South American Adventure series .I remember being that, but slipped off an ox drawn cart to be buried in a mass grave in, I'm guessing 16, or 1700s.

I walked into a forest and everything was violet. Reach a mound in the forest with an unlocked iron barred gate on it. Once I opened that door to go into that tunnel way, everything, all memory goes black.

Who was in there, were the clan vampires, that didn't even know what the junk vampires were. I think they gave me something to make me normal, because I have memories after that.

The junk vampire plague was made in India as retribution for the Atlantean attack on the City of Rama. Thanks for the info.


Senior Member
oh well i thought any race could be a sith?
Shakes head rapidly. No the Sith were a race of humanoids. They were a tight knit group and gifted in the area of crafting products as well as traders. If you befriended a Sith, this was a very valuable friend. Their advantage was, they could take the tremendous heat from some planets, to where other could not.


Senior Member
even the lyra hypothesis(which is channeled info as well as real info from andromedans) said that milkyway galaxy races are from the lyra system. Has the star vega.

well they said that they got invaded and they scattered to different areas later evolving into different alien races like the andromeans, pleidians, sirians, etc. However what's lesser known is their myths state that they're even from further out. That they also were denziens of lyra and were originally from somewhere else.

I think most aliens are denziens(foreign residents). If I had to guess they're all descendents of the ancient builder race from Earth. Does this mean they all had to build super advanced FTL ships to travel? Not so much.

They can utilize the energy grid that extends off planet and connects each solar system together. If you understand the grid you can use it to navigate without any technology. Like how carlos novella traveled to another planet in our solar system utilizing the hdr.

or like how the thule society in post ww1 germany got an equation from reptilians that calculated which leyline/vortex portal would open up, when and where it leads. They just positioned themselves there and would teleport. Even made it to mars in the 20's WITHOUT ANY TECH.

This means that there's going to be the same plants, bacteria and animals on other planets near our solar system. Like alpha centauri.

they're obviously teleporting when the vortexes open could they survive on other planets? yes...why? cuz there's a single universal template to all solar system formation. All the rocky planets have air, water and temperate climates depending on their age.

all the exosolar systems have the same structure. Binary stars with gas giant, rocky planet, gas giant, rocky planet as it's lineup. Our solar system is the freak.

I think ours was altered artificially.
even william tompkins said their ultimate conclusion after being given permission to study any subject while at TRW systems and Douglas aircraft said they realized earth is a giant alien experiment. He's right. Whole solar system is.

By a kardashev III/IV scale civilization(galactic federation)

Andromedan info states that the atlanteans were made by 22 alien races mixing themselves. The atlanteans were a colony of them. Anyways..why would they do that? well since the 22 races are long distant relatives of the original lyrans and likely the ancient builder race...i think they mixed themselves to restore their original form.

was reported heavily that federation members would astrally project into an gestating fetus and be born as human and they considered it an extremely high honor. Why would they? Andromedans consider being human a high privilege. Why do all the alien races want to interbreed with our genetics? Andromedans consider us the genetic royalty of the entire universe. Again why?

Are we the reformed ancient builder race that colonized the entire galaxy and probably universe billions of years ago?

Is earth the home of the extinct ancient builder race?
Is earth the origin of all species?

we know atlantis was overtaken by discreet foreign residents of other planets that were nefarious. They integrated seamlessly with a hidden agenda. Then they convinced the residents go to war with their colonies in greece and egypt. Then they caused a destabilization of the grid and the whole planet. This caused global mindwipe(grid fluctuation) and tidal wave.

After that we became imprisoned. The grand experiment got hijacked. Of course this was allowed by higher dimensional beings to then experience the primary anomaly(darkness aka why Earth is such an intentional mess) which was one of the goals of earth to begin with.

Now the experiment is concluding and why planetary liberation and galactic war victory is near.


happy times ahead
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Senior Member
I think that it's a bit of both and the Republic got infiltrated.
A lot of Star Wars fans themselves argue that even in the context of the propaganda the Sith are the better side
and make good strong arguments. Obi Wan Kenobi lied to Luke about his father and other things, didn't tell him Leia was his sister (though in the first story she supposedly wasn't really his sister) and the Jedi code sucks
compared to the Sith code etc.
Thing is there's loopholes and flaws in a lot of those arguments, and the Sith code is also flawed imo.
The Sith code is similar to the Satanic Bible in that it basically just says no morals do whatever the flying fuck you want, which has an appeal but
is flawed, whereas the Jedi code is too strict. My opinion of Star Wars was that both sides were evil and
that that was the big secret not one being good or bad, there were some good guys caught in the middle though, and it was actually
about communists vs fascists or liberals vs conservatives or even religious vs non religious.
There's a Star Wars geek who has the entire history of everything that happened in Star Wars memorized
and it parralells everything going on in our politics today.

There were groups in Star Wars known as the Seperatists who wanted a legitimate
movement for freedom in the galaxy. Palpatine financed both sides so in the context
of the movie he wasn't exactly the good guy, he may have even been secretly a Jedi. As for Montauk, yes I think that's
true I think that there were a lot of real alien groups fighting and the rebels were largely bad
but it's complicated. IMO Darth Vader was not really evil but Palpatine was.
Vader was manipulated and a tragic figure, deeply flawed and anger issues but a pawn without knowing it, who
really just wanted to be close to his son and a family man and thought his movement was uninfiltratable.

What ends up happening is that no one takes you seriously when you talk about this stuff
cuz it sounds silly to most people which is probably what the real intention is.
That's what I think it is in most movies. And why they sometimes reveal truth in movies.
Because no one takes movies that seriously. So the Illuminati puts stuff in movies
to make conspiracy theorists look even crazier.

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Senior Member
I think that it's a bit of both and the Republic got infiltrated.
A lot of Star Wars fans themselves argue that even in the context of the propaganda the Sith are the better side
and make good strong arguments. Obi Wan Kenobi lied to Luke about his father and other things, didn't tell him Leia was his sister (though in the first story she supposedly wasn't really his sister) and the Jedi code sucks
compared to the Sith code etc.
Thing is there's loopholes and flaws in a lot of those arguments, and the Sith code is also flawed imo.
The Sith code is similar to the Satanic Bible in that it basically just says no morals do whatever the flying fuck you want, which has an appeal but
is flawed, whereas the Jedi code is too strict. My opinion of Star Wars was that both sides were evil and
that that was the big secret not one being good or bad, there were some good guys caught in the middle though, and it was actually
about communists vs fascists or liberals vs conservatives or even religious vs non religious.
There's a Star Wars geek who has the entire history of everything that happened in Star Wars memorized
and it parralells everything going on in our politics today.

There were groups in Star Wars known as the Seperatists who wanted a legitimate
movement for freedom in the galaxy. Palpatine financed both sides so in the context
of the movie he wasn't exactly the good guy, he may have even been secretly a Jedi. As for Montauk, yes I think that's
true I think that there were a lot of real alien groups fighting and the rebels were largely bad
but it's complicated. IMO Darth Vader was not really evil but Palpatine was.
Vader was manipulated and a tragic figure, deeply flawed and anger issues but a pawn without knowing it, who
really just wanted to be close to his son and a family man and thought his movement was uninfiltratable.

What ends up happening is that no one takes you seriously when you talk about this stuff
cuz it sounds silly to most people which is probably what the real intention is.
That's what I think it is in most movies. And why they sometimes reveal truth in movies.
Because no one takes movies that seriously. So the Illuminati puts stuff in movies
to make conspiracy theorists look even crazier.

On the Sith, they were similar to Indian artisans, actually any crafts people from lower Asia. They were a tight knit group, that did not frequent with others outside their race.

I don't know how they got this information as it's confidential, but the Sith gene was pilfered, or stolen and grafted into a few of the warriors near birth that went to the academy. They had a military academy and an assassins' academy.

They would put as they say a death-mark out on someone and an agent of the empire would track them down.

This is all hush hushed that they even did this, as the Siths were trusted and good people. I don't think they approved of the idea.

If you put just a small genetic fragment of the Sith into a human, it blends in, but after the late teens, because of heat profiles in physio-chemistry, it starts to kick in. That human will become very aggressive and almost paranoid to a great extent. But this is what the Empire wanted, was a killer that would not question their orders and go after and negate that target, no matter how difficult it was for them to get to.

They had genetic engineers back then and even in their era, were very good at what they did. I got fourhanded thousand years ago, but I guess it's five.

Vader's the only one who came from a royal line, to be injected with Sith. Like I said, you can carry the trait all the way up to when your'e a young man and it seems from there, once one gets to be on their own in the world, it kicks in.

Later on, Lord Vader somehow managed to gain control over the Sith that was in him.


Senior Member
On the Sith, they were similar to Indian artisans, actually any crafts people from lower Asia. They were a tight knit group, that did not frequent with others outside their race.

I don't know how they got this information as it's confidential, but the Sith gene was pilfered, or stolen and grafted into a few of the warriors near birth that went to the academy. They had a military academy and an assassins' academy.

They would put as they say a death-mark out on someone and an agent of the empire would track them down.

This is all hush hushed that they even did this, as the Siths were trusted and good people. I don't think they approved of the idea.

If you put just a small genetic fragment of the Sith into a human, it blends in, but after the late teens, because of heat profiles in physio-chemistry, it starts to kick in. That human will become very aggressive and almost paranoid to a great extent. But this is what the Empire wanted, was a killer that would not question their orders and go after and negate that target, no matter how difficult it was for them to get to.

They had genetic engineers back then and even in their era, were very good at what they did. I got fourhanded thousand years ago, but I guess it's five.

Vader's the only one who came from a royal line, to be injected with Sith. Like I said, you can carry the trait all the way up to when your'e a young man and it seems from there, once one gets to be on their own in the world, it kicks in.

Later on, Lord Vader somehow managed to gain control over the Sith that was in him.

