Reality Glitches


I get 'reality glitches' all the time. My most recent one actually I discovered John Travolta is still alive here, I remember him dying a few years after Greece, and if I remember correctly it was a drug overdose. There are other things, like other random events in my past changing.

I don't recall that one. I live about an hour from him. hehe But still odd.

May I ask, do you occasionally get a sensation that is hard to explain, in particular, do you sometimes get a purple blur around objects when you get dejavu?

The purple haze is a real phenomena I can't explain. I, personally, don't see it unless I close my eyes. I can see auras psychically.


Active Member
I get 'reality glitches' all the time. My most recent one actually I discovered John Travolta is still alive here, I remember him dying a few years after Greece, and if I remember correctly it was a drug overdose. There are other things, like other random events in my past changing.

I don't recall that one. I live about an hour from him. hehe But still odd.

May I ask, do you occasionally get a sensation that is hard to explain, in particular, do you sometimes get a purple blur around objects when you get dejavu?

The purple haze is a real phenomena I can't explain. I, personally, don't see it unless I close my eyes. I can see auras psychically.

I still only have a weak psychic ability, I can 'feel' negative auras, but can only see them when i get deja vu. Although I haven't actually got that purple haze sensation since last year, but have had deja vu. In my case I suspect it might have something to do with 'reality glitches' or rather altervus/Worldline jumping, as every time I had one I noticed something physical or an event in the past changed. Then again, I know this will sound like bs but when I was in year 8 (I assume that would translate to 8th grade?), I had an weird experience that I haven't had since, to be specific I somehow managed to bring time to a near stop. The time rate must have been 1/1000 or something, as a pen thrown at like 80km/h was just hovering, really slowly rotating, everything else was frozen with not a single noise, heck I couldn't even hear my ears ringing. (I believe its called tinitis? Where the ear rings 24/7)

Aparrently I am still on my 3rd chakra. And something about oranges yellows and greens in my aura.
May I ask, do you occasionally get a sensation that is hard to explain, in particular, do you sometimes get a purple blur around objects when you get dejavu?
Mine is like being in a dream, and remembering something from another dream... except that I remember exactly when and how it happened. Sometimes I feel like it's an experience of reality that's projected outward so strongly that it somehow bounces back to me. After many years of this, I still don't know what to make of it.

The friend who guided me through a lot of my understanding about switching realities called it "jumping tracks". It made a lot of sense...


where the wild things are
Yes I have felt the same way. Its like a group of people or a lone wolf is making changes to this timeline.

Changes to the timeline | Paranormalis

I posted a topic about last year. I've had similar experiences with what you have described as titles of movies and books changing, when I know for a fact they were something else.


New Member
Every day a topic or a word are a preview of what will happen next as if they were a clue or a kind of prediction, foresight or divination and I realize only when I understand the meaning of the word, event or the topic that caught my attention first.


Temporal Engineer
This morning I experienced something out of the ordinary. I started out at 4:00am this morning on my usual morning jog under the stars. About 5 minutes into the run I heard what sounded like the crackling discharge of some type of electrical phenomena. It seemed louder off to my right, but I could hear something off to my left as well that didn't sound quite as loud. I knew there was a hill off to my right and figured the sound could be bouncing off that hill. I was running in the general direction of the sound off to the left. So I figured that might be cool to actually see what was causing it. The crackling discharge lasted about 20 seconds. Then BOOM. What happened next seemed at the time like a wave of darkness. I could feel it inside my head when it happened. All the street lights went out. It was pitch black. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I never realized that the street lights were giving off that much light until they were gone. So I was basically using my visual memory of how everything looked, trying to get off to the side of the road. The street lights only stayed off about 10 or 15 seconds. They started to all slowly come back on. That's when I noticed something a bit odd. All the street lights in front of me were lighting the street with a yellowish orange light. At first I thought maybe the lights just needed to warm up or maybe power wasn't up to full level yet. But behind me the street lights were a nice white light color like they usually are. So as I approached the yellowish orange street lights I noticed something right away. The light bulbs were the old style halogen type. That was a bit odd I thought. Since I remember the city upgraded to all LED style lights about 4 years ago. And the light has been white light all along this street up until now. I kept running along, noticing all the lights were now halogen types. Finally I came up to a pole that had a small fire going on at the top. I figured that must be the electrical transformer that blew up and caught fire. Right at that time I see some headlights approaching. So I get off the road onto the sidewalk. As it approached I could see it was a police cruiser. I figured he slowed down to look at me. But then it occurred to me that he was probably looking at the fire going on too. 15 seconds later a fire engine came along. So I figured someone close-by had probably got awoken by the boom. And witnessed the fire and called it in. I continued my run down the street, noting that all the street lights were now the old halogen type. At the end of the street the lights were all back to the familiar white LED type. And continued to be so for the rest of my jog. So was that particular area affected by the electrical transformer explosion causing a reality glitch to a parallel timeline? Or do halogen street lights just need a warm up period before they give off white light? I will be taking note every morning from now on. My visual memory says the light down that street has always been white. I'll find out tomorrow morning if it becomes white light, or the street lights change back to the LED type. But what will probably happen is the glitch is now permanent. And the street lights in the affected area will now give off yellowish orange light from now on. At least I can say there was an electrical explosion associated with this glitch. I was there when it happened.


Man, that's a crazy story! Keep us updated tomorrow when you pass through the area.

I didn't consider that such glitches might be permanent.
