Reversed engineered Titor's machine


Active Member
There was a situation a few years back at CERN when it was believed that with the very high energy in the two beams which collided, there could be the possibility of a miniature black hole being formed or created, resulting in it pulling everything into it on earth at a very high rate of speed...The CERN scientists never argued that could happen, instead they just said that the pesky tiny black hole disappears immediately somewhere into a state of entropy...:eek:

Perhaps you should take that up with the CERN scientists Hartey, i feel certain they would love to have a tiny black hole secured in a box and floating happily in a magnetic field for everybody to see, and charge them to see it lol...CERN could even pay back the billions of dollars they took from the EU for making
that fantastic collider..I might even get a bit of cash to make a small particle accelerator in my back garden lol :D

I have to agree, blackholes require the right crystalline structure and DOR energy to sustain themselves. Meaning blackholes just based on mass energy cannot exist. DOR energy will dissipate out of the material if it's not regenerated. Meaning the blackhole will just become normal matter again. Also means the gravitational constant of planets and suns also require DOR. This is why a hollow earth appears to have the same gravity per atom as a solid astroid or any other object.

Gravitational constant changes with DOR energy. Period. Even with super intense DOR, most materials won't absorb it easily and re-emanates it without retaining any for itself. Meaning it won't form a blackhole. Some materials will convert into blackholes but they will require darn near infinite DOR energies however a few materials don't require much. (NOTE: DOR always is generated as a side effect of thermodynamic processes for free from an unknown potential energy source)

Nikolai Kozyrev the soviet union astrophysicist said he would generate 'time energy' with spinning gyroscopes that were also heated, conducting current or mechanically vibrated. Said he could slow down time or speed it up. He also claimed weight anomalies when using rigid materials(inelastic materials like crystalline solids, or highly rigid refractory metals).

Kozyrev: Aether, Time and Torsion

Claimed the loss or gain of weight would persist after the experiment ended for a period of time before the weight would re-normalize again. Said the 'time energy' would dissipate.

This is not a coincidence.

You can generate the same time energy using accelerated particle beams like vacuum tubes(electron beams) or more fancy types like plasma in thyratron tubes. Of course linear accelerators and cyclotrons also work. CERN is generating time energy as a side effect of their normal experiments every single time they do them. However they're generating it haphazardly without knowing how it's made. They then say well 'probabilities' determine if we get antimatter or whatever particle they're trying to form. It's ridiculous. 'Time energy' is the source of all mass & force.

Anyways back to my question..what 3 elements could be candidates for Titor's singularities?
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Active Member
"The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also enormous. By utilizing the "time squeeze" effect, one can get antigravity, materialization and dematerialization, transmutation, and mindboggling medical benefits. One can also get subluminal and superluminal communication, see through the earth and through the ocean, etc. The new view of phi-field also provides a unified field theory, higher orders of reality, and a new super-relativity."

Associated Papers Some Characteristics of the Phase Conjugate Wave


Temporal Engineer
*sigh* nobody read what I mentioned. The gravitational field around titor's blackholes didn't have the same attractive force of a normal blackhole. Also nobody read what i said about a 3rd form of spacetime curvature existing that doesn't attract stuff or generat inertia like stuff moving near the speed of light.

There's 3 elements that emit this new curvature field but very weakly. It has to be conditioned to have that field amplified. So you can say the blackholes he used weren't blackholes in the normal conventional definition.

The have the spacetime dilation effect without the gradient in the field which causes tidal forces. The gradient is still there but it falls off much more gentle than the normal graviational field.

I can say with confidence that the blackholes he has produces a brand new gravitational field as yet unknown to science.

I'll ask again, can anyone guess what those 3 elements are?

There is no evidence to support the existence of black holes in the first place. It was just revealed that Titor was a hoax created by Morey Haber. So that in itself gives zero credibility to the fantastic fictional science used.

Why not use real factual observational science to explore reality instead? At the very least, anything assembled with real facts is probably going to work.

One interesting observation I've noted is there is no detectable external field associated with centrifugal force. Centriifugal force is the only force known to nullify gravitational force. So why would gravity not follow the same rules as do apply to anti-gravity? And all I'm saying is that centrifugal force is the anti-gravity force. Following the rules governing anti-gravity then suggests there should be no external field at all. And of course that would debunk the whole concept of spacetime and curved space.

Of course you have my apologies if your goal is to derail any successful attempt at developing a time machine.


Active Member
well how does time slow near massive objects or when traveling really fast? Centrifugal force could explain antigravity but not the spacetime distortion effects. Gotta remember an astroid travling near a massive sun actually can get stuck by time dilation just floating in space near it. How do you explain an invisible field slowing all objects that don't touch it. Centrifugal force isn't a's a movement.

Scientists have measured the time dilation effect of objects near the sun or near fast moving particles and objects on earth. Also detected doppler shifting of the light from those fast objects as well as from fast objects out in space.

Anyways still doesn't explain how mass objects warp spacetime then warped spacetime tells objects how to move. So either all fields of curvature don't exist or spacetime isn't nothing and is also an object(aka the aether)

Hey now I seem to be the only one starting serious science conversations on these boards lately. Everything else makes the site look like a social media platform. Be nice. I have reference material for what I discuss. Linked some above.

The 'time energy' I refer to is just a new form of energy discovered a long time ago. *Gasp*. If you can't tell I'm not a troll, maybe ya should spread your knowledge base a a bit.
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Active Member
*sigh* nobody read what I mentioned. The gravitational field around titor's blackholes didn't have the same attractive force of a normal blackhole. Also nobody read what i said about a 3rd form of spacetime curvature existing that doesn't attract stuff or generat inertia like stuff moving near the speed of light.

There's 3 elements that emit this new curvature field but very weakly. It has to be conditioned to have that field amplified. So you can say the blackholes he used weren't blackholes in the normal conventional definition.

The have the spacetime dilation effect without the gradient in the field which causes tidal forces. The gradient is still there but it falls off much more gentle than the normal graviational field.

I can say with confidence that the blackholes he has produces a brand new gravitational field as yet unknown to science.

I'll ask again, can anyone guess what those 3 elements are?

There is no evidence to support the existence of black holes in the first place. It was just revealed that Titor was a hoax created by Morey Haber. So that in itself gives zero credibility to the fantastic fictional science used.

Why not use real factual observational science to explore reality instead? At the very least, anything assembled with real facts is probably going to work.

One interesting observation I've noted is there is no detectable external field associated with centrifugal force. Centriifugal force is the only force known to nullify gravitational force. So why would gravity not follow the same rules as do apply to anti-gravity? And all I'm saying is that centrifugal force is the anti-gravity force. Following the rules governing anti-gravity then suggests there should be no external field at all. And of course that would debunk the whole concept of spacetime and curved space.

Of course you have my apologies if your goal is to derail any successful attempt at developing a time machine.

Well light does curve around the sun and also slowing time near them. Possible that a super huge sun would encircle light around it forever making it appear black. Not that wild of a speculation. There are objects out in space that have extreme gravity but cannot be seen directly. I'd say that logic is sound.

Whether a singularity forms is another issue and up to legitimate debate. I'm rather confident they don't cuz the ultimate conclusion of aether tesla physics stuff is a new form of supersymmetry. My idea is the core of the earth, sun all are composed of antimatter antigravity emanating matter. Means any super massive star that collapses to a blackhole would be repelled by it's antigravity emanating core preventing a singularity formation.

The idea is basically that wherever you have space, time, gravity and matter they all have parity(symmetry). We know matter has antimatter, gravity might have antigravity, time might have backwards time and the new idea, that space has a form of antispace inside blackholes known colloquially as 'timespace'. Kinda like inside out space. Dewey Larson's reciprocal theory gets into this pretty intensely. This is a good summary both for and against.

Reciprocal Theory - RationalWiki

People know that time stops near an event horizon but they forget space shrinks to nothing. If time can go backwards inside then space would have to somehow become antispace whatever that is. Symmetry is a pretty big rule of the universe.

Maybe someone will show up who knows what I'm talking about hopefully :(

Anyways I mentioned the 3 potential elements that Titor's singularities were made of on this site already.
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Active Member
All the 100's of aether device experiments published in the last 120yrs all show one singular phenomena. A totally new form of energy or can also say a new form of spacetime curvature. A SUPER RELATIVITY.


Junior Member
For every action, there IS an equal REaction. So, what happens if we were to open a pin hole of a black hole and send some thin or one through? I know about all the literally atomizing you in the center or whatever, but if it was possible to do so, what's the reaction for sending matter into the event horizon, or where ever. Maybe a time slip is close to but not in the E.H....idk..

Correct me if I am wrong about anything.


Active Member
well 'opening' a blackhole idk what you mean by that. What happens most of the time is most blackholes are connected to what's rumored to exist 'whiteholes'. Whiteholes are theorized to expel matter rather than absorbing it. Some think they are connected by a wormhole but nobody ever explains how whiteholes expel matter. White holes do exist but they're composed of antimatter. Antimatter does emit antigravity with normal matter.

Even CERN is testing now to see if their stored antimatter hydrogen falls upwards. It does. Called the AEGIS experiment. What I found is antimatter emits antigravity and has the opposite gravitational and inertial mass(general and special relativity). Meaning, an antimatter rocket near the speed of light will speed time inside it not slow it down. Meaning, it has the exact opposite potential energy than a blackhole thereby allowing a wormhole to form between them. Matter has positive energy, antimatter has negative, the holy grail of all of astrophysics.

Antimatter is one of the sources of the anomalous gravity from the missing 'dark matter'. Antimatter forms encapuslating shells around galaxy spiral arms to hold them together. Antimatter attracts antimatter, matter attracts matter, matter and antimatter repel.

Antimatter is the exotic mass physicists are looking for, if it were lined on the inside of a donut shaped spinning blackhole(kerr type) it wouldn't collapse if you decided to fly into the donut hole part. The inside of a donut torodial ring singularity cancels out it's own tidal forces cuz it's pulling on ya from all sides so it cancels out. Can fly through easily without injury.

To answer your question about a black hole just by itself, some blackholes aren't connected by wormholes to white holes and might form singularities. One caveat still exists. Since most blackholes are really giant suns that have collapsed into a blackhole after exhausting it's nuclear fuel and most suns as well as planets are hollow with a core of antimatter.

This means that a sun's collapse cannot form a singularity as it's own core emits antigravity preventing it. If anything the singularity would be in the form of a hollow shell around a core of antimatter. Can say that all blackholes are constructed this way so they have the same donut torodial shape as a rotating kerr singularity already.

With a white hole the situation is reversed. Would be a shell of antimatter surrounding a core of matter.

Matter's ability to slow time around it is due to the atomic nucleus being positively electrically charged. Antimatter's ability to speed time up around it is due to it's nucleus being negatively charged(antiprotons). This electric charge sign polarity is how you also produce DOR and Orgone energy with hollow concentric capacitors or with concentric magnetic fields.

Dark matter is just a fudge term for explaining more gravitational force than the matter we can see. Since we know we can make matter weigh heavier with DOR and that antimatter repels matter. We now have two extra forces that can explain the 'extra gravity' in the universe. May not be enough to account for all of it but it's a good start as it's easily provable in the lab.

Since we know now that an antimatter rocket speeds up time upon it, it most likely also has the opposite doppler shifting effect. We should be able to measure that in particle accelerators however in accelerators you have ionized particles. I think you need to have neutrally charged whole atoms in order to accurately measure it but I could be wrong. Any facility that can measure the inertial mass and doppler shifting of antiprotons is a pretty advanced facility. I'm not sure if it can be applied to positrons yet. Positrons clearly show the same inertial mass as electrons and the same doppler shifting so I think it has to be neutral matter to demonstrate it. Meaning requires accelerated whole non-ionized antimatter atoms(nucleus of antiprotons).

Anyways if time speeds up on an antimatter rocket then that also means the doppler shifting polarity would be the opposite too. Normal matter when accelerating towards ya blueshifts, away redshifts. I'll make a prediction. I'll say antimatter will do the opposite, redshifting when approaching, blueshifting when traveling away. If correct it means the accelerating redshifting we see from the farthest out galaxies actually means they're traveling towards us and not away.

Even physicists have claimed they cannot explain why inflation seems to be still accelerating 14billion years after the big bang. Universe might be in the big crunch phase already. Especially if you consider that antimatter repels matter so it would be at the farthest reaches of the universe. Also means the missing half of the matter from the big bang isn't missing but rather is waaay out there still intact but of course also encapsulated within the cores of stars and planets near us.
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Junior Member

Interesting science Explained well, Great report. Thanks.

Being as I am not the type of guy to be allowed near Cern, I will just have to wait until they decide to tell the general public. But wait, Would they want to publicize this as fact when they finally prove it? Or would Big Brother try to keep it classified?

I was stupid and decided to party after high school. I was always very interested in physics and science in general. I was given a full scholarship to a school in Nashville, Tenn. NADC being Nashville Auto Diesel College.
However, at the time I was an ignorant asshole and would rather party than go to school.any years later, I finished my A.S.E. certification here in KY. I am currently in a situation that O am trying to take some correspondence classes I don't have the time to be an actual student, but I can squeeze a couple hours out of the day for advancement. However the above is within my understanding.

Again, Thanks.


Active Member

Interesting science Explained well, Great report. Thanks.

Being as I am not the type of guy to be allowed near Cern, I will just have to wait until they decide to tell the general public. But wait, Would they want to publicize this as fact when they finally prove it? Or would Big Brother try to keep it classified?

I was stupid and decided to party after high school. I was always very interested in physics and science in general. I was given a full scholarship to a school in Nashville, Tenn. NADC being Nashville Auto Diesel College.
However, at the time I was an ignorant asshole and would rather party than go to school.any years later, I finished my A.S.E. certification here in KY. I am currently in a situation that O am trying to take some correspondence classes I don't have the time to be an actual student, but I can squeeze a couple hours out of the day for advancement. However the above is within my understanding.

Again, Thanks.

no worries, I'm self educated too. Actually school learning interferes with understanding all this. Ya never find a physicist, engineer, chemist, astrophysicist who values this stuff at all. All has to be self-directed education cuz it's not taught in schools, not in books, almost anywhere. Kinda an open secret that people ignore.

If ya value simplicity and imagination those really are the only 2 things needed. I eventually was able to make a living from this stuff...but truly took forever.

Since this tech gives ya proof of the afterlife, spirit, god, aliens, just about everything it's more a half spiritual half technical path. I think that's the main reason people ignore it, it's too weird for 'em.

The people i found that really know this stuff are either self taught IT experts or mechanical types. The free energy inventors I met they were all trade school people. They work with real stuff not fluff theory.
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