Seeing the future while sleeping


New Member
Seeing the future while sleeping

This has happened to me on many occasions, i'd dream about something i've never seen before in my life, waking up remembering it really clearly and later on (days, months, years), i'd come across it and be hit with deja vu, then realizing i dreamed about it a year ago :o.

1st time, i dreamed about this picture of a girl lying naking ontop of a bear with a silly expression on his face with the word "cho" in the bottom corner.
Years later, I started reading PVP online the webcomic, and one day i saw a drawing, the same drawing i saw in my dreams years ago, it was a picture of jade lying down nake on a bear with the same silly expression on his face; it was a gift to Scott Kurtz from Frank Cho.

There have been other occasions, but the one that really stood out was the one i just described, because i KNOW i saw it in my dreams before it was even drawn.

Anyone else experience this? Cause when i saw that picture i was really creeped out:huh:
Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

Yeah, sometimes I too have similar experiences. For me I usually just "know" something that will happen, it could be anything, really unimportant stuff, but still things that would be impossible to just guess randomly.

When you dream about such things, it could be you are astral traveling to the future and see something there, so when you wake up "here" you remember things from the future. Most likely, to me, you jump into some paralel existence/dimension very close to this, but just where what would be the future of this existence is the present of the one you visit.

Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

This brings to mind a mundane experience where I was opening a birthday present at a family gathering. When I opened the gift and saw a pair of pants inside, I immediately recalled a dream that I had a few days prior where I opened a gift box that contained a pair of pants. I was so taken back by this experience that I had to force myself put away my emotional reaction and continue as though nothing happened.

As a side note, the "deja vu" experience can be attributed to a neurological condition where a nerve from one eye transmits the visual signal from one eye faster than the nerve from the other eye. This causes the signal from the faster eye to already be in the memory just slightly before the visual signal arrives from the slower eye. This is one explanation of the "Deja Vu" sensation. But if it can definately be recalled by some other means (dream), then it is probably not a neurological cause.

Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

Thanks for the info Darkbreed. I noticed Starlord covered the point I was making in #16 a little bit. Atta boy Star'.
Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

We all have the ability to see into the future during the dream state. It is very normal. If you could figure a way to make it consistenty happen for you, then you would be on your way, so to speak.
Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

does anyone else in this thread see people and animals ,clearly in your perifial vision,then when you turn to look they are gone?
Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

I have read about such things but never encountered it. As I remember, the eye has two types of rods for detecting light. On the outer perimeter are very sensitive cone-shaped rods that are suitable for low light conditions and periferal vision. They are what picks up these images. Cats have a higher percentage of them in their eyes.
Re: Seeing the future while sleeping

I can see auras fairly easy. And I can see some strange color patterns, or sometimes shadowy patterns, on various surfaces such as on a street, on a wall, in the air etc. I think its a form of energy, but I'm still not sure exactly what it is, or why I can see it, or why it appears. But I know its not a physical problems with my eyes or anything like that, because these patterns stay in the same spot even if I move my head and eyes around. Usually they fade away after some time when I look at them. I started to notice them when sitting waiting for the bus just looking down on the pavement really.

I noticed plants and trees have a strong aura, if I look at the woods for example I can see a very clear aura around the trees, specially when it is alittle dark.

And when I am doing healing techniques on people I usually can see some energy/aura too, and often the people I am healing will notice it themself and comment it
