Real Star Wars


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this youtuber knows quite a bit about the mythos of Star Wars.
The whole "planet loyalty" thing was a reference to nationalism vs
the united nations imo


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Star Wars: Conspiracy Theories & Illuminati Symbolism

Hello and welcome back to!

As you probably already know; I’ve released my book called The Star Wars Conspiracy: Hidden Occult and Illuminati Symbolism of Aliens & the New Age. In today’s analysis we’ll take a deeper look into the universe of Star Wars and the major points I made in the book which will guide you further into this realm of the occult…

We’ll explore:

the origins of this well disguised Luciferian tale
religious bait-and-switch of The Force
Jungian Archetype modeling
the truth behind the Dark Side and the Kabbalistic Da’ath Vader
pursuit of alien channeling
the final resolution of the Illuminati
Without further delay, let’s get into it!

When one speaks about the Star Wars saga, they must recognize its chief creator: George Lucas.

Lucas was handsomely rewarded for creating this money-making machine called Star Wars when he was paid over $4 billion dollars for the entire franchise. Who should be the one to provide this sort of monetary offering?… Disney.

Those that are familiar with the world of conspiracy already know that Disney is closely affiliated with the “Illuminati” due to allegations of MKULTRA type mind control programming and handling of young entertainers.

Going further back into Lucas’ history we find that he was also tied into alleged children-trauma-abuse centers of the Illuminati like the Presidio. In the 1980s the military complex known as the Presidio was shut down from allegations of child abuse with big name occult leaders like Lt. Col. Michael Aquino being investigated.

Aquino was an officer with a background of Psychological Operations, aka PsyOps, meaning he was well trained in the art of deception and mass control. Where Star Wars and Lucas comes into play is the facts that Lucasfilm itself was originally setup in the Lettermen Digital Arts Center inside of the Presidio; as well as Lucas’ Industrial Light & Magic (a company with a Lucifierian/Illuminati logo with the light bearer being channeled through magick).

Besides the connections we see here between Aquino (who thought himself in secession to Aleister Crowley who was one who advocated for “all children be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act“), we can argue that Disney bought the Star Wars franchise as part of the push by the Illuminati to control the masses through high profile rituals. You’ll notice that Disney has not slowed down on their creation of new Star Wars movies and merchandise since their acquisition…

The basic tenant of Star Wars is the belief in a global consciousness with hidden energy fields known as The Force. We need to reexamine this idea to see if it has any true history or inspiration (spoiler alert: it’s the occult).

The tale of Star Wars was created not just from the mind of George Lucas. It was also derived from the producer Gary Kurtz. Looking deeper into Kurtz’s background reveals that he was a Latter-Day Saint Mormon. This religion has a history steeped in alleged Freemason, witchcraft, and ceremonial magick ties.

Another link to Aleister Crowley is to be found when one considers that the LDS founder, Joseph Smith, acquired his esoteric knowledge through the channeling of a disembodied spirit (the angel Moroni); just like Crowley who channeled Aiwass in order to dictate his Book of the Law (akin to Joseph Smith’s Book of Mormon).

Another consideration with the LDS faith is the “unofficial” connections to the transhuman movement. The Mormon Transhumanist Association seeks a future in which mankind is supplanted by technology in an effort to achieve immortality by effectively evolving the human form. This is actually a concept seen in Battlestar Galactica– another popular LDS created show.

Furthermore the LDS priesthood is analogous to the Jedi Knights and The Force; as their President Gordon Hinkley once stated:

“There is no power like it. Its authority extends beyond life…“

One of the key goals of all the esoteric belief systems of the occult includes the pursuit of the alchemical elixir of life. This is the concept of living for eternity through the path of immortality. It is seen in Star Wars when the Jedi Knights’ spirits re-visit as guiding forces to young Jedis.

When examining The Force specifically, we can see what Lucas and Kurtz intended when Obi-Wan Kenobi described it as:

“…an energy field created by all living things.”

If you’ve ever read the beliefs of pagan religions you’ll see a common thread of an impersonal, universal version of God in the form of a “cosmic consciousness.” Aldous Huxley referred to this as the “Perennial Philosophy” and many New Agers followed Helena Blavatsky into a belief that we are all connected as one being (Monism).

We see the effects of those that can tap into The Force when the characters levitate, divinate, perform telekinesis and mind control; all of which are descriptions of Blavatsky’s “super man” and Hitler’s pursuit of a master Aryan race. These practices are all part of the ancient religion which made sacrifices to deities like the horned god of Moloch through fire.

Lucas said he wanted to “awaken a certain kind of spirituality” with The Force and that is exactly what he did…

The famed psychoanalyst Carl Jung was influential in creating the modern form of counseling or therapy. Jung spent a great deal of time delving into the literature of the Gnostics, alchemists, and symbolic language.

Jung wrote about the concept of archetypes which were also called archaic remnants, seeds of consciousness or primordial images (ideas influenced by Plato).

Much like symbols, archetypes convey a message that speaks to the viewers on the subconscious level. This is precisely why we explore concepts like you’ve been reading about on The “Illuminati” are flooding our subconscious with symbols and messages in the hopes they can create a new reality through art.

We see these symbols like the All Seeing Eye on Star Wars posters

We also see many of the archetype events in Star Wars like birth, death, separation from parents, and unionizing opposites (an important idea in alchemical traditions which we see in the duality of The Force).

In terms of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” (or “monomyth”) we know that Luke is the initiate who turns into the hero that separates from his parents. Obi Wan Kenobi plays the Wise Old Man, while Darth Vader is the Devil. Hans Solo is most definitely the rebel; especially if you’re part of the “Han Shot First” crowd…

Furthermore, if you consider the sequence of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey you’ll see how Luke leaves the ordinary world (Tatooine) in order to satisfy his call to adventure (saving Princess Leia). The sequence goes through the variety of steps; all the way through to crossing the return threshold as the celebration of the New World when Luke Skywalker follows his “True Will.”

The basic premise for this Hero’s Journey is the alchemical transmutation process. It is a Luciferian tale in that Prometheus followed a similar trial as he ascended to the gods to return with his “boons” of fire and technology for the human race.

This technology is precisely what the Illuminati admire for its ability to evolve us into transhuman cyborgs with immortality…

When we explore Star Wars we find a strange obsession with the villain of the tale- Darth Vader.

When you consider the title given to the Sith Lords you can find connections to the Kabbalah Tree of Life. More specifically- the entrance to the dark side of the Tree of Life… The sephirot that comprise the Tree of Life includes one hidden realm called Da’ath (or Da’at). The reader can obviously see where I’m going with this as the title of Darth Vader becomes Da’ath Vader.

Da’ath means “knowledge” and is the bridge between idea and reality- which is exactly what we get with fictional stories that emanate from the creative side of the mind (or the shadow side as Carl Jung believed).

The Illuminati are obsessed with this link between mind and reality. They believe that tapping into the creative mind requires when one explores the dark side (or Da’ath). They believe in the Hermetic axiom of “As Above So Below” which reflects the attitude of magicians who conduct rituals and seances to make real changes to our world by channeling energy into the cosmos.

Aleister Crowley believed Da’ath to the Abyss where he warned practitioners not to enter until they were well prepared- otherwise they would lose their mind and go insane. The reason for this was due to the realm on the dark side to the Tree of Life where the fallen gods known as the Qlippoth reside.

The Qlippoth are the 66 fallen angels that one must confront (along with Crowley’s Choronzon) in order for the practitioner to unlock the connections between mind and reality. This enlightenment and form of understanding is what Jung and Nietzsche wanted when they described individuation. Alan Watts compared it to the manure required to grow a rose. No matter which path one wants to take into this realm; it’s of interest to consider Freeman Fly and Jamie Hanshaw’s Weird Stuff book where they describe the Star Wars “Order 66” which may indeed be calling upon these fallen gods…

For years now it seems that NASA and the Illuminati have wanted us to become fascinated with reaching out to the stars and finding our “cosmic creators.”

If you read through the literature of heavy-duty occultists like Kenneth Grant you’ll find out that magicians often times seek to channel these alien entities into our world- no different than the ghost hunters that try to capture EVPs or footage of disembodied spirits.

Many theorists (myself included) believe that these entities are truly demonic in nature. Indeed there is no way of discerning what it is we are communicating with, so who’s to say they are benevolent evolved aliens or malevolent demonic entities?…

If you consider the push by shows like Ancient Aliens to prepare the masses for acceptance of this alien belief you’ll see that it is merely a subscription into the Promethean tale. In fact, Ancient Aliens is brought to us not by anthropologists & archaeologists; but rather frauds and a company called “Prometheus Entertainment!”

This is part of the theory on predictive programming. The Illuminati control the entertainment industry and part of that control system requires indoctrinating the masses through art. When you consider the claims of victims like Donald Marshall that the Illuminati have cloning centers, it becomes clear why Star Wars had a “Clone Wars” storyline.

In fact, Marshall asserts that the Star Wars Kaminoan aliens depicted in Episodes II and III are based on real life aliens- as were shown to us in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Again, we see that Hitler’s inspiration into this same line of thinking allowed him to channel aliens through Maria Orsic and the VRIL society which possibly gave them the alien technology to the create the UFO-Foo Fighters of World War II. How interesting is it to find out that Star Wars has a class of aliens with “VRIL” attached to their names like Eaden Vrill and Vril Vrakth?…

NASA is continuing to push us to contact alien life forms which is of no surprise when you consider their origins included occultists and magicians like Jack Parsons along with Nazi scientists like Wernher von Braun. NASA claims we’ll prove the existence of aliens within 20 to 30 years and I believe this is part of Jack Parsons’ (aka the Antichrist) obsession with destroying what he called “the lying hypocrisy of Christianity.”

Find out more about the topics presented here by picking up The Star Wars Conspiracy: Hidden Occult and Illuminati Symbolism of Aliens & the New Age.

You’ll find out that Charles Manson and his “Family” is connected with Star Wars, as well as the Rolling Stones’ Mick Jagger, his witch girlfriend Marianne Faithful.

Learn much more about Aleister Crowley’s connections to the entire Star Wars saga, as well as Crowley’s description of the Death Star & Yoda (about 40 years prior to the films’ release!).

Why is “balancing The Force” actually a misnomer for incorporating a Lucifierian doctrine? You’ll understand why after you read my theories on good and evil versus the light side of The Force & the dark side (which would need to both be in parts of equal magnitude for balance so why would destroying the dark side bring “balance”?…). Saturn is the embodiment of this dark force- so it seems more obvious why its appearance occurs so often in the films…

How interesting is it to find out that NASA seeks to reach Europa by 2022 in the hopes of finding extraterrestrial life? I say this because in the sequels to Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey we learn that the alien creators of mankind direct the humans to never attempt a landing on Europa ( a moon of Jupiter). With this example we see a foreshadowed predictive programming of what is to come- a new age of man…
When I saw the movie for the first time, the part where Lord Vader is talking to the Emperor via hologram, is when my recognition kicked in. I began to remember how the Emperor smelled. It was light at first and all of a sudden it got to be heavier. This was a weekday afternoon matinee and the theather was not heavily populated. So this was not spilt, skunk perfume, or some trick.

The next thing I felt in that same scene, was the massive weight of responsibilities placed on Vader. All of a sudden in a flash, I could remember ships, many differing kinds of soldiers being at my command. This wasn't a lite recognition, it was like a hundred pound block of cement placed in my lap.

I started to panic, because the deeper tie that I had with the Emperor, started to make itself clear. I may have been related to him, or his son. This is why my recognition involving royalty and that game is so very good. I know current royalty has warts & problems, but unquestionably, I do respect the queen and never once made fun of her. Yeah, I know this sounds weird.

My reincarnation contract stipulates, no more war filled roles. I had to promise this in order to come here.

What freaked me out of most, was the character Luke Skywalker fighting for his life in the death-star fighter scene and when Obiwan starts to talk to Luke, this kind of weirded me out.

I'm dealing with the possibility of being much physically larger than I am now. But loads and loads of the past started to come back to me. I don't know why they made the movie other than they could have.

One recognition that I have to laugh at, is both the viewing and the acceptance of aliens. Some people scream, faint with aliens being seen, such as South American encounters. But to me, it's just another alien, or being, I mean like, "get a grip".

I hope that one day this society can go into space, it would be good for it.


Senior Member
Interesting reading as ive never seen any of the Star Wars movies in full, and some of them not at all.


Senior Member
When I saw the movie for the first time, the part where Lord Vader is talking to the Emperor via hologram, is when my recognition kicked in. I began to remember how the Emperor smelled. It was light at first and all of a sudden it got to be heavier. This was a weekday afternoon matinee and the theather was not heavily populated. So this was not spilt, skunk perfume, or some trick.

The next thing I felt in that same scene, was the massive weight of responsibilities placed on Vader. All of a sudden in a flash, I could remember ships, many differing kinds of soldiers being at my command. This wasn't a lite recognition, it was like a hundred pound block of cement placed in my lap.

I started to panic, because the deeper tie that I had with the Emperor, started to make itself clear. I may have been related to him, or his son. This is why my recognition involving royalty and that game is so very good. I know current royalty has warts & problems, but unquestionably, I do respect the queen and never once made fun of her. Yeah, I know this sounds weird.

My reincarnation contract stipulates, no more war filled roles. I had to promise this in order to come here.

What freaked me out of most, was the character Luke Skywalker fighting for his life in the death-star fighter scene and when Obiwan starts to talk to Luke, this kind of weirded me out.

I'm dealing with the possibility of being much physically larger than I am now. But loads and loads of the past started to come back to me. I don't know why they made the movie other than they could have.

One recognition that I have to laugh at, is both the viewing and the acceptance of aliens. Some people scream, faint with aliens being seen, such as South American encounters. But to me, it's just another alien, or being, I mean like, "get a grip".

I hope that one day this society can go into space, it would be good for it.
I must answer myself now as the fate of this world and it's future is in the balance. I somehow ended up on Earth, but don't remember the process of how I got here.

My next set of memories were a solider in Atlantis, but this was at the corrupt era, when Atlantis was due to sink. I got from another that in Atlantis serving before their kind, that I was nothing more than a controlled robot like person. They did something to me that made be obey that way. I used to long to go back to Atlantis, but knowing how corrupt everything was and how perverted they were, it was not worth the quest find it again.

Then it was a five year old boy in rural India. That existence was simple and I found both peace as well as comradery in the people there. I remembered people cared about one another there. Death at a young age, was by a snake, looking for a meal in the middle of the night, not knowing my leg was not a rat.

In this era since 9/11/2000 has been one disaster after another and I feel that this is to disconcert the people. This will not work and if whoever's in back of these acts persist, the what's left of the human race in the future, will not be worth saving. On the best of Art Bell a man going to a Halloween party after dark, was frozen in his tracks by a high tech cannibal from the future.

He told the person on the way to the party he'd frozen, that cooperation just gave out and there were people who hunted people and ate them.*I do not know how far into the future this was?

Darth Vader, like Hitler, had a coven of special mystics and witches not known to him. They were much more skilled and capable than the ones who placed Hitler in power. So if there are curses associated with Darth Vader, then this might be a maintained agreement to be handed down in generations, to the person who once held his katra.

I have to stress here, that the Emperor was an extremely funny, as well as odd, person concerning the taking care of others in his circle. Lord Vader trusted the Emperor because I feel deep down inside, he knew that the Emperor may have in part, been his real father. This past association, even today must be reckoned with.
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